Supreme Naruto

Chapter 516

Who can’t go?

Tsuchikage Old Man had just finished, and the hand was disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already at the side of the two.

No warning.

Then when is the pain of Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)?

In fact, there was no throwing between thousands of hands.

In order to hide identity, it is of course not blatant to make such obvious moves.

Therefore, he will hand over Naruto with the pain of Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu).

Then Naruto linked the traits with a shackle, and went to the bottom with Earth Style, and then emerged from the side of the wooden man.

When the hand disappeared, it scared Old Man, and then suddenly appeared and scared Old Man.

Then disappear again.

People are gone.

The other hand with the skill of Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) was sent to the far end by Naruto, almost to the outside of the village.

Look at the disappearance of thousands of hands, Naruto’s heart is somewhat envious.

If he would use Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu), Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) would work with his flying sword.

Simply invincible.

But the problem is that he lacks the conditions for learning.

Otherwise, he has already learned Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu).

Yin Attribute Nine tails do not know when to resurrect.

wait! Does he really have no conditions to learn now?

Space Ninjutsu He will also, isn’t it possible for Kamui Sharingan to master Space Ability?

Maybe when he transplanted Kamui Sharingan, the nature of the Attribute Chakra has been swallowed up?

I want this Naruto’s heart to be hot.

With one heart and one mind, I used the consciousness to look at the giant egg outside the space of the next nine seals.

Naruto wants to find evidence from the golden lines on the giant egg.

However, the golden lines on the aperture have been intermittently serialized together, and there are only a few paragraphs.

If you want to prove it, you can only wait until you try it back.

Thousands of hands disappeared, and several sense class shinobi in Iwagakure Ninja Village caught up.

The direction coincides with the disappearance of the daytime. It can be seen that the shinobi in the village of Iwagakure Ninja is still a few brushes.

Among them, the four-tailed Jinchūriki old purple also chased under the direction of Tsuchikage.

Spirit network.

Naruto said to the hand: “It is good to find the opportunity to transfer back to the institute.”

“Be careful with the two-tailed Jinchūriki running away.”

“Well, the segmented transmissions are sent to Muni, then I will let Hinata pull you back to the institute.”

The segmentation is to prevent traces on the Space. This kind of trace is generally undetectable, but those who are proficient in seals can still detect the conspiracy, and then use Space Ninjutsu’s shinobi to track.

As for the first transfer of the monks and nuns, they also have the meaning of the first level 2, that is, there are monks and nuns, and the two are not able to escape by the wooden people.

Naruto stood there, leaving Tsuchikage and five tails Jinchūriki step by step to Naruto.

This time, Naruto is not idle, he is erasing the traces of the thousands of hands.

“You are shinobi in the village of Kumo Shinobi?”

Onoki stared at Naruto, at the same time, the corner of the eye, the light at the crowd being evacuated.

“If you have such a powerful shinobi in Kumo Shinobi Village, do you think you might tie the two-tailed Jinchūriki out?”

Naruto sneered at it.

The eyes swept to the five-tailed Jinchūriki wearing a red bucket.

“Why don’t you go forward, am I already in your Attack range?”

As the room spoke, the Tsuchigage building suddenly exploded, and hot steam rose from the sky.

But when the steam dissipated, Naruto disappeared.

“What about the seal class?”

“The village’s protective barrier is a display!”

Tsuchikage took a dice.

Kaidō, who is fighting in the seal class: “The village’s defense barrier does not perceive this person’s information.”

When the two were talking, a bone hand suddenly appeared at the foot of the five-tailed Jinchūriki.

Grab the five-tailed Jinchūriki and squat down.

The five-tailed Jinchūriki’s body at the same time spurts hot steam.

At this same time, Iwagakure Ninja village is good at Earth Style’s shinobi.

But what I caught was only the avatar.

Onoki’s body is off the ground, and the whole person floats out of the air.

Then look at the village under your eyes with eyes.

He wants to find the enemy.

But then the fog suddenly grew bigger.

Cover everyone’s field of vision.

“Han! What are you doing!”

Five-tailed Jinchūriki Han, shocked, snoring Kaidō: “Not what I did!”

At this moment, Naruto suddenly appeared in front of Han.

Mangekyō Sharingan!

Han’s body ready to resist suddenly suddenly.

The Illusion Technique Attack Spirit link was created successfully.

The next moment Naruto saw five tails.

It is a whole body white, the head is like a dolphin, but the body is like a horse’s creature.

Naruto saw five tails and five tails saw Naruto.

The two are opposite.

“You have a familiar atmosphere on your body.”

“you are……”

The five tails want to say that Naruto is Jinchūriki.

But soon he found out that he felt a few drums.

There are one tail, two tails, eight tails, and nine tails!

Then what is possible!

The five tails were shocked.

“I need your Chakra.”

Naruto proposed conditions for the five tails.

The seal of Sharingan in the five-eyed eye is intermittent.

The meaningless Chakra came out of the seal.


“Oh! Just! Just!”

This is the sound that was uploaded from the giant egg. There were three gaps in the gap and it was spread over the giant egg.

At the same time There is one more golden pattern on the aperture of the giant egg.

This stripe road and other lines are integrated into the city, making the halo look like gold.

“Thank you, see you next time.”

Naruto’s integration into the fog disappeared.

When the fog dissipated, only the five-tailed Jinchūriki stood still.

The Illusion Technique was lifted and the five-tailed Jinchūriki made a splash.

“what happened!”

This is the question of Onoki.

“I…Illusion Technique…”

“The man has Sharingan.”

Spirit network.

“Boss we have returned to the institute.”

Naruto: “Good, I will be there later.”

After the explanation, Naruto appeared behind the old purple.

The feeling of old purple is stronger than that of Han.

Naruto’s feet suddenly burst into a hot Magma!

If Naruto does not have two tails, it will have some resistance to Flame, and this is the end.


The previous few times were too smooth.

Naruto risked the escape of Magma’s jet.

But when Naruto landed, Magma came out again at the soles of the feet.

Under the perception barrier, the old purple will spread Chakra all over.

“You can’t run.”

Old purple stares at Naruto.

Naruto said with a smile : “You just said this to your village head.”


Like a volcanic eruption, at the foot of Naruto, Magma suddenly broke out ten times larger than before.

Naruto took care of Katon (Fire Release) and took out the flying sword while avoiding it.

“嗖sōu! sōu sōu sōu !”

The five-handed flying sword will surround the old purple.


The old purple body stopped.

Naruto kicked out and kicked the old purple out of the Magma strip.

Mangekyō Sharingan!

The next moment Naruto saw four tails.

A whole body red enveloped monkey.

“I need your Chakra.”

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