Supreme Naruto

Chapter 501

Akatsuki Organization meeting.

The projections of Naruto and Hidan appear on the fingertips of the outer golem.

Then several people appeared, and Deidara was one of them.

After seeing the squirrel Naruto, Deidara complained: “Are you still not over there? It’s been a month.”

Deidara started to talk, and the cockroaches not far away saw it.

The same is the projection of the color streamer, can not see the expression, but Naruto knows that the two are worried about him.

Hidan’s exaggerated Kaidō appearing behind Naruto: “You don’t know, it’s too cunning.”

When Hidan talked to Deidara, several people’s projections appeared.

At this point, ten fingers, only two left.

Heavenly Dao Pain start to talk said: “Okay, people are together, now I will inform one thing.”

Are people together?

Naruto’s gaze looked at the two positions that were still empty.

Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Hoshigaki haven’t come yet.

Deidara swept his eyes at no one’s position and shouted: “How come eight people are all right? Shouldn’t that two people hang up?”

Deidara’s tone is a bit yin and yang. After all, the relationship between Deidara and Uchiha Itachi has been different for some competitive relationships.

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko is not squinting, and his tone is indifferent: “The next thing to say is related to them.”

“They encountered some trouble in the process of chasing Orochimaru.”

“Deidara, hey, you will go to support.”

Deidara stayed for a moment and then dared to point to himself: “Let me support him?”

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko finally moved and turned to look at Deidara: “Is there a problem?”

Deidara’s imposing manner is gone.

Saddle with a smile : “No problem, no problem, just…”

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko did not wait for Deidara to just say it and directly slogan: “Well, no problem, then the Quest will be handed over to you. You are in the rain country, and the specific Quest will be sent to you under the instrument.”

At this time, Tsunade took the initiative to ask: “That brat does not seem to like it, let me go? I am very interested in Orochimaru.”

Deidara quickly said, “Let’s let…”

However, if the words have not been said, they will be vetoed by Yahiko: “No, you are.”

Tsunade was silent, and Naruto looked at Tsunad and thought about what he was doing with Orochimaru.

Uchiha Itachi found Orochimaru?

Is it for Quest? Or because of Sasuke?

But no matter what, just meet.

Orochimaru that guy will definitely reveal Sasuke’s whereabouts to you.

The worst thing is……

Orochimaru knows that Naruto has Base in the country of snow.

After paying homage to Orochimaru’s Quest, Yahiko asked Hidan about the progress of pursuing the humble call: “Hidan, when will your Quest be completed?”

Hidan quickly replied to Naruto and replied: “At the latest, we will be able to complete Quest in a week.”

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko silent for a moment, “How about the performance of A Fei?”

Hidan curl one’s lip, this action is not too clear in the streamer, but you can also see some.

Then dissatisfied: “That guy, from beginning to end is a messenger, if it is not for us we have completed Quest.”

When I mentioned A Fei, I also read it. “Is it not good? It seems that he is not ready to become a full member.”

Hidan continued to act: “It’s not good, it’s not going to fight, and now people don’t know where to go.”

A Fei did not know where to go?

The meeting was silent for a while.

Deidara is dissatisfied with the tsukkomi in his heart: “The kind of guy is better than letting me blow up, the province is shameful.”

But no one cares about him…

The meeting was dissolved.

In the wild jungle of the country of Fire, Hidan suddenly softened on the ground and complained: “Call… Lying in front of so many abnormals, the pressure is not that big.”

It is Naruto’s thought that Obito is missing.

In the original plan, Naruto planned to wait for Obito to go back with the team.

But then suddenly I thought of one thing, that is, three White Zetsus on Obito were killed by him.

Three White Zetsus have been unable to recover, and going back will inevitably make them noticeable.

It’s better to say that Obbit disappears midway, so that even if you notice it, you will only focus on Obito.

“Good performance.”

On the branch, Nuo Men’s 墒笄 哦 瓤浣 瓤浣 瓤浣 瓤浣 朔啥 朔啥 朔啥 幌 幌 幌

Hidan rolled over and lay on the ground, whispering to the little squirrel on the branch. “Since all said that A Fei is not with us, can I return to the country of rain?”

This month, Naruto’s body is idle, he will practice him, and every day there are new tricks, from a sword to a group of swords.

These are not the most unbearable things that Hidan can’t stand. Some swords will not only be ice-cold, but they will still be poisonous.

Still in the middle of the morning that can paralyze.

Anyway, he is fed up.

Naruto jumped down from the tree. “What are you worried about? If you go back, you will not be able to go back and will definitely be assigned to other Quests.”

Say Naruto got into Hidan’s pocket. “I left, this body protects me.”

Say Naruto’s Spiritual Body left.

Hidan corner of the mouth took a pumping and whispered: “I would rather go back and do Quest…”

Da Xueshan Research Institute, Dissection Room of Yakushi Kabuto.

I was doing nothing, and Naruto, who had hanged Lang Lang, suddenly had a stiff body and then got up.

Yakushi Kabuto on the side noticed this, start to talk confirmed: “Boss, are you back?”

Naruto stretched out. “Come back, continue surgery.”

On the operating table, Obito calmly lay on the operating table.

“Starting the injection of nerve numbness.”

The Naruto command is heard.

Yakushi Kabuto took out a needle and took the liquid…

“It takes ten people to dose.”

Naruto A start to talk, Yakushi Kabuto is a stiff, but still according to Naruto’s instructions.

The injection of the drug was completed and slowed down for two minutes.

Naruto came to Obito and hand seal.

The curse on Obito was lifted.

Naruto’s Sharingan stares at Obito, and Spirit hits!

“Wake up!”

Shouting loudly, straight into the Spirit World of Obito.

Obito is a stunner and opens his eyes.

Not an eye, but a pair.

The one that was hidden behind the mask was also a Sharingan.

Of course, this is definitely not original.

It should be that Uchiha took one of the batches of Obito on the day of the genocide.

The nerve numbness is effective, Obito feels bad, and the eyelids are heavy.

Look at the look at Naruto.

Naruto is a ghost in the vision of Obito.

Don’t underestimate the dose of ten doses of nerve paralysis. The amount of this ten person is not calculated according to the dose of the ordinary person.

Instead, it is calculated according to the dose of a Jōnin.

So even the Obito transplanted with the first generation of cells is very difficult.

However, Naruto believes that with a little more time for Obito, with the formidable and abnormal of the first-generation cells, Obito can definitely recover at a speed far beyond that of ordinary people.

Naruto stares at Obito, and the left eye’s three tomoe Sharingan changes into Mangekyō Sharingan.

Around the pupil, it extends along one side of the square.

Four sharp corners are supported in the same direction, like the shakingan in the shuriken.


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