Supreme Naruto

Chapter 528

In the information given by Hidan, the water of Hero is the holy water obtained from the giant tree every 100 year.

Naruto sneaked into the giant tree that stored Hero’s water according to the news from Hidan.

It turns out that the so-called Hero Water is exactly like the Greer mine recorded in the book of Greer!

Light green, slightly viscous, with crystal precipitation.

The crystals will dissipate after the crystals are removed.

According to the book of Greer, the Greer mine cannot be swallowed directly, or people will die in madness.

Hero’s water drunk ten times more than Chakra, and then died.

Naruto takes a close look at the small pool that holds the water of Hero.

The water is calm and the bottom is covered with tiny crystals of Level 1.

If it is the Glenelian vein, then the bottom should be a spring.

While Naruto was preparing to probe, there was a sudden footstep outside the giant tree.


Naruto’s body fits into the big tree and hides it.

“Da da da……”

The footsteps were not anxious and slowed down, and soon a youth with a face of delicate and pretty came in.

It is the Chief of the village of Lu Yin, and it is involved in wood.

The woods came in, standing in front of the pool of Hero’s water, looking at the water in the pool.

Turned around, sitting cross-legged and began to meditate.

Meditation can increase Spiritual Force, and Spiritual Force is high. Whether it is to refine Chakra or control Chakra.

Therefore, it is also a required course for shinobi.

But… there is no need to go to this meditation specifically?

Because of faith?


Or… afraid of death?

Naruto feels like the latter, and most of Shinobi in the village of Luyin has to protect the seven-tailed Jinchūriki.

This Chief wants to keep himself safe, and obviously there is no better place than the forbidden place.

Then there is a protective barrier for the forbidden ground.

Of course, this barrier is the same as Hollow for Naruto.

After the woods didn’t leave for a while, Naruto decided to go to other places in Kirigakure.

For example, go to the seven-tailed Jinchūriki.

At night, the sky is getting dark.

Seven-tailed Jinchūriki, Fu’s room, ten steps, one post, five steps and one whistle are all guards.

Very strict, just in front of Naruto is a group of stupid big.

Naruto is quietly approaching.

System Tip: “The barrier is found in front.”

System Tip: “The barrier type is compared to the database…”

System Tip: “The database is successful.”

Naruto added a panel in front of him.

The information of the barrier is recorded on the panel.

Barrier Type: Perceptual barrier.

Barrier Type: Triggered alert awareness barrier.

Barrier Rank: Intermediate.

The difficulty of cracking: low level.

System crack success rate: 100%.

System Tip: “Is it left to be cracked by System?”

It is a simple defense system.

Naruto couldn’t help but vomit the sound groove.

I chose it.

System Tip: “Aware barrier cracking begins.”

Crack progress: “50%…100%.”

The System prompts, “Aware that the barrier is successfully cracked and the Function is turned on.”

Shielding the Function is to integrate the System-built perceptual barrier on Naruto into the barrier of the opposite side.

In this way, Naruto can freely enter and exit the barrier of the opposite side without triggering an alarm.

In the room of the seven-tailed Jinchūriki, Fu is lying in bed boring, wearing a white nightdress.

Looks like…

Same as described on the information given by Hidan.

Blue green hair, brown skin.

This makes Naruto ring the woman of the country of Ray, and it shouldn’t… is there a bloodline over there?


But it may also be tanned.

Naruto is quietly approaching, pseudo-Spirit link, “Hey…”

A frog’s voice came into Fu’s heart.


Fu sighed and listened with his ears up.

Three tomoe Sharingan changes to Mangekyō Sharingan.

Naruto didn’t look at it, and used the established Spirit link to show Illusion Technique directly.

This time, neither Fufu nor the seven tails saw Naruto.

They only heard a groan and they were controlled.

The seven tails were checked for success.

The “giggle” on the giant egg cracked three cracks again.

Naruto stared at the giant egg and stared at the nine tails.

However, the giant egg has not shown signs of fragmentation.

Nine tails stared at the giant eyes, “Naruto, I have a bold idea.”

Naruto Kaidō: “Put your thoughts and continue looking for six.”

Nine tails look serious, “Really, I think this egg has a problem!”

Naruto looks at the nine tails: “What problem?”

Nine-tailed staring at the egg, “I asked Hinata, the egg, if the hatching cracked, what would happen if the chicken didn’t come out.”

“Hinata said that the chick will die.”

Naruto nodded, some accidental nine tails also asked Hinata this question.

“Yes, what happened?”

Nine tails pointed at the egg: “It has been cracking for so long, and if it dies, it will die early.”

Is that the case?

Naruto suddenly felt a bit sensible.

Nine-tailed shouted: “So, let’s try it out.”

Naruto is guilty. “What if your guess is wrong?”

Nine tails thought for a moment: “If you are wrong… you lost an egg.”

Dome: “…”

Naruto: “…”

GodTM’s eggs…

Naruto hesitated and thought about it.

Naruto’s thoughts quit the nine-tailed Seal Space.

Nine tails continue to stare at the giant egg.

Suddenly, the nine tails felt cold, and the giant egg seemed to move.

“Naruto! Come on!”

Naruto consciousness once again entered the nine-tailed Space.

“what happened?”

Nine tails pointed at the egg: “It just moved.”

Naruto turned to look at the egg and the two continued to stare at the egg.

For a long while, the egg did not move.

“Are you encouraging me to kick the eggs?”

Naruto gave a white look.

Nine-tailed and serious, “I promise that I really see the egg moving! And the egg seems to have a dissatisfaction with me.”

Does the egg produce dissatisfaction?

Naruto looks at the mentally retarded expression looks at the nine tails, “How did you see the emotions from the top of the egg?”

Then I waved my hand. “Okay, let me talk about the integration of the six tails. I have already let the singer begin to pay attention to the news of the six tails. I believe that it will take a long time to integrate the six Chakras.”

Naruto withdrew from the nine-tailed Seal.

Nine tails continue to stare at the eggs.

Nine tails feel that there is something wrong with it.

But where is it…

“Naruto! I remembered it!”

“You are coming soon!”

Naruto consciousness once again entered the nine-tailed Seal Space.

A faceless speech at the end of the nine, “What do you think of?”

Nine-tail start to talk: “You forgot? In the past, you integrated Tail Beast’s Chakra, the eggs will swallow a lot, and will also feedback the golden soul.”

This one……

Not to mention, it is true!

Since the egg has cracked, there is no golden soul force.

Originally Naruto didn’t care, but listening to the nine-tailed saying that I felt a little wrong.

Naruto looked back at the egg, and at this moment a golden soul suddenly floated out of the egg and merged into Naruto’s body.

Nine tails: “???”

Naruto : “???”

This is a cover-up!

This is no silver three hundred and two here!

Naruto and Jiuwei looked at each other and Naruto kicked the egg to the egg.

“Oh! Oops! Oops! Oops!”

The crack on the giant egg could not hold on, and even the pieces began to break.

Inside the eggshell, a plate sits and licks the gang, and a white fox with a dead fish eye licks the nine tails on the side of the cage.

“Little red hair, you are in courting death, are you making it?”

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