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“Two little brothers, is this the first time?”

Soon a silhouette came quickly.

This is a burly middle aged big man.

Dahan’s voice is thunderous, giving a bold feeling.

He carried a large knife on his back, imposing manner like a tide.

This great man’s strength is not weak, but it is Sovereign Martial 6th-layer.

“Ang, what happened for the first time?”

Mo Wenjian raised his neck, exposing one’s feelings in one’s speech.

But the big guy did not at all dissatisfied, the smile on his face was still.

“In the next paragraph, did the two little brothers also come for Jiming Temple?”

The big man took the initiative to speak and said his name.

His expression was open and he seemed to care nothing about his abruptness.

“What are we going to do with brother, mind your own business? Is there something going on, nothing going away, don’t block the Young Master’s way.”

Mo Wenjian eyes high above the top, scolded, and immediately took Xiao Changfeng with him.

“Little brother misunderstood.”

Duan Yidao laughed and spoke again.

His eyes were mainly focused on Mo Wenjian.

After all, this is the powerhouse of the Emperor Martial environment.

As for Xiao Changfeng, it is mediocre, and there is no strong breath that can be sensed.

Therefore, as a servant of Mo Wenjian directly.

“I saw that two of them were here for the first time, so I wanted to recommend myself, be a guide for the two, and earn some money.”

Duan Yidao said sincerely, with clear eyes.

“Guide? Then you have to take Young Master to dinner. You have been on the road for more than ten days. Your mouth has long faded out. If the food is not good, you don’t want to get a Spirit Stone.”

Mo Wenjian glanced up and down, and then he spoke.

But the tone is still aloof and remote, arrogant and boundless.

“Little brother, rest assured, I have lived here for a dozen years with a knife. I don’t dare to guarantee that the word 2 is the most proficient.”

“There is a 100-year-old shop here, and the 1000 red drunk in it is a must, to ensure that you two eat and drink well.”

Duan Yidao patted his chest to guarantee.

“Lead the way ahead!”

Mo Wenjian waved his hand and began to lead the way with a knife.

As for Xiao Changfeng, it said nothing.

Behind Mo Wenjian.

“I didn’t want to kill people. Since you are courting death yourself, I have to fulfill you.”

Xiao Changfeng expression does not move, but Divine Consciousness has already spread.

Duan Yidao’s plot against nothing in front of him.

Obviously he regarded Mo Wenjian as an Aristocratic Family disciple.

Arrogant, arrogant, rich, and rich.

This is the distinctive feature of Aristocratic Family disciple.

In the Western Region, in addition to 3 temples and one tower, there are also many forces and families.

Some family disciplines like to travel.

The Jiming Temple is one of the three temples.

Naturally, it attracts many people.

Every year, people come to the city of burial, and some want to see Jiming Temple.

Others want to visit Jiming Temple.

Among them, Aristocratic Family disciple is the biggest fat sheep.

Their realm is high, but the battle strength is weak, and there are more treasures and less eyes.

Such a person is a fat piece of meat in the eyes of the martial artist in the city.

This is exactly what I think at this time.

“Finally a fat sheep finally came. This time, Lord Emperor, they took the big head. I can also order soup he he.”

Duan Yidao thought to himself, but the boldness on his face was very strong.

He is not alone.

Behind him, there is an organization.

Specially used to deal with these foreign fat sheep.

As for Mo Wenjian’s identity, he was never worried.

The people who gathered in this burial city were all vicious people, who had few lives in their hands and were never chased and killed.

Just kill him, even if there is Saint behind him.

They couldn’t find their trouble when they came to the city.

The sky is falling and Jiming Temple is still on it!

“This fat sheep is Emperor Martial. It is important for the Emperor Evil Emperor to be able to do it, but the two adults of the Ghost Emperor and the Night Emperor will not let go, but this is their business. It is enough for me to earn my small share. .”

Duan Yidao is not greedy.

He knows very well that he is only in the Sovereign Martial realm, and there are many more powerful than himself in this burial city.

Take the initiative to lead the monarch into the urn, anyway, there is still money for errands.

He also only earns money for errands, and others dare not take it.

As for the evil emperor, ghost emperor and night emperor, they are the three most powerful Emperor Martial powerhouses in the city.

They each have their own power, occupying one side, be regarded as the overlord in the city.

As for the Paragon Powerhouse, it has long been worshipped at Jiming Temple, how can it be buried in this city.

“Heaven Martial realm and Sovereign Martial realm are the most, and Emperor Martial realm also has 2 people!”

At this time Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness spread out, covering 3000 meters.

Within 3000 metres, he sensed the strength of many martial artists.

There is no ordinary person in the burial city, and there is no weak martial artist.

Because of his weakness, he has been eliminated by others.

Within 3000 meters, there are 2 powerhouses in the Emperor Martial environment.

Although it’s just the Emperor Martial environment, it’s not to be underestimated.

At this time all around everyone’s eyes still fall on them.

As if waiting for an opportunity.

“3 forces!”

At this time, Xiao Changfeng also judged Three Great Influences through observation.

Martial artists on the evil emperor’s side are basically wearing dark red long clothes.

The martial artist on the ghost emperor’s side is wearing a short shirt of Tibetan azure.

The martial artist on the night emperor’s side, dressed in black.

Different dresses and different breaths make it easy to judge.

Obviously the 3 emperors did not intend to cover up on this.

“Two little brothers, the old Li Family store is here!”

Duan Yidao finally arrived at his destination.

I saw in front of a 5-Layer Inn.

One has 2 2 floors to eat, and the next 3 floors are for accommodation.

Soon, three people walked into the old Li Family store, and there were many guests in the store.

However, after seeing Xiao Changfeng and Mo Wenjian, they both quietly calm down.

Duan Yidao ignored them and took Xiao Changfeng and Mo Wenjian to the second floor.

“Good wine and good food are served to Young Master, Young Master is not bad!”

Mo Wenjian patted the table, revealing four storage rings on his fingers.

Mo Wenjian’s 4 storage rings are all advanced storage rings, which have a large space and many things.

“Wang Mazi, did you hear that, good wine and good food quickly delivered to the two little brothers!”

Duan Yidao also shouted at a small face full of pockmarks.

“Yes, yes, go here.”

Wang Mazi nodded his waist, and left quickly.

“What’s that knife? I heard that Jiming Temple is here. Why didn’t the Young Master come and see it for so long?”

While waiting for the food and drink, Mo Wenjian also asked.

Although he knew that Jiming Temple would open once every 100 days, he did not know the exact time.

Since Duan Yidao took the initiative to come to the door, he would not let it go.

Xiao Changfeng, while Divine Consciousness is spreading out, is also paying attention here.

On the first day of June is the 6 Temple Buddhist Association. If it is too long, he may abandon Jiming Temple and leave directly.

After all, people at Jiming Temple can also be seen at the 3 Temple Buddha Meeting.

“Jiming Temple is open once every 100 days. It’s not time yet.”

Duan Yidao also understood that without saying anything, he could not gain the trust of Mo Wenjian.

Moreover, this is not a secret.

“After 3 days, I heard that Jiming sees the rising sun, then I can see Jiming Temple!”

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