Supreme Naruto

Chapter 515

“Congratulations on making the right choice.”

Naruto took off the clothes of Iwagakure Ninja village girl Shinobi and put it on the two wooden people.

It was a red cloak, very big, so the cover was very strict.

“Hey? This chain is a bit weird.”

The chain is not controlled by Naruto’s Metal.

One contact also actively swallowed Naruto’s Chakra.

Two teak people Kaidō: “To unlock the chain, you need to find shinobi for surgery.”

Naruto shook the shook head, “No.”

The grasshopper sword appeared in the hand.



The cable is disconnected directly.

Then even cut three swords, and the other three chains were also cut off.

Two of the swords in the hands of the wooden man looks at Naruto sighed: “Good sharp sword.”

Naruto proudly said: “That is, this is a grasshopper sword.”

After hearing the grasshopper sword, the two men looked at the eyes of the wooden man. “Are you a person around Orochimaru?”

Naruto curl one’s lip : “You know so much, but I am not under Orochimaru.”

The two are known to the wooden people because this is mainly because Killer B has been thinking about this sword.

The two speakers were turned back by the wooden man, and the red cloak was worn on the body.

The next moment then smashed out.

Naruto originally wanted to block the Anbu Ninja at the door but didn’t expect the two teakers to suddenly ignite the two-color Flame and fire the shinobi directly into the ash.

“Hey! You promised me!”

Naruto shouted a bit.

The two are made by the wooden man Kaidō: “Do you believe in the words of a woman?”

Said that people have disappeared.

Naruto corner of the mouth took a pumping, and suddenly the mood was complicated.

Next chase or not chase?

Do you have to do good deeds?

Spirit Network, “Thousands of hands, you…”

Naruto was trying to summon himself in the middle of the hand, only to find that the two were ran back.

“How come you ran back?”

The two were helpless by the wooden man, and there was a bit of a pitiful look: “I can’t beat people outside.”


Naruto asked: “Do you think I will help someone who is going back?”

At this time, the corridor suddenly warmed up.

Four-tailed Jinchūriki old purple.

“Kitten, can you tell me how you escaped?”

The two men were glaring at the eyes, and Naruto’s body was inserted into the wall and left. “Don’t be so stingy!”

Naruto has no response.

Old purple entered the house, Naruto has left home.

There is only one male and one female in the coma of the seal class shinobi.

And the two-tailed Jinchūriki two are made by wooden people.

Old purple glanced at the chain on the stone bed. “Someone comes to save you? Others?”

Four-tailed Jinchūriki old purple.

The hair of one body is dark red, and the head is wearing a “mountain” shaped guard.

On the other side of the Spirit network, I asked in a thousand hands: “That… what did you call me?”

Naruto: “It’s okay, wait for me to notice.”

In the cell, two people have been beaten by the wooden man and the old man.

Old Purple is determined to be awkward because of the fact that there are still individuals here.

Another point is the top of this underground chamber, but Iwagakure Ninja village.

On the contrary, the two people will not have to worry about this.

Even the direct Tail Beastization, a fierce attack on the old purple.

Bijudama launch!

The stone chamber was blasted out, and the two were slipped out by the wooden man.

But then the gravity changes, and the two ends of the avatar are pressed against the ground by the wooden body, and the movement is slow.

Tsuchikage is here.

There is also a robust man with a red armor in his pocket that is two meters tall.

That person should be five-tailed Jinchūriki

The three most Experts in the village of Iwagakure Ninja are gathered together.

Old Purple wants the short Old Man to report: “Someone came to rescue her, and that person should still be in the village now.”

Tsuchikage has a dignified expression. “First lock the two-tailed Jinchūriki.”

The person who sealed the bar came, a path of chain wrapped around the two wooden people.

The two were dissipated by the wooden man Chakra and exited the Tail Beast mode.

“Come out!”

Tsuchikage Little Old Man shouted a bit.

The four-tailed Jinchūriki and the five-tailed Jinchūriki are on the sidelines.

At the same time, there are a lot of shinobi around.

It is surrounded by Level 3 outer Level 3.

Tsuchikage blinks, the small eyes above the big-eyed bag aim at all around.

Quietly around.

More sensing class shinobi began to practice.

Naruto communicated with the Spirit link to the second person. “You said that I should give you another chance?”

The two tails were shocked by the wooden heart.

Can the person at the moment still take her away?

The two tails are connected to the Spirit link by the wooden man.

“You change the conditions. I am shinobi in the village of Kumo Shinobi. I can’t betray my own village.”

Naruto Kaidō: “How can I betray the village without letting you kill the people in Kumo Shinobi?”

“You can understand leaving home for a while.”

The two were asked by the wooden man: “What do you want me to do?”

Naruto Kaidō : “How about dealing with other villages? In addition to Kumo Shinobi Village.”

The two were hesitated by the wooden man.

Naruto continued to persuade: “Without me, you are mortal, and the two tails of your body will be taken away by the opposite side to create Jinchūriki belonging to the village of Iwagakure Ninja.”

“There are three Jinchūrikis in Iwagakure Ninja Village by then.”

“With the relationship between the village of Iwagakure Ninja and the village of Kumo Shinobi, you say…who is the person who ultimately suffers?”

The two were shaken by the wooden man.

Naruto continued: “Raikage and eight-tailed Jinchūriki are too late to save you.”

“Even if they come, face two Jinchūriki, a Tsuchikage, how much do you think they want to take you away?”

“When the people in Iwagakure Ninja village can’t pick up your Tail Beast with the body, they can kill you.”

The two teakers bit their teeth. “Good! If you have the ability to save me from this, then I promise you what the conditions are!”

Negotiating with women is really tired.

Naruto appeared quietly on the Tsuchikage building.

“Daddy, bring a mask, I want to summon you.”

Summon Naruto in the System panel to select the hand.

The Chakra link used for summoning is naturally Chakra of the Big Snow Mountain.

One time an aperture appeared on the Tsuchikage building.

The movement of Chakra condensed Tsuchikage suddenly.


Tsuchikage ordered, and the nearest Anbu Ninja rushed over.

But the faster the speed, the faster it dies.

A very thin Metal wire sweeps across the body, and the person becomes two.

Only those who are most sensitive to danger, who use Shakra to protect themselves in time, or who have other means of defense are alive.

But it is Naruto’s flying sword that greets these people.

Imprint slow flying sword flying sword.

傀儡barrier is slow.

One end of the flying sword is connected to the squall line, and the squall line is supplied to Chakra. At the same time, the remote operation is also performed.

Fūton (Wind Release)! Wind blade!

For a time when Feijian passed, the head of the man fell to the ground like a drum.

The shinobi of Iwagakure Ninja village began to retreat in panic.

At this time the second generation Hokage has been summoned.

The second generation Hokage headband mask.

Konoha’s protector was thrown away at the moment of loyalty to Naruto, so no one could recognize it in one eye.

The second-generation Hokage gaze over the surrounding bodies and the rolling heads and sighed: “It’s really a big scene, what do you want me to do?”

Naruto Kaidō : “Use your Ability to take the two-tailed Jinchūriki on the ground.”

Three generations of Tsuchikage Onoki eyes The reddish looks at the ground and poured a piece of body, and said: “No one can go today!”

There are four more, ask for tickets!

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