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This abrupt mutation made everyone stunned.

Immediately looked away.

I saw the person who shot, it turned out to be Iron Mountain!

Iron Mountain is only 7 in Emperor Martial, and was injured before.

Coupled with the existence of Xiao Changfeng, everyone’s attention is placed on Xiao Changfeng.

Iron Mountain was directly ignored.

However, at this time Xiao Changfeng was in a melee fight, and Tieshan didn’t know when to touch the island.

At this time, the big fan-like hand reached out and grabbed the silver snake holy fruit.

“Hehe, it’s mine!”

Tie Shan grinned, and apparently he was not as honest and honest as he seemed.

But he felt the coolness behind him.

Xiao Changfeng’s cold eyes were staring at him, his eyes full of anger.

He also ignored Iron Mountain.

I didn’t expect this big guy to dare to take advantage of it.

“Wait for nothing, run!”

Seeing Tieshan still stunned, Yuan Keqiang suddenly roared.

He and Tieshan are together.

He wanted to snatch himself before, but failed.

So he thought of Tieshan.

He used his smoke cage as a cover.

Coupled with the strong shots of Zhang Gongyi and Xu Fuqing just now.

Blocked Xiao Changfeng’s gaze, allowing Tieshan to dive safely to the island.

At this point Tieshan had already obtained the silver snake holy fruit, so it was time to escape.

After the fight just now.

Yuan Keqiang knew that he was not Xiao Changfeng’s opponent.

Therefore, this is the only way to do it.

Tieshan is not stupid, and feels the cold eyes of Xiao Changfeng, coupled with Yuan Keqiang’s roar.

Suddenly, the Spirit Qi surged, and a teleport appeared 100 meters away.

Xuan even ran towards the gray fog.

Fog can block the view and suppress Divine Consciousness.

It’s not so easy just to escape into the fog and try to find yourself.

“courting death !”

The cold glow in Xiao Changfeng’s eyes was finally angry.

The silver snake holy fruit is about silver light True Yuan, Xiao Changfeng is absolutely impossible to give up.

At this time Tieshan actually wanted to be a fisherman.

Isn’t that about about one’s own destruction?

“9nd punch!”

The majestic and roaring White Tiger Martial Spirit emerged behind Xiao Changfeng.

He stared coldly at Iron Mountain, the platinum aura on his fist was as bright as the sun.

“Tieshan, run away!”

Before this fist is played, Yuan Keqiang feels a sense of crisis that Qiang never had.

Suddenly the pupils shrank suddenly and growled again.

Tieshan also felt this sense of crisis.

But he is good at fleshy body and strength, not speed.

At this time, the whole body was gleaming, each muscle swelled rapidly, and the muscular muscles were like rocks.

Iron Mountain quickly removed an Earth-yellow Battle Armor from the storage ring.

This is a middle grade defense artifact.

It is also the life-saving thing of Tieshan.

Battle Armor is worn on the body, making the already tall Iron Mountain look like a stone giant.


At this time, Xiao Changfeng’s fist has been hit.

As soon as the fist comes out, the horror Qi of Slaughter of Fight Heaven and Earth is to fill the 8 sides.

Let everyone present have a tight heart.

Even if it was Zhang Gongyi and Xu Fuqing, they felt that if they faced this fist directly, they could not retreat.


White Tiger illusory shadow snarled, surpassing lightning.

In an instant, the sky of several hundred meters was torn, and it hit the iron mountain.

Tieshan didn’t have time to dodge, but he felt a lot of pain.

Like being hit by a shooting star.

Ka-cha !

The Battle Armor on his body only supported for a moment, but it quickly shattered in the sound of ka-cha.

Immediately Battle Armor was directly split by the power of this fist all split up and in pieces.

At the next moment, Tieshan flew out, and the whole person spouted blood.

Make the air full of pungent bloody smell.


When Tieshan fell to the ground, the whole person no longer breathed.

His tall, burly body was now like a rag pocket.

The chest was deeply sunken, and a huge fist print appeared.

And he is proud of the powerful fleshy body.

Under this fist, it is impossible to withstand a single blow like tofu.

With one punch, Tieshan died!

This scene made Zhang Gongyi’s three people all shrink in shock, shocked at heart.

Although Iron Mountain is only 7 in Emperor Martial.

But the fleshy body is tough and the defensive power is amazing.

It is them, and it is not so easy to kill Tieshan.

But at this time, it was unable to stop Xiao Changfeng’s punch and was killed on the spot.

This… this is too terrifying.


Xiao Changfeng exhaled slightly, his eyes still cold.

This fist did not keep his hand.

Even after the boxing, the strength reached the ultimate.

This fist can seriously injure the unrelated Buddha.

even more how trifling an iron mountain.

Xiao Changfeng originally planned to give this fist to Zhang Gongyi or Xu Fuqing.

In this way, one of the two must be seriously injured.

But Tieshan’s sudden shot forced him to change his goal.

So Tieshan died.

At this time Tieshan’s body fell to the ground.

The storage ring is worn on his thick fingers.

The silver snake holy fruit is in the storage ring of Iron Mountain.

“You successfully angered me!”

Xiao Changfeng did not rush to get the storage ring.

Instead, he swept his eyes and looked at Zhang Gongyi with three people.

Being swept by this line of sight, all three of Zhang Gongyi were shaking.

It seems to be stared at by prehistoric giant beast.

Fear grows from the bottom of my heart.

“Magical Powers: One Qi Becomes Three Purities!”

Xiao Changfeng was running with all his magic power, and the silhouette suddenly flickered.

2 Dao Fa Shen walked out of his within the body.

“what is this?”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng’s 2 dharma bodies, Zhang Gongyi’s 3 people were stunned.

They are also not ordinary people, and their horizons are found.

At this point, it is natural to see that these two dharma bodies are not phantoms.

It really exists.

And exactly the same as Xiao Changfeng.

Whether it is breath, appearance or strength.

But how is this possible?

Does this mean that there are 2 more Pill Emperor in an instant.

“Azure Dragon Martial Spirit, out!”

Xiao Changfeng loudly shouts, Azure Dragon Martial Spirit, which was ten meters long, appeared behind a magic body.

“Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit, out!”

Xiao Changfeng drank again, and suddenly Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit appeared behind another magic body.

Behind Xiao Changfeng, White Tiger Martial Spirit has not dissipated.

“Martial Spirit Melt!”

Xiao Changfeng drank again, and immediately the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit merged with the dharma body.

It turned into an Azure Dragon with the size of ten meters.

The Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit on the other side is only 3 meters in size because it is not lifted with Soul Crystal.

But because of the existence of cold flame fire, its formidable power is not weak at all.

And finally.

Xiao Changfeng merged with the White Tiger Martial Spirit and turned into a ten-meter-sized White Tiger.

The huge eyes of the tiger shot out a stunning cold glow.

“Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were indifferent, and his words were extremely cold.

Next moment.

The three Xiao Changfeng rushed out together and killed the three Zhang Gongyi.

“Try your best, otherwise we might all have to die here!”

The three facial expression graves of Zhang Gongyi reached the extreme.

They also didn’t expect Xiao Changfeng to have this class of cards.

At this time, it was too late to escape, only to fight to the death.


The battle became extremely fierce instantly.

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