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Xiao Changfeng was above the East China Sea and was in breakthrough during Aoyi’s Life and Death Battle, achieving Integration Stage.

After several months, his realm has reached the combined Early-Stage Peak.

equivalent to Emperor Martial realm 3rd-layer.

But at this time, when visiting Jiming Temple.

Xiao Changfeng suddenly had a feeling in the heart, realm bottleneck was loosening.

Seems to break through to Middle-Stage!

“Amitabha, the strength of Don Xiao is a step further, and he is gratifying. The monk first wished the donor breakthrough success.”

The Buddha of Galan proclaimed a Buddha number to congratulate Xiao Changfeng.

“Many thanks Buddha, today Xiaomou borrowed your temple breakthrough.”

Xiao Changfeng felt that the bottleneck within the body was getting looser.

Suddenly said to Galan Buddha, it was soaring into the sky.

“My younger brother is a cow, and we’re about to break through so soon, Galan Little Monk. Don’t be afraid to go to White Python Secret Realm this time. My younger brother and I will cover you.”

Mo asked Jian Xinsheng to be envious, but he didn’t forget the Buddha of Galan.

Suddenly pats Galan Buddha’s shoulders, a gesture I cover you.

King Heavenly Venerate is his uncle’s grandfather, this time White Python Secret Realm, he is also eligible to enter.

Galan Buddha folded his hands together, unmoved by Mo Wenjian’s words.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng rose into the sky and came to the sky.

“Spiritual Qi here is very rich, it should not only be the Secret Realm developed by the Buddha.”

Xiao Changfeng stands in the air, Divine Consciousness spreads out, sensing the rich Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth.

The place where Jiming Temple is located is Heavenly Venerate Secret Realm.

But it was not developed by the Buddha.

Instead, it was developed by the Golden Rooster Buddha, and then the abbots of the past generations added to it, so that there was Secret Realm.

After 3000 years of precipitation and accumulation.

The concentration of Spirit Qi here is also extremely high, and it is full of Buddha nature, making Spirit Qi and Buddha’s radiance mixed and fused.

Xiao Changfeng was standing in the air at this time, and the place where he is is the most concentrated place of all around Spiritual Qi.

He runs the Great Five Elements Immortal Art, and Spirit Qi suddenly flows from all directions.

Through numerous pores, he was buried in 4 limbs of his limbs.

Look far away.

I saw that Spirit Qi converged into a series of Spirit Qi long dragons, with Xiao Changfeng as the center, and quickly rushed in.

“What happened? Why is Spiritual Qi passing by quickly?”

The movement of Spirit Qi induced by Xiao Changfeng was too great, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone in Jiming Temple.

The 7 stupas stand towering, and this is also Buddha’s radiance.

On top of each pagoda, there is an elder Huider who sits in town.

Among the pagodas, there are many Buddhism disciple.

Among them, the Huiming Master who took away the ghost emperor was also revealed on the top of the stupa, looking into the sky.

“This is about to break through.”

Huiming Master saw the status of Xiao Changfeng.

The elders on the other 6 stupas also appeared together, looking up to Xiao Changfeng.

Although Jiming Temple has no sacred Buddha, every pagoda sits in Elder.

It is the powerhouse of the 9th layer of Paragon.

Maybe which one will break through, ascend and become a Saint!


Xiao Changfeng is at the moment with Magical Powers, and Spirit Qi is in his within the body.

Circulated in the meridian, and eventually became dantian.

Among the dantians, Nascent Soul had opened his eyes at the moment, vomiting with a big mouth.

To condense the already intense Spirit Qi into a more intense mana.

“Emperor Martial environment, in order to explore the Power of Time, divide the realm by the distance of the teleportation, but the Integration Stage is different!”

Xiao Changfeng thought while absorbing the majestic Spirit Qi.

“Integration Stage does not realize Power of Time, but Time Rule. The rule is the foundation, and the power is only spillover, and the integration stage is divided by the power that erupts after the fit.”

“Common Integration Stage, 30% of the power can be exploded in the early stage, 60% of the power in the Middle-Stage, and 1% of the power in the later stage.”

“But my cultivation Great Five Elements Immortal Art, Early-Stage can double, equivalent to ten percent strength, Middle-Stage is twice, and later it should be 2x Strength.”

This is the difference between the Emperor Martial environment and Integration Stage.

It is also the difference between Martial Dao and cultivation.

The symbol of the Emperor Martial environment is teleportation, while the symbol of the Integration Stage is a burst of fit.

Above the East China Sea, Xiao Changfeng just broke through.

So he played the Nascent Soul fit, and within a short period of time doubled his strength, defeating Crown Prince Long Ao Yi.

And now.

Xiao Changfeng wants to break through to the Middle-Stage, and the explosive power will be doubled.

Although it cannot last, it is shocking enough.


Xiao Changfeng suddenly opened his mouth.

Suddenly, there are more and more Spirit Qi dragons, which eventually turned into a huge vortex.

Among Secret Realm, countless Spirit Qi are attracted, submerged in vortex and entered into the body of Xiao Changfeng.

“Spiritual Qi concentration is decreasing!”

Mo Wenjian expression slightly changed.

The concentration of Spirit Qi in Secret Realm is now decreasing at a rate visible to naked eyes.

If the concentration of Spirit Qi in this place is 100 times that of the outside world.

Then now it is only 99 times, 98 times…


Galan Buddha proclaimed the sound of Buddha, but said nothing.

And in the ruined temple, the Buddha of Wine and Meat opened his eyes at this time.

“Why, actually absorb such Spirit Qi, Lao Qu wants to see how much you can absorb!”

Buddhism Buddha did not stop, but watched from the side.

The name of Pill Emperor, name shakes the whole world.

But no one knows why he grew so fast.

The Buddha Buddha is also curious. At this time, I also want to check the clues through this breakthrough.

More and more Spirit Qi is absorbed by Xiao Changfeng.

Soon the Spirit Qi concentration in Secret Realm has dropped to 80 times.

You have to know that this is Heavenly Venerate Secret Realm, but it has accumulated for 3000 years.

The Spirit Qi in it is as majestic as the sea and as thick as pulp.

In a short moment, the Spirit Qi absorbed by Xiao Changfeng was comparable to 1000 top grade Spirit Stones.

“I’m so good, how much Qi he has absorbed through breakthrough, than me.”

Mo Wenjian was dumbfounded.

He cultivation “Gourmet Food” requires Spirit Qi much more than ordinary martial artist.

But at this time I saw Xiao Changfeng breakthrough.

He only knew that he needed Spirit Qi.


A vast aura came from Xiao Changfeng, filling Heaven and Earth.


Mo Wenjian was pleased.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not stop there.

Bang bang bang!

One after another natural phenomenon appeared on Xiao Changfeng.

I saw Azure Dragon Phantom, soaring into the sky and passing away.

Then a blue Fire Phoenix, spread its wings, overlooking the world.

Afterwards, it was a black Tortoise, with a dark foot.

Finally, a white Golden Tiger, Fight Heaven and Earth, dare to compete with Heaven and Earth.

In the end many natural phenomena disappeared.

“what is this?”

Mo Wenjian sucked in a cold breath.

Although the expression of the Buddha of Galan remained immobile, a deep shock appeared in the depth of his eyes.

4 natural phenomena, each of which gave him great pressure.

It is enough to prove its strength and terrifying.


Xiao Changfeng’s violent breath gradually stabilized.

At this time, he has successfully broken through and reached the Middle-Stage.

“In the territory of Emperor Martial, I am invincible!”

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