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Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit melted the body, the first to kill Yuan Keqiang.

With the lesson of Tieshan.

Xiao Changfeng’s killing enthusiasm for Yuan Keqiang is stronger than the other two.

Zhang Gongyi and Xu Fuqing may just want to fight against themselves.

But Yuan Keqiang’s goal is the silver snake holy fruit from beginning to end.

So Xiao Changfeng will kill him!

“damn it!”

Yuan Keqiang scolded, but he had no time to think about it.

If he can’t stop Xiao Changfeng’s Vermilion Bird magic body, I’m afraid he will have to explain it here today.

It was 3 people when I came.

Now Meiji and Tieshan are dead, leaving him alone.

Silver Snake Sacred Fruit now he did not have much thought, just to be able to save his life.

This time.

He finally realized the power of Xiao Changfeng clearly.

That is a kind of power that can kill oneself.

Be aware that because of the White Python Secret Realm seal, among those who came in this time.

The strongest is only the 9th layer of Emperor Martial!

Everyone’s realm is similar, so it stands to reason that the strength gap will not be too great.

However, among the geniuses, there must be even more genius evildoers.

Xiao Changfeng is such an evildoer.

Not to mention fighting in the same realm, now the opponent leapfrogs and fights more than ever.

One enemy 3 is still in danger of falling at any time.

This makes Yuan Keqiang careless.

“High-level martial skill: Smoke is heavy!”

Yuan Keqiang vomited suddenly, and suddenly the smoke filled 8 squares.

Want to trap the Vermilion Bird Dharmakaya.

However, Xiao Changfeng used the Vermilion Bird dharmakaya to deal with him for the sake of cold flames.

At this time, the Vermilion Bird Dharma body was not big, but it was burning with cold flames.

Wherever they went, the smoke was directly burned out.

Although Vermillion Bird Undying Scroll is Xiao Changfeng’s last cultivation.

But because of the cold flames, the formidable power is not weak.

At this time, Lengyan Shenhuo was hiding the sky and covering the earth, and Yuan Keqiang’s smoke was basically useless.


Vermilion Bird’s dharma body has indifferent eyes, its wings are like knives, and the blue flames are surging.


The speed of the Vermilion Bird Dharma body is also extremely fast, flying to Yuan Keqiang in the blink of an eye.

Then the huge wings were like two heavenly blades, with the destructive power of cold flames and divine flames, they were cut off boldly.


Yuan Keqiang held the cigarette stick in his hand and fully resisted.

Although the tobacco rod is a high-grade holy artifact, it can block this blade.

But Yuan Keqiang himself couldn’t do it. He was beaten up and flew out, look pale, and blood surged in his throat.


Yuan Keqiang’s eyes are red, he knows Xiao Changfeng’s heart to kill.

At this time, no more hands.

“Tian-level low-level martial skill: Turn smoke into a world!”

Yuan Keqiang held the cigarette stick in his hand and took a deep puff, his abdomen bulged high.

The whole person is like an inflated balloon.

The billowing Spiritual Qi is also fuse together with smoke.

Immediately burst out!


Boundless smoke spurted from Yuan Keqiang’s mouth, and Heaven and Earth changed in an instant.

I saw the smoke actually entangled with the space.

In the end it turned into a world like a cage.

This area is dominated by smoke and supplemented by space.

Trapped the Vermilion Bird Dharmakaya in it.

“I want to kill you, no one can trap me!”

Vermilion Bird’s Fashen looked at Yuan Keqiang coldly.

Immediately, the surging cold flames of the sacred fire all fell into his eyes.

Makes the eyes of the Vermilion Bird Dharmakaya look like two burning suns.

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

The Vermilion Bird Dharmakaya finally displayed Magical Powers.

I saw two condensed and condensed fire lights bursting out of the eyes of the Vermilion Bird body.

The flame is condensed and not scattered, just like Hundred Refinements steel essence.

But its formidable power is not to be underestimated.

The realm transformed by this smog was pierced by two fire lights in an instant.

