Supreme Naruto

Chapter 531

The Snow Mountain Institute is the tenth level 2.

Twelve large platforms supported by stone columns distributed in the direction of the hour of the clock.

Naruto stood on the platform, the stone pillars around it were very high, and Naruto’s two-meter-high height was also thin in front of the stone pillars.

In front of Naruto’s eyes is a round skylight that leads to the outside world.

Such a skylight is not the largest of the above.

So this Level 1 sunlight is extraordinarily plentiful.

In addition to the stone pillars, Naruto is a behemoth of several tigers and tigers.

Big silly family, there are three dragon eagle.

The third dragon eagle came over and named Long San in order.

Naruto looks at the outside world, Naruto’s eyes, more than a dozen miles away is the country of the snow country.

The country of the Snow Country was renovated under the advice of Naruto, so it can be seen even at such a long distance.

The country is surrounded by a bustling city, and that is his hard work.

But if this World is destroyed, what does it mean for everything he does?

On the stairs leading to the Ten Level 2 in Daxueshan, Hinata and the two were secretly aiming at Naruto by the wooden man.

The two were whispered by the wooden man in the ear of Hinata: “I saw him coming up last night. If he hasn’t moved, it is standing overnight.”

Hinata had some worries on her face. She received special training from the hands of the hand and fell asleep after bathing.

The two were whispered by the wooden man: “He doesn’t look like he is practicing… don’t you care?”

After the talk, the two were added by the wooden man: “Are you his girlfriend?”

Hinata nodded, walked over to the stone platform.

The two were seen by the wooden man Hinata and walked over to sighed in relief. In fact, she wanted to ask Naruto last night, but Naruto looked at her at that time, and I didn’t know why she just couldn’t move the body.

It was not settled by Ninjutsu, but it was not felt.

Just like being afraid of black when I was young.

It is a kind of fear that suddenly appears.

Naruto, she was the first time she saw it, so she didn’t dare to approach Naruto now.

“All of them are Monster.”

The two were snorted by the wooden man.

Yesterday, she also participated in the special training arranged by the hand, but what is embarrassing is that she only completed the train (ing) to the Third Stage.

And Hinata, has completed all five phases.

It’s not how strong Hinata is, but after that, it’s hard to say that it’s a life.

Of course, the light is not good, Hinata’s body quality is also high enough, the two are estimated by the wooden people, yesterday, but also the strength of the game should be able to complete the Fourth stage train (ing).

At that time, she understood some of her eyes as Jinchūriki.

Say it is fear, more should be there.

Ordinary people are jealous of Monster.

Hinata walked to Naruto, and the little fat man with silver-white hair ran to the Hinata.

Compared with the serious dragon eagle that looks like a soldier, the big stupid family is still relatively active.

Hinata touched the tiger’s head in front of him and then continued to walk to Naruto with the little one.

“Naruto Jun.”

Hinata snorted and Naruto returned.

“Well? What?”

Naruto’s thoughts have not recovered, and the response is slightly slower.

Hinata walked to Naruto’s side and took the initiative to take Naruto’s hand for the first time.

Naruto’s hand is bigger than Hinata’s, and the palm is thick and warm.

Hinata likes the feeling of being held by Naruto. Naruto’s hand can hold her whole palm in her hand, giving her a great sense of security.

Hinata held Naruto’s hand around her hand so that her little hand could hold Naruto’s hand in her hand.

Hinata didn’t talk, Naruto didn’t ask.

Open arms embraced Hinata in his arms.

Hinata holds Naruto’s hand in her heart, Naruto both hands holding Hinata.

The two feel the existence of each other.

For a time, Naruto felt a lot easier.

But I don’t want to have a silly tiger to destroy the atmosphere. It is the little silver-white guy. When he sees Hinata and Naruto, he will hold the tiger and the tiger in his arms.

The most MDZZ is that his old mother also opened his arms.

what is this? A pregnancy for three years?

Naruto also noticed that the mother of the tiger was pregnant with her baby last night.

Originally thought that eating support.

“Get up, what do you mix? Play while you go.”

Naruto looked away from the tiger mother and then pushed the stupid tiger scorpion.

A good atmosphere, he just wanted to kiss Hinata.

I want to be romantic.

“Naruto Jun, go eat, dog Ji has already cooked the meal.”

On that day, Naruto did not let Hinata cook, and originally intended to cook.

But then Naruto found that he was the busiest one.

Therefore, I summoned the female hand down the dog who was hurrying past.

It’s just that the dog’s cooking is not bad.

Naruto, holding Hinata, jumped up and down on the little tiger.

Said to be a small sister, but also two parents than it.

It is also more than two meters in size.

“Go to the restaurant.”

Naruto gave a cry, and the little tiger took the two and jumped off the platform.

Circling around the inner ring of the mountain body.

At the level of 1 where the restaurant is located, Naruto walks up the table with Princess holding Hinata.

Hinata was shy at the moment, “Naruto Jun… let me down… let people see how bad it is.”

Naruto adjusts with a smile : “I am your man, what is wrong with you?”

“There is no outsider.”

Naruto still holds Hinata after sitting down in the restaurant.

Hinata doesn’t care: “Let me down, if I let the wood man elder sister see it, I will laugh at me.”

Naruto is still cheeky: “Nothing she can’t laugh at you.”

“In fact, she even have to beat you, you will laugh at you if she beat her.”

What is this idiom?

When a girl sees a play, how can she be shy and violent?

Hinata picked up her mouth: “If you don’t let me down, I won’t eat.”

Naruto is still cheeky: “I will feed you.”

Hinata was anxious and staring at Naruto.

Naruto finally surrendered, “Well, let you down, really, obviously can enjoy the treatment of Princess, and must be in line with the people of the class.”

Put the Hinata in the chair next to you.

Naruto bowed his head: “Hinata, do you say that husband and wife should sleep in a bed?”

Hinata stayed and then his face was red.

Naruto was in the air of Hinata’s ear and said: “I will sleep with you tonight.”

Hinata’s nervous two small fists on the legs wrinkled the clothes.


“Don’t die… what to say in the daytime.”

Naruto said: “That said during the day.”

Hinata took the courage and pointed to the table command: “Diet!”

The two are about to move chopsticks.

I found that the two were not yet brought by the wooden man.

Naruto asked Hinata: “When I got to the meal, what about her? I am more active than anyone else. What happened today?”

Hinata remembered that she had placed the two men on the top.

The Snowy Mountain Institute built the mountain body hollowed out.

The ten level 2 to the level 4 restaurant… the difference in altitude is 2000…

Hinata pointed to the above, “That… she is above…”

Naruto wondered, “What did she go to? It doesn’t matter if she is, let’s eat first.”

Is this good?

Or two people told him that Naruto is above…

Um… Naruto’s dish has been fed to the mouth, not how bad it is.

Hinata opened her mouth full of happiness and ate the dish into her mouth.

As for the two people, they will apologize when they go shopping tomorrow.

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