Supreme Naruto

Chapter 559

Konoha is looking for three, and Akatsuki Organization is looking for three, while Naruto is in the country of ghosts.

A small farm on the outskirts of the Ghost Country is a new mute home.

“Let Activate! Let Activate! Let’s get Activate!”

Naruto just came to the door of the mute home with Hinata, and the wooden door of the mute home was knocked out from inside.

A teenager flew out on a sly pig.

Naruto and Hinata simultaneous stayed, then subconsciously turned sideways, letting the fierce Patriarch go in front of her eyes.

“Naruto Jun… that wouldn’t be a silent son?”

Naruto is also a little bit, but Naruto just saw the back of the pig at home, and the little boy still has a pig in his arms.

If you are not mistaken… it should be a dolphin.

“If the guess is good… it should be.”

Telling the truth, this is really a pretty amazing encounter.

In the information obtained by Naruto from the underground exchange, the silent son should be only three and a half years old this year, and Hollow is only four and a half years old.

When Naruto and Hinata are looking at each other.

Inside the farmyard, a woman’s drink was heard: “Little bastard! If you dare to run, don’t come back!”

Along with this scream, a sly woman rushed out of the courtyard.

It is said that the body is awkward. The main thing is that this woman is too fat.

As far as the imposing manner comes out, there is a fight with the pigs just now.

The woman rushed out with a fierce look. At the same time, she also saw Naruto and Hinata standing at the doorstep.

Naruto and Hinata stared at the woman in front of her, and suddenly there was a bold guess in her heart.

It’s not going to be… mute?

If you just saw the three-and-a-half-year-old little guy riding a pig car is amazing, then this beauty turned out to be scared.

“You are coming… ask for directions?”

Initially met, mute did not recognize Naruto and Hinata.

Naruto took a deep breath, strong and courageous, “cough, is this Mr. Fujiwara’s house?”

Fujiwara Tofu is the name of a silent man.

Naruto knows through the intelligence of the underground exchange.

Silence is to find your own home, the imposing manner of the body immediately turned into a small family Jasper, owing to the ceremony, holding the scorpion clever Kaidō: “Exactly, I am the wife of Fujiwara Dufu, I would like to ask…”

After that, Naruto suddenly didn’t really listen.

Naruto feels a little dizzy in the brain and some tinnitus.

It’s only three years!

How can people change so big!

Originally slim, that mute?

Although Naruto and Mute have been out of sync, it is reasonable to see that the opposite side becomes so he should be happy.

But in fact, Naruto now has only one word, panic!

What should I say? Is the time really a killing knife?

Naruto is petrified.

Silently seeing Naruto, I didn’t reply to my own question and couldn’t help but ask again: “Excuse me, are you looking for Dufu?”

Naruto finally came back.

“That… I am not coming to your husband…”

“I came to see you.”

Mute and carefully took a look at Naruto, then mute finally saw a familiar feeling in Naruto’s face.

But I can’t remember where I have seen it.

Look at the Hinata, the eyes of the Hyuga family are very characteristic.

The reason why I didn’t pay attention to it was mainly because the life of the farmer’s woman for three years made her not think about it.

“You are from the Hyuga family… are you from Konoha?”

The mute look is complicated.

Although she is asking questions, she has been able to confirm the identity of Hinata.

It is really the eyes of the Hyuga family that are too special.

Then Naruto and Hinata are the breath of shinobi.

Then he said from his own self: “I didn’t expect anyone who could see Konoha after three years.”

“You are actually looking for Tsunade adults.”

“Unfortunately, Tsunade has left the country of ghosts three years ago.”

“And I don’t know where she is now.”

Silent misunderstood Naruto and Hinata as Konoha Ninja who was chasing Tsunade.

Naruto quickly explained: “That, you misunderstood, we are here to find you.”

“That, mute elder sister, can’t you recognize me?”

Naruto points to his face.

Mute once again looks a bit, “Sorry, although I feel a bit familiar, but … I can’t remember it for a while.”

“Wait, you call me silent elder sister?”

Silent eyes suddenly grow wide.

Although there are quite a few people who call the silent elder sister, they don’t say anything else. In this village, there are quite a few in the past.

But there is definitely not much in Konoha.

Mute staring at Naruto, his mouth open. “You are… no… three years… no reason.”

Naruto knows that mute is remembered and nodded.

Silent does not dare to set the channel: “You really are Naruto? In the past three years, you have changed a lot, it looks mature and steady!”

Naruto only felt a little shame when he heard the changes.

To say the change, Naruto feels that he is more than silent.

But this sentence is not to say good, just mute out the wild boar-like impering manner Naruto feels still not provoke good.

Then he pointed his hand at Hinata. “You have seen this, Hyuga Hinata.”

Silently, I turned over and asked the two to go inside: “Don’t stand outside, come in and come.”

Into the house, mute the tea for the two.

Then a few people chatted.

Naruto thought about various styles before coming.

But it is not the kind of this.

“Is the child I saw at the door just your son?”

When it comes to son, mute is embarrassed and laughs. “Let you see the effect. The child is broken by the porpoise. I know the quail egg all day, and Tenten’s chicken and dog jump.”

It really is.

Naruto quickly praised: “Naughty children are good, the more boys grow up, the smarter they are.”

Silent masking with a smile: “Don’t say, you were quite scouring at the time, and now it’s really reliable.”

Naruto: “…”

How suddenly came to his head.

But Naruto really didn’t care too much.

The gossip idioms chatted a bit, and the conversation finally got to the point.

“What are you doing this time?”

Silence asked, Naruto did not hide.

Kaidō: “I don’t want you to say, Tsunade elder sister is now at me, I won’t tell you first, so I won’t bother you. I am here to ask if you want to live in another place.”

“It can be guaranteed that the place is more comfortable than it is here.”

I heard this sentence muted and then hesitated.

“Tsunade adults want me to pass?”

Naruto Honest Kaidō: “Tsunade said that the decision is in your hands and let you make your own decisions.”

Hearing this Naruto saw the mute obvious sighed in relief.

Silence is likely to reject his offer.

This is the judgment Naruto can make from the silent response.

Silent Kaidō: “That, I have to discuss it with my family.”

Naruto nodded: “This is natural.”

For a time, the two sides were silent and the atmosphere was awkward.

Naruto thought about trying to get up. “That day, don’t bother, we will have another look tomorrow. You tell us your decision.”

Silently and quickly, “You have just come to the place where the ghost country has no place to stay? It is better to live in my house, as long as you do not deny it.”

Naruto waved again and again: “Where, your home is much better than the three generations of Old Man.”

“But we still don’t bother, lest you have trouble.”

“And we have already found a good hotel, and we will waste if we don’t live.”

Silently seeing Naruto insist on leaving, he got up and sent two people to the door.

Before Naruto left, mute finally couldn’t help but ask: “Is he OK Tsunade?”

Naruto smiled at Kaidō: “That guy, still eat and sleep gambling, so I gamble where I opened, otherwise she would have gambled herself.”

I heard this sentence mute and laughed a little: “You guys… it’s really a mentor.”

After leaving the quiet home, Hinata asked: “Naruto Jun, we didn’t open the hotel.”

Naruto explained: “In this way, the opposite side is not easy to retain. If we live in her house, it will only cause trouble for her, but don’t forget that I am still a wanted man of Konoha.”

Hinata nodded, “That… I am going to the hotel now?”

Naruto seems to be in the sky: “It’s still early, we are looking for an opportunity to meet the witches of the Ghost Country.”

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