Immediately, the flames split and cut, directly breaking a big hole.

No matter whether it is smoke or space, these two flames cannot be blocked.

Then the flame shot out and went straight to Yuan Keqiang.


At this time, Yuan Keqiang’s Spiritual Qi was exhausted, and all his methods were used. If he didn’t escape, he would really courting death.

It is a pity that these two fires are too fast, and in the blink of an eye, they caught up with Yuan Keqiang.

Yuan Keqiang quickly used his life-saving means, but he could only block the fire.

The 2nd firelight approached in an instant, directly over the cigarette rod and hit Yuan Keqiang.


Yuan Keqiang uttered a mournful scream, and immediately the whole person was overwhelmed by the fire.

Cold flame god fire is formidable power.

Coupled with Golden Fire Eyes, Yuan Keqiang, who had already suffered damage, could not resist.

Eventually the whole person was burned to ash, leaving only the cigarette rod and storage ring.

The battle on this side is over, but the other 2 sides have not.

At this time, Azure Dragon went straight to Zhang Gongyi.

The Azure Dragon magic body is not good at fighting though.

But that is only compared with the White Tiger battle volume. Compared with Zhang Gongyi, it is naturally much stronger.

“Blue Heavenly Dragon Claw!”

Dragon claw protruded, the air was torn apart, and a harsh sky-splitting sound burst out.

Although Zhang Gongyi’s weather and temperament are not weak, his formidable power is not weak.

But Azure Dragon magic body has a very strong recovery ability.

Even if Zhang Gongyi could hurt the Azure Dragon dharma body, he would soon be able to recover.

In exchange for injury, Zhang Gongyi could only be beaten.

“Divine Dragon Moving it’s Tail!”

The Azure Dragon method is ten meters long, and the dragon tail is like a whip.

Colliding with the ruler, Zhang Gongyi reversed several dozen meters backward.

Although the dragon tail also torn skin and gaping flesh, it quickly recovered.

In this way, Azure Dragon changed his body from injury to injury.

Soon Zhang Gongyi was riddled with scars, and some couldn’t hold back.

After one minute, dragon claw reached out.

The sharp dragon claw was like a steel casting, directly avoiding the ruler, and immediately grabbed Zhang Gongyi’s left hand.

Tear off!

Zhang Gongyi’s left arm was torn off directly by dragon claw, blood dripping and blood flesh blurred.

“my hand!”

Zhang Gongyi looked pale, sweating in cold sweat.

He dared not fight again, and cast teleport quickly back.

And on the other side.

The White Tiger embodied by Xiao Changfeng is also fighting fiercely with Xu Fuqing.

Xu Fuqing has been forced out of the body at this time.

She is not a human, but a Kun family, and the body is a Kun fish.

At this time, she turned into a huge sturgeon 100 meters long, using space as the sea, fighting with Xiao Changfeng.


Xiao Changfeng breaks through, fighting intent.

2 people are fighting like giant beasts in prehistoric times, constantly fleshy body collision. ,

Tiger claw tears the sky, and the fins flap.

Xu Ningqing’s Fleshy body is very strong, and Kunyu is originally a descendant of Kunpeng. Although Bloodline is impure, it is comparable to Sacred Beast.

Unfortunately, Xiao Changfeng’s Divine Physique is stronger.

And the White Tiger Vajra has also reached Great Accomplishment.

After several consecutive collisions, Xu Fuqing was injured and his body was also bloody.

“Magical Powers: tiger’s roar dragon’s cry!”

Xiao Changfeng seized the opportunity and suddenly performed Magical Powers.

Suddenly, the sound waves filled the ears, so Xu Fuqing had a delay.

It was this moment.

Xiao Changfeng’s mana surging, fighting with all his strength, directly hit Xu Ningqing seriously, flew out, and hit the ground.

Yin Hong’s blood dyed was red on the ground, very pungent.

At your fingertips.

Xiao Changfeng broke out and shot with all his strength.

Kill one person, destroy one person, and wound one person.

Show the invincible posture!

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