Supreme Naruto

Chapter 574

Seal the cave of Mōryō.

It is accurate to say that it should be the internal of an active volcano.

Naruto flew to the top with purple eyes and looked down.

Focusing on the seal altar, the hot Magma keeps bubbling.

At the same time A lot of connected stone pillars were shattered and collapsed because of the painful screams of the dragon.

“Purple, let your Strength be injected into the spiral pill in my hand.”

On Naruto’s hand, a fist-sized spiral pill is formed centering on the bell.

If you use a spiral pill, you have to add a bell.

Naruto is actually not very clear. According to the development of the original World, the monster was hit by this trick.

Naruto, naturally, there is no reason not to use it.

Ziyu raised his hand indefinitely, Naruto encouraged: “It doesn’t matter, although this bell can seal your Strength, now you can completely rush out of this seal and inject Strength into it.”

For Naruto, Zi Yan chooses to believe.

Inject the unique feature of the witch into the spiral pill.

For a time, the spiral pill shrouded the level XiumX purple.

“More! It’s not enough!”

The spiral pill expands again.

Naruto raised his hand and injected Chakra into the spiral pill at the same time.

The spiral pill rose from the size of the washbasin to the wheel, and then climbed all the way, quickly becoming as big as a house.

The purple light is big, Naruto behind has a fierce wing, and Naruto is holding the purple scorpion from the sky.

From the hole in the altar, I rushed in!

The purple spiral pill that blends with the sable witch is unimpeded in Mwithryō’s with the body.

“Naruto !Attack that thing!”

“That’s the guy’s Heart!”

Naruto is a hundred meters behind, is a purple crystal.

Naruto did not hesitate to listen to the purple scorpion, and pressed the spiral pill up.

With a loud noise.

“Hey! Hey!”

The crystal seems to be a glass that cracks a few lines, “ping!” Exploded.

The body of the dragon is violently distorted.

Naruto within the body, the preserved egg warns: “Don’t touch the crystal! Don’t hack the body of the dragon! World will have come! Now escape!”

Naruto did not feel the World will.

However, there is no doubt about the words of preserved eggs.

After hearing the instructions of the preserved eggs, Xunzhen accelerated to the extreme, and Naruto rushed out with the purple eyes!

After Mōryō died, Magma was inexplicably boiling.

The stone pillars connected to each other on Magma collapsed in succession.

The first to fall into Magma is the most central altar.

The dragon also burst open at this moment, and the body fell into Magma.

Naruto has flew to the top of the volcano with purple eyes.

Looking back, I just saw the scene at the moment.

Is Magma, which swallows the body of the dragon, controlled by World?

Naruto both hands hold the purple scorpion in his arms, and the idea moves a grasshopper to the crater of the top closed blast.

Naruto follow closely from behind.

The road opened with a grasshopper and rushed out of the volcano.

Soon, not too long.

The boiling Magma finally couldn’t hold back and rushed out from the crater.

This active volcano erupted!

Feeling the explosion of the volcano, Hinata quickly called Naruto.

Spirit network.

“Naruto Jun! Are you okay?”

Naruto Kaidō: “I am fine, no injuries, the monster has been killed, what about you?”

Hearing the celebrity, the heart of Hinata is finally sighed in relief.

Kaidō: “I am still obeying your orders… oh my brother.”

Still oh?

Naruto scanned the map.

At this point, Hinata’s location is 60 kilometers away.

Hyuga Neji was chased by Hinata for 60 kilometers?

Oh, this little bitch is really bad enough.

“That… Hyuga Neji is okay now?”

Hinata quickly Kaidō: “No problem, just a flesh wound, um… there is a slight burn… I have been chasing them with Katon (Fire Release).”


Yes, there is also a Sakai.

“Okay, give them a few tricks, then give them a chance to let them escape.”

After Hinata promised, Naruto hung up the call.

Naruto flew away from the volcano with purple eyes and eventually landed on a rocky mountain seven or eight kilometers away.

“Naruto…you… let me down.”

Naruto put the sable on the ground.

Purple eyes are barefoot.

Naruto found a pair of shoes in the System warehouse for the sable.

Purple eyes are wearing red shoes, “Thank you.”

Naruto smiled politely. “Little things, it’s you, what are you going to do next? Mōryō has been wiped out. Is the witch’s work over?”

Zi Yan thought for a moment, “Although this Mōryō has been eliminated, but in case there are other things? So I intend to continue to be a witch.”

“And, I want to pass the Witch’s Strength to the next generation.”

The witch’s face is reddish, “Naruto… would you like to lend me Strength?”

Passing the Witch’s Strength to the next generation, willing to lend me Strength?

This next generation of Strength…it won’t be…

Hey… Naruto took a deep breath.

The sable grows very sign.

It is very similar to Hinata. They stand together and say that they are sisters.

One is a brunette Princess.

One is the white hair Princess.

Still sister flowers.

If you can hang together…

Naruto’s uncontrollable imagination is united.

Within the body, Naruto said to the preserved egg: “This purple cicada… does she have World will?”

The skin protein has a look at Naruto.

I look at your ass and I know what you look like.

“As long as it is the creature of this World, it can become the carrier of World will.”

“And the witch is the best carrier of World will.”

“So, what do sisters spend, you still don’t think about it.”

Is this?

Naruto has some loss in her heart.

Retorted: “No? If all can be the carrier of World will, then isn’t Hinata not?”

Preserved eggs are taunted: “Do you think of this question?”

“I thought I knew it already.”

“You are right, even if it is Hinata.”

Seeing Naruto’s expression changed a lot, and the preserved egg had a turn.

“But it’s not absolute. As long as you don’t find it by World will, you and your monkey are all right.”

“But if it was discovered by World will…”

“Then you will wait for the disaster to come.”

“You need to know about Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.”

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, a woman who is tied to SM by her own son KO.


“So… for safety reasons, have you taken this World anyway?”

“Then wait for me to take it… Purple…”

Naruto eyes suddenly brightened.

Aster and Hinata are too much like it.

Let Naruto want to be involuntary.

Prey Kaidō: “Isn’t you? You haven’t been so greedy in the past?”

The expression of the preserved egg is serious. “It will not be that World will have discovered it?”

“And then you are together?”

Naruto was nervous by the preserved egg.

The preserved egg has shaken the shook head: “It may not be. You are standing on the side of World will this time, it should be taken care of by World. Maybe your peach blossoms will not rise.”

“Unfortunately, the Rule about this aspect, I can’t touch it now, can’t help you see if it’s a peach blossom.”

Naruto heard this sentence again relaxed.

I saw Naruto for a long time and couldn’t help but ask: “Naruto, don’t you like me?”

Naruto opened his mouth and didn’t know how to do it.

The cicada has the courage to look at the eyes of the love at the bottom of Naruto: “But I love you.”

boom! This moment is like a blue sky.

At this same time, Obito suddenly applied for a call.

Naruto didn’t pick up because of the brain.

Then Obito sent Naruto.

System Tip: “Receive Obito’s message.”

System Tip: “This message is a four-star permission message, which is automatically broadcast according to Rule.”

System broadcast: “Naruto! Three tails were caught by Jiraiya!”

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