Supreme Naruto

Chapter 563

New Kumo Shinobi Village.

In the former Iwagakure Ninja village office, the entrusted brow in Raikage looks at the hand was wrinkled.

Entrusted by the Ghost Country, S-level 200 10,000 two bookings.

It can be said that this is a very rich Quest.

But what makes Raikage hesitate is that the country of ghosts and the country of fire are inextricably linked.

And in the past, the Quest of the Ghost Country was handed over to Konoha.

Raikage thought about it, then threw the trust aside and one meditated.

Although 200 is very expensive, but Kumo Shinobi Village occupies the territory of the country, the financial resources of a country can be far more than that.

In other words, this money he really can’t see now.

Moreover, the current fighting is urgent, and a village in Kumo Shinobi Village is divided into two parts to occupy the two countries. This is somewhat difficult.

In this case, there are some gains do not make up for the losses.

“Returning to the Ghost Country, Kumo Shinobi Village refused to entrust at this stage.”

Raikage start to talk, the secretary next to him respected Kaidō: “Yes!”

“But…the above said that the monster has the Strength that destroyed World…”

The secretary is hesitant.

Raikage dismissed it: “It’s just the strength of the world who destroyed World. Tail Beast is also the Strength that destroyed World in their eyes. Isn’t World still there?”

“And Tail Beast has long been used for us.”

The secretary once again bowed to the ceremony: “Understand, I know what to do.”

At this same time, four people with pale faces and white robe came to the periphery of the ghost country.

The four stood on the tip of the tree, far from the country of the ghost.

“Is this the country of ghosts? It seems that there is no smell of Expert.”

The person who spoke was a man with a purple hair. He stood at the forefront and the other three stood in his behind, seemingly headed by him.

The person with yellow hair starts to talk: “There is no exclusive shinobi in the country of the ghosts. This Quest should only be used as an outing.”

Another white-haired, veiled person asked: “Would we still use those little sisters who gave us the honor?”

The purple-haired person thought for a moment, “The thing is precious after all, let’s go and test it first.”

“Let’s go, don’t let the honor wait.”

The language is closed, and the purple-haired man took the lead.

This scene falls in the eyes of Hyuga Neji, also hidden in the forest.

Hyuga Neji read the lip language according to the changes in the lips of several people.

“It seems that the country of the ghost has indeed encountered foreign enemies.”

Sakai expressionless said: “This has nothing to do with us. We are only responsible for collecting messages and passing them back.”

“What have you seen?”

Sakai took out the letter bucket and carried the pen. It looked like it was going to be recorded.

Hyuga Neji simply saw what he saw, and guessed it.

Sakai did not drop the pen, but collected the pen. “That’s just your guess. Our Quest is to collect accurate information before it can be passed back.”

“If you can’t confirm it, then you can confirm it.”

Hyuga Neji has no rebuttal.

Instead, I chose to close my eyes.

“I have to rest and follow their speed for six minutes before I can reach the temple.”

Five minutes later, Hyuga Neji once again opened Byakugan (roll eyes) and looked at the position of the temple.

The four are already close.

The speed of these people is very close to that of Hyuga Neji.

Hyuga Neji looked at the temple again in the direction of these people.

“Well? There is a situation in the temple.”

Byakugan (roll eyes) In the visual, Hyuga Neji saw a hemisphere with Chakra moving around the witch.

“It’s a barrier!”

Hyuga Neji squinted and the whole person tightened.

What will be inside the barrier?

Will it be shinobi in the village of Kumo Shinobi?

Hyuga Neji stared at the barrier and waited for the moment the four men came to the door.


Four shinobi appeared in the temple, because the four people did not hide and went straight in, the temple all around the guards found the traces of these people.

But the ordinary arrows deal with these people is nothing.

The four men almost went straight into the uninhabited situation.

Just as the four were approaching the witch, the circular barrier around the witch was suddenly lifted, and the people inside the barrier guarded the witch, kicking and kicking the four shinobi.

There is only a ambush in the barrier!

Who is this person? Is it shinobi in the village of Kumo Shinobi?

Hyuga Neji stares at the person who walks out of the barrier.

After watching it for a long time, he found that he could not recognize it.

There is no guard on this person, and the body Chakra reaction is very weak, indicating that the opposite side of the opposite side did not call Chakra.

Just use Body Technique!

The so-called layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

From the four shinobi marching speed on Hyuga Neji, how much can be inferred that several people’s Strength should be Chunn’s Strength close to Jōnin.

Four Chunin close to Jōnin Strength were used by one person without Chakra, completely solved with the strength of Meat Stamina.

Only Ko is able to do this in Konoha.

Can this person’s Body Technique Strength compare with Kay?

In addition to Raikage in Kumo Shinobi Village, there are still people who have such a formidable Body Technique!

“Found a shinobi that is not in the file.”

“I suspect it is the Anbu high-rise in the village of Kumo Shinobi.”

Hyuga Neji continues to stare at the battle and tells Sakai at the same time.

Witch bedroom.

Purple eyes big eyes, staring at Naruto standing in front of her.

The sleek Akagami (Red Hair) fluttered in her eyes, and the handsome side was coincident with some of her long-awaited figure.


The next moment, the figure of the man disappeared.

Actively launched Attack to the enemy, perceived barrier assistance, soft fist gossip and sixty-four palms!

After the set is finished, all sixty-four acupuncture points are sealed!

Purple hair shinobi said with amazement: “What did you do to me? Why can’t I feel my Chakra!”

Naruto did not immediately answer, the same means to subdue the other three.

“Even the Hyuga family’s soft fists don’t know, how do you mix?”

Naruto is full of ridiculous ridicule.

Purple hair man was surprised: “You are Konoha’s shinobi?”

As I said, in the perception barrier, Naruto saw the person’s within the body, and a small snake-like thing seemed to have received an order to actively transport Chakra.

Naruto pretended not to know and replied: “No.”

After the purple hair youth felt Chakra, his face suddenly smiled.

“The soft fist of the Hyuga family is just like this. You thought that you sealed my Chakra and I couldn’t help it?”

During the conversation, the man called Chakra, and suddenly there were a few more face-like faces on the face, hand seal, “Earth Style! Earth Gallery!”

The earth waves violently rolled out from underneath the house, forming successive maze-like walls that separated Naruto and several others.

At the same time Three Chakra snakes flew out of the man’s body and slammed into three people.

“Using Union Ninjutsu!”

The man is loudly shouted.

However, the three Chakra snakes were caught in the air by an invisible big hand.

Naruto is very calm: “Block your acupuncture points and find that you have such interesting things on your body.”

“Otherwise, do you think you can still lick Q?”

“Next let me try your Strength.”

“As for the other three, I will confiscate it first and keep research.”

Naruto attacked the man in the conversation.

Outside of the ghost, Hyuga Neji is not confident.

What did he see?

He saw an outsider making a soft fist!

Hyuga Neji stared at the eye mask on Naruto’s left eye and confirmed: “I found the shinobi in Kumo Shinobi village, who transplanted Byakugan (roll eyes).”

Sakai was surprised: “Byakugan (roll eyes) ?”

Hyuga Neji affirmed: “Yes, it should be the one that Kumo Shinobi village took from Kirigakure!”

It must be Byakugan (roll eyes), otherwise it is impossible to make the soft fist of the Hyuga family!

Hyuga Neji is very convinced.

But how is the soft fist of the Hyuga family learned by the opponent?

Sakai is still calm: “Even if you are a Byakugan (roll eyes), you can’t rush to shoot, this is a prior request.”

“And since there are Byakugan (roll eyes) on the opposite side, then our actions must be more careful.”

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