Supreme Naruto

Chapter 575

Konoha Ninja Village, Hokage Office.

Tenten was summoned by six generations of Hokage Kakashi.

“Hokage, are you looking for me?”

Perhaps it is because Konoha’s sixth-generation Hokage is less focused on form, or because of the lingering relationship between the six-generation Hokage and Mattekai, when the Katek’s Disciple and Chunin Tenten saw the six-generation Hokage, it was not formal. Not even nervous.

But soon Tenten found that today’s Kakashi and the normal six-generation Hokage adults are somewhat different.

It seems… more serious.

Also, the beauty secretary around Hokage today is not there.

Tenten’s corners of the eye swept all the way around, and the ears listened carefully.

The Beauty secretary doesn’t seem to be in the secretary’s office either.

Then… at the moment, this office is only her and Kakashi.

With all the signs in mind, Tenten anticipates that it is not a common occurrence to find her today.

On the Hokage seat, Kakashi’s slightly hesitant look stunned at the moment he saw Tenten.

Unconsciously, Kakashi thought of an old man and was chosen as the three-tailed Jinchūriki.

“Hokage adults?”

Tenten was stared at by Kakashi with some hair, and he was not tentatively screamed.

Kakashi finally returned to God.

“Well… I am looking for you today… there is an important Quest to hand over to you.”

Kakashi calmed down the complex mood and asked: “Tenten, do you know something about Jinchūriki?”

When I heard Jinchūriki, Tenten thought of Naruto.

Naruto within the body Tail Beast broke out and destroyed the Anbu building. Many people know it.

Kaidō: “Learn some.”

Kakashi nodded.

Then I explained: “Then you should know that Iwagakure Ninja Village and Kumo Shinobi Village have two Jinchūriki events.”

Iwagakure Ninja village Jinchūriki Incident, four-tailed Jinchūriki and five-tailed Jinchūriki disappeared, and Kumo Shinobi village broke the village of Iwagakure Ninja.

Kumo Shinobi village Jinchūriki Incident, two-tailed Jinchūriki was kidnapped by Iwagakure Ninja village, which is the fuse of the fourth endurance war.

These things involve too much, and you can’t hide them, and you don’t have to hide them.

So in Konoha, all of them are in Shinobi.

Tenten Kaidō: “Know.”

Kakashi sighed: “The importance of Jinchūriki is also very clear to you.”

“The village, can’t live without Jinchūriki.”

“At least in other villages, we can’t live without it.”

Kakashi’s demeanor is solemn, and Tenten’s heart is more and more uneasy.

“Hokage adults…you are looking for me today…to…”

Kakashi took a deep breath.

“Konoha needs Jinchūriki, and you are the Konoha executive elected to be Jinchūriki.”

Then Kakashi said a lot.

A lot of comforting words, there is encouragement.

Speaking of responsibilities and obligations.

It also talks about glory and dedication.

But most of these Tenten didn’t listen, and Tenten felt that he was a bit stunned.

Jinchūriki is Monster in the mouth of the Konoha villagers.

It’s a monster, it’s ominous.

These are even deep feelings for her, because she knows Naruto.

She knows about Naruto’s encounter at Konoha.

The child of the fox, the entire Konoha, in addition to Hokage, the most famous person is Naruto.

And now, she wants to be Jinchūriki.

and then? Will her teammates see her eyes change?

Xiao Li, and Hyuga Neji will treat her as Monster in the future?

She is also an orphan, better than Uzumaki Naruto. She inherits all the property of her parents.

She doesn’t have many friends. If even a few people don’t care about her, then she…

Kakashi felt Tenent’s mood was wrong, and he didn’t even hear Tyent see what he said.

Helplessly sighed.

“To find you today is to make you feel prepared.”

“The Tail Beast to be merged is a gentle three-tailed…”

“Well, today’s business cannot be disclosed to anyone. This is Konoha’s top secret. What is revealed… is rebellion…”

Kakashi can’t say anything any more, he can only say: “Let’s go to rest.”

Look at original The cheerful Tenent is going out and going out.

Kakashi’s psychology is not a taste.

He thought of Naruto.

The pressure that Jinchūriki has withstood is only felt by Jinchūriki himself.

That is isolated by the entire World.

Misunderstood by everyone.

Ununderstood, untrusted feelings… that kind of stress…

Kakashi closed his eyes and he was not puzzled by Naruto leaving the village, even the bottom of the heart, and blessings.

This kind of emotion should not be his Hokage, but his heart is remembered in his heart.

Or hidden in the bottom of the heart.

Just when Konoha had chosen Tenten to be a three-tailed Jinchūriki.

Naruto is still standing outside the ghost, sealing Mōryō, under the active volcano erupting at this time.

Aster has just confessed to Naruto, and Naruto received a message from Obito in his sleep.

Three tails! Caught by Jiraiya!

Originally arrested three tails in Naruto’s view, and there is no reason to fail.

Spirit network.

Naruto found Obito.

Asked: “What? How did it fail? How many people did you use?”

Obito one by one Kaidō : “The situation… the three tails were taken away by Jiraiya.”

“We thought that Konoha would come, but I didn’t expect to send Jiraiya directly…”

“Akatsuki Organization has sent two people, me, and absolutely.”

In other words, Jiraiya took the three tails under the eyes of the two players.

Obito probed: “Would you like to launch the Akatsuki Organization and attack Konoha?”

“But in this case, Uchiha Itachi probably won’t join.”

Will not join?

Naruto scoffed at Obito’s statement.

It is not going to join, and Uchiha Itachi is mostly directly rebellious.

Others don’t know, Naruto still knows that Uchiha Itachi is the undercover of the three generations of Hokage placed in the Akatsuki Organization.

But…the embarrassing thing is that only three generations of Hokage are known.

The three generations of Hokage are dying.

“give it to me……”

After careful thinking, Naruto finally made a decision.

Obito stunned, “But how can this be explained?”

Naruto proudly said: “Cut, do I have to explain to him?”

After loading it, Naruto said: “The Akatsuki Organization has two more places? Leave one for me.”

Obito understood, “Do you want to formally join the Akatsuki Organization?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Well, when I got the three tails back, I formally joined the Akatsuki Organization.”

Obito asked: “That… that little squirrel…”

Naruto: “Don’t worry, that I have my own arrangements, let it continue to occupy that pit.”

Naruto doesn’t say that the flying squirrel has become a plaything for preserved eggs.

The communication between Spirit is just a blink of an eye for the real world.

Zi Yan also stood in front of Naruto with a red face, waiting for Naruto’s reply.

“Naruto, you… don’t like me?”

Naruto start to talk said: “How come, you are so cute.”

At this moment, Hinata came out and said that it was halfway to live.

A look of confused and silly looks at the scene.

It’s bad…

Naruto quickly replied: “The kind of brother and sister like it.”

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