Supreme Naruto

Chapter 530

After stopping the preserved eggs in the rainy country, Naruto rushed back to the Daxueshan Institute with the water of Hero’s water.

Then there is Naruto’s within the body meeting.

The main members of the meeting, Naruto, preserved eggs.

Listen: nine tails.

“Preserved eggs, can you tell me what is in your memory of inheritance?”

“What I want to know is… why I came to this World, and why you are in my within.”

The preserved egg was somewhat dissatisfied with Naruto’s termination of his self-introduction to members of the Akatsuki Organization. “I don’t know, there is only one accurate command in memory that is parasitic to World and then swallows World.”

“As for the question you asked… It seems that the answer is only after swallowing this World.”

Have you swallowed this World?

Naruto stayed.

Difficult swallowing, “What you said is swallowing…”

The preserved egg is very relaxed: “The literal meaning is to eat.”

Naruto stared at the preserved egg: “Are you serious?”

Preserved eggs nodded.

“But before you start swallowing this World, you need to parse the World’s Rule to 100%.”

“The specific process is simply to completely parse the nine Tail Beast Chakra forms, then resurrect the ten tails and parse the ten-tailed Chakra form.”

Naruto looks numb: “…”

Preserved Eggs: “I really want to thank this World for being invaded, otherwise it will be difficult to complete in a few thousand years.”

Naruto: “…”

Naruto feels a little confused in his head. Was he the big villain of this World?

Although he did not feel that he was a right person from the beginning…

“That… don’t talk about that first, let’s talk about your Ability. What’s your Ability?”

The preserved egg blurted out and debuted: “Analyze what Rule has what Ability.”

It’s so simple…

While Naruto is meditating.

The skinned egg licked and chewed.

Naruto, “What are you eating?”

The preserved egg pointed to the side.

Naruto seems to be…

On the seal door of the nine tails… a round hole appeared.

What can I eat?

At the same time Nine tails are also looking up at the gap, and also used the head to make a stroke, it seems that I want to be able to drill out from the inside.


In the mouth of the preserved egg, it seemed to reject the sound of the potato chips, and he did not see him bite, but Naruto found that every time he swallowed, there would be one less in the nine-tailed cage.

Empty cages?

“Wait a minute, let’s first come to the three chapters of the law.”

Naruto Serious looks at preserved eggs.

Preserved eggs continue to chew, “What do you want to prescribe?”

Naruto raised his hand. “Just three, don’t say more.”

“First, what do you want to eat in the future, you must first ask me, I agree that you can eat.”

The preserved egg stopped, and the pink tongue sticked out and licked his mouth.

“Can that cage be eaten?”

The preserved egg points to the nine-tailed cage.

Nine tailed poor in the cage at Naruto, “You said you want to let me out… you can’t go back…”

Naruto nodded: “Yes, eat.”

The preserved egg’s mouth continued to chew.

“Squeaky… 吱 吱 吱…”

“Oh…” I went down.

Naruto’s heart is relaxed, and he is most afraid that the preserved egg does not listen to him, then he panicked.

It seems that things are still under their control.

Or, he has room for choice.

The preserved egg asked: “What about the second?”

Second article…

Naruto thought about it, “Let’s talk about it when you find the problem, keep it.”

The preserved egg “oh” and the mouth continued to chew.

It is like a cow chewing. (Explanation: Also known as rum, it means that the cow returns the half-digested food in the stomach to the mouth and chews it again.)

Naruto didn’t know what he was thinking about, so he lifted his head and nine tails together at the big iron gate and was bitten.

Instead, the egg is first start to talk: “Right, there is one thing I really want to eat, that is the Kamui Space called Obito.”

Obito’s Space?

Naruto looked at the preserved egg: “If you eat that space… can you own that Space?”

Prey Kaidō: “The Space has been stripped from the original World. It is a law fragment. If I eat it, I can start building World’s prototype with the the body.”

Naruto 眨巴眨巴眼: “Building a World prototype?”



Preserved Eggs: “It’s just to prepare for World, and you can build a complete World by swallowing my within the body.”

so smart?

It was originally to devour World to breed a new World.

Seeing Naruto, the preserved egg does not talk and asks: “Can I swallow that?”

Naruto raised his hand. “You wait, I will slow down and think about it.”

“If you swallow the space… Is the Obge’s Mangekyō Sharingan’s Ability abolished?”

The preserved egg nodded: “It’s very fixed.”

“But if you don’t want to abolish his Ability, I can lend him Ability.”

Ability can also borrow!

Naruto took a deep breath: “What do you say, after the Obito Space was swallowed up, let Obito still use the original Ability?”

The preserved egg thought for a moment: “Forget it, Space is definitely different, but after I built it, even prototype World is stronger than his original.”

Naruto asked: “In addition to this, other Ambassadors can you borrow?”

The preserved egg nodded: “Yes, but with your Strength as the foundation, the current situation is that each Ability can only be copied to one person.”

damned! This is the biggest Ability!

“That… I can borrow it, can I still use it?”

Preserved Egg: “Yes, it is your Ability, your original version, and the copy is a copy.”

“But there is one thing to note. You can borrow Ability, but you can’t borrow Physique.”

“That is, the recipient’s body situation will not change because of the loaned loan.”

“But if you can swallow this World, then you can change everything.”


The recipient Physique problem is not a problem because Naruto has primary cells.

Naruto suddenly thought of one thing. “Right, if that is the case, then Sage Mode? I have the blood of Sakuragu sisters. It is reasonable to say that I should…”

Naruto didn’t finish it, and the preserved egg pointed at himself: “I was swallowed by me.”

Naruto: “…”

Is this the truth?

Without waiting for Naruto to ask, the preserved egg explained: “The power of nature can’t be used now, unless you start swallowing this World, otherwise our preparations in the early stage will be in vain. World will find our existence and will use all means. We erased.”

“At the time, you may be drunk directly by drinking cold water.”

Naruto: “…”

So terrifying?

For the third time, the preserved egg asked: “You haven’t told me, can I devour the Space of Obito?”

Naruto nodded: “Yes.”

At this time, “R啷!”

The gossip seal on the big iron gate was bitten.

The next moment Two chakras rushed out of the seal.

Four generations of Hokage Namikaze Minato and his wife, Vortex Cinnamon.

That is the mother of Naruto.

Finally have to meet?

Naruto is right.

However, the two suddenly disappeared.

Naruto : “???”

Naruto looked at the preserved eggs, and the preserved eggs were chewing…

“Have you eaten?”

The preserved egg is of course: “You said that the seal can be eaten, and the two Chakras are also part of the seal.”

Naruto: “…”

This is definitely the mother and son of the most MMP in the world!

“You only eat Chakra?”

Seeing the nod of the preserved egg, Naruto finally sighed in relief.

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