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Xiao Changfeng stood on the ground, and his jade embroidered gold robes hunted.

At this point the natural phenomenon dissipated and he had recovered his original appearance.

Black hair is like ink, long dress hunting, there is nothing in the pupil, unemotional.

His body does not seem to change at all.

But if you look closely, you will find out.

His skin was more delicate, and it had a faint lustrous glow.

It seems as if the whole person has washed the plumbago, not stained with dust.

“Spiritual Qi is rich here, plus just a small bottleneck, this breakthrough is very fast.”

Xiao Changfeng sighed.

Cultivation journey, like rowing a boat upstream, if not, then retreat.

Every breakthrough is extremely difficult.

This time, it is easier to use the rich Spirit Qi in Jiming Temple.

But although the process is easy.

But the strength of Xiao Changfeng has been greatly improved.

“I have more mana, and now if I am using Azure Lotus, I will have more than 3 times left.”

Xiao Changfeng felt the mana that was within the body, and he also had some judgment in his heart.

Azure Lotus requires a lot of mana.

During Divine Transformation Stage, Xiao Changfeng’s mana can only be cast twice.

After the integration stage, it was barely able to perform 3 times.

Now fit into Middle-Stage, there are still many left after 3 times.

“In addition to mana, my Divine Physique has also improved a lot. White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and Vermilion Bird 3 have all made significant progress and are closer to Great Accomplishment.”

The improvement of realm brings full effects.

Mana, Fleshy body, Divine Consciousness, Magical Powers, etc.

It will improve as realm improves.

It’s just not as obvious as a single breakthrough.

But the thing that attracts Xiao Changfeng’s attention most is the Nascent Soul fit.

Inside of Dantian, purple Nascent Soul sat cross-legged, still constantly refining Fire Lotus.

But its silhouette is more solidified.

Although did not try.

However, Xiao Changfeng can sense that if he performs the Nascent Soul fit again, he will definitely explode twice as much power.

Only the specific time cannot be estimated.

“And I’m not just entering Middle-Stage this time, but I’m already solid, equivalent to crossing a realm, comparable to the 5th layer of Emperor Martial.”

Xiao Changfeng knew in his heart that Spirit Qi was strong here, and his breakthrough was not only easier but also faster.

It takes only one step to reach the Middle-Stage Peak.

“One Qi Becomes Three Purities can have 2 dharma bodies of equal strength. If the Nascent Soul fit is displayed again, within the territory of Emperor Martial, I will be invincible.”

Xiao Changfeng judged in his heart.

He alone can defeat the wise Buddha, and can fight Heaven’s Chosen in the 9th layer of Emperor Martial.

However, if the combination of One Qi Becomes Three Purities and Nascent Soul is performed, it will be invincible in the same territory in a short time.

This is a great improvement for him.

“It is less than 9 months before the beginning of September 9th, when the time comes I should be able to reach the Middle-Stage Peak and enter the White Python Secret Realm. My grasp is much greater.”

Being able to break through before going to White Python Secret Realm is a happy event for Xiao Changfeng.

After all, the stronger the strength, the greater the probability of when the time comes for the treasure.

And if they meet people from Xia or Qiu.

He is also more capable to deal with.

“The Spirit Qi in the Thunder Sound Temple and the golden light temple should be more intense, if you have the opportunity, you can try again.”

Xiao Changfeng sensed everyone’s gaze and suddenly fell slowly.

Jiming Temple has only been established for 3000 years, while Golden Light Temple and Thunder Sound Temple have a long history.

Spiritual Qi in its temple is bound to be more intense.

At this point Xiao Changfeng had already hit his mind.

“Little brother, big brother is proud of you!”

Mo Wenjian had already put away the shock at this time and quickly greeted Xiao Changfeng.

He still calls Xiao Changfeng a younger brother, apparently to bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections.

However, Xiao Changfeng didn’t care too much, that’s all that’s false!

“Amitabha, Lord Xiao can accomplish all the good fortune, and is worthy of being a Pill Emperor.”

The Buddha of Galan opened his mouth together, and the shock in his eyes had been suppressed.

But today Xiao Changfeng’s breakthrough still left a deep impression on him.

Xiao Changfeng’s breakthrough was a surprise.

The tour continues.

Xiao Changfeng’s breakthrough was very smooth this time, and there is no need to stabilize the realm.

So he continued to visit with Galan Buddha.

In a ruined temple.

Buddhism Buddha has stood up from the recliner.

“The four natural phenomena just now are not simple, each of them is a top-notch existence, and even Lao Gang has only heard one 4 in the rumors.”

The Buddha Buddha also saw the natural phenomenon of Xiao Changfeng breakthrough.

Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, White Tiger.

Either kind is the existence of God’s words, which gives the wine and meat Buddha a strong shock.

“Pill Emperor advanced by leaps and bounds has become the biggest black horse in this generation. I am afraid there is a big secret in him, but what does this have to do with Lao Kun.”

Suddenly, Buddhism Buddha laughed.

Xiao Changfeng has risen so fast that it has long been targeted by countless people.

The natural phenomenon just now is enough to prove Xiao Changfeng’s out of the ordinary.

But the Buddha of the Flesh and Meat thought for a moment, and the trace of greed that had just been born was wiped out.

“Drinking now, drunk now, worry tomorrow, tomorrow worry!”

The wine and meat Buddha’s drowsiness disappeared. At this time, the wine and meat were taken out of the storage ring.

“Clear rules and regulations, can lock people, but how can lock hearts? The world can only be a Buddha, how can there be wine and flesh in your heart!”

The wine and meat Buddha chuckled, and then swallowed and ate meat.

He looked at the only Buddha statue in the temple that sat down.

Seems to see through the reality of sentient beings!


Jiming Temple is very big, not just a temple.

7 The large stupa has its own characteristics, some are dedicated to chanting and chanting, some are dedicated to meditating, and others are free and easy.

The Official Disciple in Jiming Temple is also loose.

When Xiao Changfeng visited 3 people, many people took the initiative to ask.

When I learned that Xiao Changfeng was a Renowned Pill Emperor.

The whole Jiming Temple was boiling.

Countless people flocked around to watch Xiao Changfeng.

This caused Galan Buddha a headache.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not care, and finally visited the 7 stupas.

Back to the Azure Bamboo quiet room.

“Taking this opportunity will also enable Buddha’s Palm Jelly to grow faster.”

Xiao Changfeng took immortal spirit soil and immortal grass from the storage ring.

Buddha’s radiance near the ruined temple is the richest.

At this time, Buddha’s palm grass appeared greedily absorbing Buddha’s radiance.

The two leaves above also gradually show the outline of a Buddha palm.

Xiao Changfeng and Mo Wenjian spent three days in Jiming Temple.

3 days later.

It was almost time, and the Buddha and the Buddha intended to take 3 people to Thunder Sound Temple.

“Here I go to Thunder Sound Temple. One is to participate in the 3 Temple Buddhist Association, and the other is to discuss the White Python Secret Realm trip. Galan, you should go all out and don’t take it lightly.”

The Buddha of wine and flesh is very serious today.

White Python Secret Realm opened in 100 years, if you miss it, you will have no chance to regret it.

“disciple remember!”

Galan Buddha also returned solemnly.


Sacred Buddha Buddha said no more.

Suddenly took 3 people from Xiao Changfeng, broke through the Secret Realm, and went straight to Thunder Sound Temple.

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