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Bai Yun in the sky, 2 long rainbow thread whistled past.

It is Xiao Changfeng and Mo Wenjian.

“Little brother, big brother lost money this time. Look at me. Now I have no Spirit Stone in my body. This time we go to Jiming Temple. Let’s take advantage of the opportunity to pay the big ticket. Otherwise, life will not be easy!”

Mo Wenjian had just finished his meal and was picking his teeth with a toothpick.

His cultivation “Gourmet Engulfing Gong” has nothing else but swallowing.

Simple and rude!

But the biggest problem is the lack of Spirit Stone.

Before he broke into Emperor Martial, he spent a total of more than 1500 top grade Spirit Stones.

So many Spirit Qi, it is reasonable to be enough for others to break through several realm.

So he is very poor, very very poor.

There is an urgent need to earn Spirit Stone, otherwise cultivation will be equivalent to stagnation.

This is unacceptable to him.

“Oh? What do you want to do?”

Xiao Changfeng was slightly surprised.

Don’t Mo Wenjian want to rob Jiming Temple?

Although Jiming Temple is the weakest of the 3 temples.

But it is only compared to Thunder Sound Temple and Golden Light Temple.

Jiming Temple has Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

And although there is no Buddha, there is always a Paragon powerhouse.

Don’t ask the sword to trifling an Emperor Martial environment, or just a breakthrough, is there such a big courage?

“Hehe, younger brother, although you are Pill Emperor, but you are not familiar with the Western Region, you don’t know that although Jiming Temple is one of the 3 temples, it is also a very special place.”

Mo Wenjian grinned and ticked his teeth, then introduced to Xiao Changfeng.

“Thunder Sound Temple has a long history and has always been a Buddhist orthodox self. Most of the Buddhism disciple in it is carefully selected. Although the golden light temple is slightly weaker, it also pays attention to the Buddha’s fate. Only Jiming Temple is different. “

“Jiming Temple was established the shortest, and the Golden Rooster Buddha rebelled from the Thunder Sound Temple, so the recipes of the Jiming Temple are all refused by the comers, fish and dragons mixed in together. There are many illegal people. .”

“Simply put, Jiming Temple is one word: chaos!”

Mo Wenjian is a native of the Western Region, although he often stays in the Yan Yu Desert.

But the understanding of the 3 temples is naturally much higher than that of Xiao Changfeng.


Xiao Changfeng slightly frowned.

And Mo Wenjian saw that he was so expressive and laughed, he continued.

“Every place has traitors, and in the Western Region, these people will become the targets of the Buddhist discipline shouting and killing, so many people have entered under the gate of Jiming Temple, through the gold signboard of Jiming Temple , Can avoid being chased by the disciplines of Thunder Sound Temple and Golden Light Temple.”

“As for Jiming Temple, it is very loose. As long as they don’t violate their own precepts, they won’t care. Therefore, there is real chaos in Jiming Temple. When the time comes, we cooperate to attract a few greedy people. Earning Spirit Stone is not a dream.”

Mo Wenjian smiled a little obsessed.

Obviously this is not the first time he has emerged.

Maybe he had done it before.

After all, it is hard work to earn Spirit Stone.

Kill the arson gold belt!

Moreover, these people are not good people, and killing them also kills the people.

Why don’t you do anything that you can do in one fell swoop?

“And when the time comes, even if we don’t find anything, they will take the initiative to come to the door.”

Mo Wenjian spit out the toothpick and rubbed his hands, as if some impatient.

Xiao Changfeng was puzzled, but didn’t say much.

He went to Jiming Temple this time to investigate the traces of ghost monks.

If there is a provocation that does not have long eyes, he does not mind killing the people.

Western Region is very large, although it is not comparable to Middle-earth, but it is also larger than Eastern Region.

Fortunately, Jiming Temple is not far away.

After 7 days, 2 people reached their destination.

“The city is in the front!”

Mo Wenjian raised eyebrow and said excitedly.

Jiming Temple is not outside, just like Holy Land and Heavenly Venerate Secret Realm in Middle-earth.

Jiming Temple is also located in Secret Realm, you need to find the entrance to enter.

Although Nandara Temple is also Holy Land, it is because of the protection of the golden light stupa.

So I had to stand outside the temple.

The entrance to Jiming Temple is in this burial city.

“Brother, this burial city was a fierce name in the early years, but it was a real burial cemetery. After the death of countless creatures, it was thrown here.”

“Later, the Golden Rooster Buddha came here and chose to build the Jiming Temple here, but it made a lot of sense. It is said that the Golden Rooster Buddha wanted to surpass the dead souls of this place, and let the world no more sorrow.”

“Now the burial cemetery has disappeared, but the burial city is still there. However, the evil here is very evil, and there are many dead souls that have not dissipated, so the cowardly and weak people dare not stay here. The residents are all fierce and powerful.”

Mo Wenjian spoke to Xiao Changfeng.

Jiming Temple is the most special temple.

There are many special features, and the city of burial is one of them.

“Jiming Temple is opened every 100 days. Only then will the real Buddhism powerhouse of Jiming Temple come to recruit the discipline. These people in the city are actually not the discipline of Jiming Temple. They just hang a name that’s all .”

Mo Wenjian is obviously very familiar with this place and explains it to Xiao Changfeng casually.

The Jiming Temple disciplinary has 7-80000, but most of them are as famous as the city of burial.

In short, it is a group of mob that’s all.

I don’t know what the Jiming Temple and the Golden Rooster Buddha thought.

If not every abbot of Jiming Temple is Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

I’m afraid Jiming Temple has been delisted long ago.

“Huiyin Land!”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness erupted, sensing the burial city in the distance.

The burial city is huge, shaped like a skeleton.

There are also many people in it, but Yin Qi is heavy.

Even in the middle of the day, the sunlight falling into it seems very bleak.

This is a very typical place of Huiyin.

Gather 8 Yin Qi, condensed in a city.

It stands to reason that this topography is the easiest to nourish Devil or Yin Attribute Demonic beast.

For example, Nine Headed Snake in Azure Dragon Mountain.

However, although Yin Qi is rich in the city, it is not at all particularly powerful existence.

Perhaps it is because Jiming Temple is here!

“Little brother, go, the big brother takes you into the city.”

When Mo Wenjian saw the city of burial, he was not only scared but excited.

It seems that this burial city is a large Spirit Stone in his eyes.

Xiao Changfeng expression does not move, follow up.

There was a huge gate in the city.

However, the city gate was built with a huge skull.

I don’t know what the Demonic beast is, but it is 100 meters in size.

Walking into the city gate is like walking into the mouth of a demon.


When Xiao Changfeng and Mo Wenjian walked into the mass grave.

Countless lines of sight in the city suddenly looked over.

There is surprise, mockery, disdain, and sigh.

It seems that 2 people have entered the monster Cave Mansion.

In the city of burial, there are not only human beings, but also demonic beasts.

There are even some dead souls with naked eyes that are not visible.

“Younger brother, there is business at home.”

Mo Wenjian suddenly whispered to remind.

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness found several silhouettes with a sneer on his face.

this moment.

Come alone in the burial, demons and ghosts come!

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