Supreme Naruto

Chapter 564

“You are… Konoha’s shinobi?”

“Is Konoha not refusing to commission?”

When Naruto solved all the enemies, Zi Yan asked the doubts in his heart.

Apparently she also regarded Naruto as a Hyuga family.

“I am not Shinobi of Konoha, soft boxing… It is a chance to learn.”

“Witches, these few people, do you think it will be handed over to you for trial, or will I help you for your work?”

It is not very important for Naruto to be Konoha’s shinobi sable.

It’s just because Wu Nan and the widowed woman in the bedroom have nothing to look for, but by the way, they are still curious.

“These people will be handed over to you, and those who hand it to the spikes may not be able to ask anything.”

Naruto smiles nodded.

This is a wise choice. Give shinobi to the ordinary person for questioning. It’s really enough to ask.

At this time, the footsteps of the huā lā lā iron bars hit outside.

But those people were resisted by the earth wall.

“Come on the wall! Activate! ”

“The witch girl can’t be accidentally!”


The sound of the wall rang, and Naruto ignored it, disappearing with four people.

Without the maintenance of the surgeon, the earth wall formed by Chakra quickly collapsed.

The full ear, the guardian with glasses rushed in. “Miss Purple is all right!”

Miss Zi Yan is the name of the purple sable in the private ear.

If there is a sacrifice or an outsider, it will be called a witch or an adult.

“I am fine.”

“I went to the temple, you find someone to fix it for me.”

The earth wall collapsed and the purple scorpion went out.

Shizui quickly stopped the road: “The whereabouts of the incoming shinobi are unknown, at this time still do not…”

Zi Yan interrupted: “Those people have already been solved, you don’t have to worry about it, arrange someone to help me fix it, and then go back and count the casualties.”

Was it solved? How was it solved? Who was solved?

The foot continued to follow the purple ass’s ass.

Zi Yan simply said things, after learning that it was actually the person he recruited, the heart of the foot suddenly sighed in relief.

“That’s great, I will go back and meet this adult when I wait.”

“With the protection of this adult, Miss Ziyan can also guarantee your safety.”

There is no smile on the face of Zi Yan. “No, I will let him leave the country of ghosts tonight.”

The body of the foot has froze, and it is hard to find a backer, but to drive away?

“Miss Purple, that’s your safety…”

Ziyan Kaidō: “Isn’t it commissioned to Kumo Shinobi Village?”

Said, Ziyan regardless of the discretion of the foot, a person went to the partial hall to go.

At the moment when the four shinobi rushed to her, she suddenly felt a sense of relief.

If she dies, there will be no more people because she is dead.

She thought so at the time.

But then Naruto suddenly appeared.

With one’s own strength, the four formidable shinobi, which guards the country of the ghost, is completely solved.

The formidable gave her a great sense of security, which made her heartbeat faster and happy.


She saw the death of the man.

All the illusions of death she saw from birth to now, unless the person leaves her, will die for a variety of reasons.

She believes that this will not be an accident.

So after Naruto left, after she calmed down, Zi Yan decided to let Naruto leave her.

The farther you leave, the better.

She can’t be tied to others anymore.

“Jingle Bell……”

The bell that was inserted in the clothes on the chest suddenly sounded, and it was the illusion of death!

The purple pupil’s pupil was enlarged, and she saw a stone man who could not see the head and was marching in the direction of no name.

I saw the stone man holding the long spear into the body of the foot.

The scalp is dying…

The illusion of death disappeared, and the whole person of the purple scorpion stood in the same place.

“Miss Purple, the casualties have been counted.”

Purple eyes are coming back.

How long has she been here?

The sable does not know, only the legs are already numb.

Just now she was thinking about the childhood, when the spikes were small, they grew up together.

She is her servant and her playmate.

At that time, mother had not left yet, and it was her most happy time.

“You are bothering, how many times have I said that I don’t have to inform me about this kind of thing!”

The purple cicada expression is ice-cold, but the foot is not meant to be.

In the temple, who knows the temperament of the purple scorpion?

“Is that person gone?”

Zi Yan asked.

Foot Kaidō: “Not yet.”

The sable spleen said: “I didn’t let you drive him away? What did you do? Is this something that can’t be done?”

A corner of the mouth of the mouth.

Have you said let me go to catch people? Didn’t you just say that you said it at night?

Although the foot is tsukkomi in the heart, but the mouth is not back.

Zi Yan still wants to use the title, but she can’t play it if she doesn’t pick up.

“What about people? Take me there.”

The foot is full of grievances, “Miss Purple… If you really drive people away, then your safety…”

Zi Yan seized the opportunity and angered: “Do you dare to refute my words? You are just a vassal! Who gives you the courage!”

Zi Yan’s acting is still good.

However, she despised the understanding of her.

Therefore, the performance has been somewhat overdone.

Feet felt that the lady today is a bit abnormal.

Is it… was scared by the invaders?

When Shizui was thinking, Zi Zi screamed: “I ask you something, you dare not answer? Forget it, you still pack up and leave, don’t appear in front of me again, I will bother you when you see it.” “”

Let me go?

This kind of drama has finally felt a touch of familiarity.

A similar thing happened in the past.

The servant who worked well was smashed by the purple.

And directly rushed to leave.

The reason he also knows is that Miss Ziyan saw the illusion of death of the man.

“Miss Purple…who are you seeing something…”

Suddenly a quiet room.

Zi Yan opened his mouth. “I am reprimanding you. Your servant has even asked me to come. Do you know your identity?”

The sable continues to hold strong.

However, the face of the purple ear was found to be whiter than just now.

Sick white, white scary.

“Miss Purple, you tell me directly, do you see me dead?”


This time, Zi Yan’s mouth shook, but when she saw the fear in her eyes, she said it directly. “Yes, if you stay with me, you will die.”

“So, for you, it’s good for me, you still leave.”

Foot spikes took a deep breath.

The complex mood was calmed down, and after a brief panic, the ears and ears were calmed down.

“Actually, I have thought that there will be such a day, so I really don’t want to be your guard.”

Purple 菀 Kaidō: “That’s just right, you can go now.”

Ashe continued: “At that time, I had a day when I couldn’t wait until the day.”

Aster is nodded, indicating understanding.

Shizu suddenly smiled: “But now I am not so scared, I am ready to die for you.”

The expression on the face of Zi Yan froze.

Not happy, but really angry: “You are like this! Let you go, you don’t go! Good! Then wait for me to die!”

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