Supreme Naruto

Chapter 527: Yincun

Naruto's exclusive laboratory, the second dragon eagle also survived.

In order, Naruto named the second one Ryuuji.

At the same time, with regard to the research on primary cells, Naruto has been able to preliminarily determine that as long as the primary will in the cells is erased, fusing primary cells is no longer a difficult task.

Of course, this is only relatively speaking.

Regardless of Dragon One or Dragon Two, the process of transformation can only be described as miserable.

Blood in the laboratory, broken feathers, and some bone **** extruded from the skin were all shocking.

It is conceivable that if it was not implied by the kaleidoscope to write the round eyes, the dragon eagle could survive very low.

The third one, continue.

The moment Naruto closed the door, he couldn't help thinking that if the two hundred ordinary writing wheel eyes in the soil hand were also available.

Isn't that going to make another hundred dragon eagles transplanted with writing eye?

Yes, but the problem is that the primary cells are not enough.

The meat dug from Bai Jue's body showed no signs of recovery. When the next piece was dug, the wound healed, and he had lost a piece of meat forever.

Even Naruto's use of medical ninjutsu could not restore Baiju's wounds.

"Naruto, isn't this egg dead?"

"Why not hatch?"

Nine-tailed seal space, from time to time, Nine-tailed will look at the giant egg with six gaps.

Every time it looked, it made him uncomfortable for a while.

Naruto's consciousness enters the nine-tailed seal space.

Jiuwei gave a blank look, "Don't talk nonsense, how could such a powerful life wave be dead."

Jiuwei came up with an idea and said, "How about you kick it? Maybe you just hatched."

Kicked? What's the bad idea?

Naruto's mouth was drawn: "I think the remaining three-tailed chakras will be merged, and this egg will hatch."

Jiuwei urged: "What are you waiting for, go to those guys."

"Let this egg hatch early, and worry about it earlier."

"Otherwise I think this egg is so disturbing in front of me."

Not only is Nine-tailed disturbing, Naruto is actually quite disturbing.

"It's not difficult to find Six-Tailed and Seven-Tailed. Well, Three-Tailed ... I don't know if he was resurrected."

Jiuwei continued to urge: "Don't worry about those first, merge the six and seven tails first, maybe they will hatch."

Can you?

Naruto also has some intentions, and it may be true. After all, in addition to the chakra of the tail beast, this egg also integrates other attributes, such as ice 遁, wooden 遁, 遁, 遁, 遁, 遁.

"Then go to Qiwei first."

"Seven tails are in Huangyin Village."

Naruto opens the map.

Anyone with an identity card on the map will be marked.

Among them, the closest to the Yinyin Village is the wolf girl who is still looking for the Grael Stone.

Naruto contacted the wolf girl and said, "Call me over."

The next moment Naruto appeared next to the wolf girl.

Naruto looked around, in the forest, and saw that the wolf girl was not slack.

"the host."

The wolf girl salutes Naruto respectfully.

"Well, don't worry. I'm not here to inspect your work. You can find it slowly."

The wolf girl salutes again: "It's all because I'm delaying my master."

Was it delayed?

No, the Grey's Stone is just a solid Chakra.

The Daisetsuzan Institute is no shortage of Chakras.

However, Naruto is quite satisfied with the working attitude of the wolf girl.

Well, it's worth training.

So ... when he and Hina have merged the primary cells, you can consider using the primary cells to strengthen her.

You can even send another pair of writing wheels.

But in that case, Guni would definitely ask for it, and no one compares the three girls with credit.

Thinking of this Naruto, I think of big fat.

Hiss ... It seems that we need to find some more primary cells.

"Go ahead and get rewarded when the mission is completed."

Naruto encouraged the wolf girl, and then she walked in the clouds and disappeared into the wolf girl's field of vision in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, a wave of respectful eyes of the wolf girl was also harvested.

Spiritual network.

Naruto contacted Feiduan and said, "Do you all know the memory of Jiaodu?"

Fei Duan replied: "Everyone knows."

Naruto was pleased, "Then you sort out the information about Huangyin Village and give it to me."

Five minutes later, Naruto received information about Huangyin Village.

The map contains map information of Naruto Village that Naruto wants.

There is a secret passage recorded above.

I just don't know if it can be used now.

There is also personnel information.

The current leader of Wuyin Village is called Shemu.

Human pillar strength is called Fu.

Then there is something called the water of heroes.

It is said that people drank chakras that could increase tenfold.

The side effect is death.

Naruto glanced over.

All the information comes to mind.

Objective: Fu.

Appearance features: dark skin and blue-green head.

In addition, Naruto is also very interested in the water of heroes.

Fei Jianjia, Naruto went straight to the place where the village of Yinyin was.

Hidden Village.

The crackling waterfall sounded.

The waterfall is a semi-natural cave.

Along the stone cave, the deepest part of the tunnel is Huangyin Village.

"Ling, this is news from Muye."

The leading tree in Wuyin Village is a young man in his twenties, with a clear eyebrow and a graceful temperament.

He had a black length from his head to his waist, and his bangs were scattered to the eyebrows.

Shigi took over the scroll handed down by his men.

"Wood leaves rejected our commission ~ ~ After Shimu saw the scroll, she had a little worry on her face.

"It seems the rumors are true."

The ninja in front of Shemu asked: "So, really, is it going to be a war again?"

"But hit it, it doesn't have much to do with our Yinyin Village."

"We just have to stay neutral."

"The value of our small ninja village in the cracks between big countries is to serve as a buffer zone for two countries."

Shiki took a deep breath.

Sighing: "I hope so, Tu Ying kidnapped the two-tailed pillar of Lei Zhiguo. He can do such things, and it is not impossible for us to abduct Fu from our village.

"Well, you go down, during this time strengthen the number of guards around Fu."

The ninja sighed, "I'm afraid that with our ability ... even if we strengthen the guard ... it's the same thing."

"And ... there were a lot of guards around Fu, if you add ..."

"Our village can take on fewer tasks."

She said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, just live this life."

The ninja left.

Neither of them noticed that a human face flashed on the dirt wall behind Shigi.

It is Naruto who has successfully sneaked in.

Listened to the conversation between the two.

Naruto has some emotions in his heart.

Dialogue between such harmonious superiors is absolutely rare in this world of ninja system hierarchies.

The result of this kind of result is either that this person is trusted by this leader, or that ... it is true that there are few people in Huangyin Village.

Naruto feels like the latter, plus some trust.

So where do we go next?

Is it going to find Zhuli? Or look at Hero Water?

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