Supreme Naruto

Chapter 560

In the country of ghosts, the status of witches is very special.

It can be said that it is a civilian, it can also be said to be a noble.

It is said that it is a civilian, because it is not a Royal Family, there is no official position, and there is no real power.

But it is said that the nobility is also right.

Because the witch family has an independent house, it is very style, even if it is the place where the name of the ghost country lives, it is not bad.

In the house, the servant is almost a thousand, and there are even private armed forces.

This special status with dissatisfaction with identity made Naruto think of the Holy See of the European Ancient Times.

That is, theocracy, let alone think so.

At the same time, because of this special status, it is not easy to see a witch.

In a restaurant, Naruto and Hinata had a hearty table meal.

After the tea, Naruto called a small donkey.

“I have to look at you one thing.”

Naruto took out a silver ticket and handed it to the waiter at the restaurant.

The man began to think politely, indicating the high-profile festival of the biggest restaurant in the country of ghosts.

However, after seeing the amount of the silver ticket, I went straight to the line.

Plus here is the box, there is no hesitation.

“You want to ask what you say, I know for sure.”

“I have been in this store for most of my life, and others may not understand it, but the news is the most reliable, whether it is reliable or unreliable.”

Whether it is reliable or unreliable?

This person interested.

“I heard that the witches of your ghost country are particularly effective. I want to know how to see her.”

Naruto looks at the person in front of you.

I want to know from the opposite side of the opposite side that the information that the opposite side knows is really reliable, so as not to be fooled.

The man listened to Naruto’s words and obviously relaxed a lot.

It can be seen that the question asked by Naruto does not exceed the scope of the opposite side of the opposite side.

“What you want to see is the witch who lives in the house?”

Naruto is amazing. “How come there are other witches in your ghost country?”

Restaurant waiter said with a smile: “Of course, after all, the witches of the Ghost Kingdom are too famous, and no one can see them, so there will be some other witches coming out…”

Said that the waiter did not say anything, but from the demeanor is to show his meaning.

Nothing is to say that those people are swindling and cheating, for the sake of money, nothing really.

Naruto nodded and said that he understood.

Then the waiter looked up and down Naruto: “Look at you like this… should you be good?”

Naruto Although some strange clerk asked this question, it is still nodded.

The clerk continued: “Don’t be surprised, I heard a message that the witch woman is being guarded these days, if you don’t mind if you can see the witch from this way.”

“In addition to this, you can also go through the money, but it is not so simple to ask the witch woman.”

Said the waiter scraped together to Naruto, bowed his head and whispered for a while.

After the talk, the waiter left, but did not come in a while.

“You give more money. If you don’t say that I still have some conscience.”

“After you meet the witch, if the witch says that you are going to die, please don’t hesitate to leave the witch immediately, or you will die.”

After the clerk left, I didn’t come back.

The clerk’s mysterious look was a little scary to Hinata. “Naruto Jun… This witch is still missing.”

Naruto said with a smile : “I don’t get in the way. I checked it before I talked about this. If the witch is really unique, I still don’t look for her.”

Hinata is still a bit worried.

“Naruto Jun, what did the clerk whispered just now?”

The voice of the clerk just said that the pressure was very low, even if Hinata was so close, I didn’t hear it.

But the main thing is that Naruto has a shielded barrier that comes with the System. Other System’s sensing barriers can’t detect Naruto, or a small sound-aware barrier can also be captured.

Naruto Simple Kaidō: “He said that light can’t give money, but he has to give it to the right person.”

“Otherwise, you will not see anyone.”

“Let’s go, let me see if the way to guard the guards can go in.”

Squatting guard?

Hinata didn’t understand, sitting on the property of most of the country of snow, and the entire flow of funds on the underground exchange.

What Naruto is best at is the money.

Why do you have to pay for it? Why should you be a guard?

Also, those guys at Mercenary Academy know that their principals are guarding others… I’m afraid they won’t come directly to push the country of ghosts.

After all, Naruto has long since deified in Mercenary Academy, Snow Country, and even underground exchanges.

“Naruto Jun… Why don’t you see it directly without money?”

Naruto Kaidō: “That can only see one side, the first day gives me a life, my life is counted with her?”

This sentence Hinata does not understand.

Five minutes later, Naruto and Hinata came to the house of the Ghost Country.

After reporting that he was coming to apply for a guard, he was directly put in and was taken to a large room.

The big house has already come to Naruto in the moment of entering a lot of people, many of them are fierce.

Others, after seeing Hinata, showed a strange look.

Some of the bolder came together and greeted the initiative: “Hello little Beauty, let us know, you can call me a brown bear, everyone else calls me that.”

Naruto eyebrow raised, looking at a guy with a good name, but not at all.

“Grandpa, are you living this year?”

In a word, the whole room suddenly stopped.

Then I think of the shocking laughter, the unscrupulous kind.

The man who is called the uncle is actually not very old.

Even less than 30, the two 15 are about the same, but the hair is a little white.

It is a person who is still very young and has long white hair.

So this grandfather is very interesting.

The man was stunned by the sneer around, and he could not help but be angry.

“Small things, take care of it!”

Naruto glanced at the man: “Old hair, carefully flashed.”

The man stared at Naruto’s eyes and flashed a cozy.

Naruto is too lazy to deal with the opposite side.

Let me first remind you that if the opposite side really does work for him, then you can only say sorry.

And Naruto is not too unpopular.

Hinata is beautiful, and everyone loves beauty.

He understands this.

It’s true that you don’t break the law and there is no loss.

Like everyone else, Naruto didn’t look for the embarrassment of those people.

But if you cross the border… Don’t say killing, even more cruel things Naruto can come.

The guy who claimed to be a brown bear glared at Naruto, Naruto waited for the opposite side to shoot, and when the other two watched the lively waiting for the two sides to fight, the door of the house opened again and three people were sent.

The door-to-door grandfather shouted: “There are almost people, a total of 50, we only recruit five.”

“If I have more, I won’t say it. After a while, I close the door. You fight five winners and then report it.”

After that, the grandfather who left the door left.

The tense atmosphere in the house was pushed to the top by a word of the uncle.

The “brown bear” looks “a thick” with a smile: “Small things, now kneel down and ask me, I can enjoy you a meal, give you a place.”

Naruto Kaidō: “I don’t want you to kneel down, now I apologize to me, I promise you will not be broken.”

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