Supreme Naruto

Chapter 500

Hinata cry out in surprise : “Naruto Jun Kakashi teacher he…”

Kakashi, who has been in Illusion Technique, has softened his body and his eyes are at the ground…

Naruto appeared in the behind of Kakashi, and held the sleeping Kakashi.

Then put Kakashi back into the coffin.

“Nothing, I just let him sleep.”

After Kakashi was placed in the coffin, the big white teeth flew over and landed in the coffin, lying with Kakashi.

“Just this meeting is going to be over.”

Naruto looked up at Hinata.

Apologize: “Sorry… this meeting should disappoint you.”

Hinata shook head again: “Kakashi teacher is fine, Naruto does not have to blame.”

Kakashi’s closed Sharingan flows out of a blood.

Naruto blocked her hand from letting Hinata see it, and Senjutsu helped Kakashi heal the eyes.

Then I took out a grain of glutinous rice balls and stuffed them into Kakashi’s mouth.

Once again, the line is linked to the coffin and the cover is covered.

“I am going to send the teacher Kakashi away.”

Hinata anxious: “Naruto Jun, let me go with you.”

Naruto waved his hand: “No, soon, I will go back when I go.”

Naruto’s Spiritual Body is isolated and drilled into the body of the wall.

Lying in the corpse is a puffer fish.

Naruto drilled into the puffer fish’s Spirit Space and transferred it to the flying squirrel through the connection between the pufferfish and the flying squirrel.

In the Spirit network: “Small nine, with a coffin, I want to summon you.”

The little squirrel opened his eyes and he was in Hidan’s pocket.

“Hey? Did the little guy wake up?”

Naruto stunned Hidan with a sneak peek, “You are your Boss.”

Hidan’s little face was scared.

“Old… old… Boss, do you still have to practice?”

Naruto glanced at Hidan, “that point…”

Then use the identity card to summon the ontology.

The aperture shines, “bang!”, and the nine tails of the coffin appear in front of Naruto.

Naruto’s Spiritual Body returns to the body, and the raft is avatar!

“Hey! Ontology, let’s meet again!”

Naruto’s face is black.

Whose avatars have you seen greeted with the body?

And this mouth is still so broken.

Naruto didn’t say that he gave the coffin in his hand to the avatar.

The sudden appearance of the actor has come to a stand: “Guaranteed to complete Quest!”

Then I flew up with Kakashi’s coffin.

The effort of a smog disappeared.

The direction is towards Konoha.

“Boss…you are this…”

Naruto turned to look at Hidan: “Don’t hit the coffin idea.”

Hidan immediately nodded.

Naruto wants to send Kakashi back to Konoha?

No, Naruto just let Kakashi run to Konoha and how far it can run.

But before the avatar was lifted, Naruto never thought of what he did.

When Kaka woke up, the first thing I felt was the weapon pressed against his arm.

Metal texture, familiar with the touch.

It is a big white tooth.

The coffin is very dark and has no light.

The body seems to be floating and there is a sound of water in the ear.

what happened?

Kakashi waited quietly for a while, all around except the sound of water.

Then Kakashi carefully, trying to push the push cover, the cover was easily pushed open, and in the gap that opened, the moonlight came in.

It is night.

Kakashi has a judgment.

There is only water sound around.

Kakashi used both hands and feet to prop up the coffin cover, then carefully moved the coffin cover little by little, and gently handled it without making too much noise.

The coffin cover is wide open, and the purpose is a starry sky.

The sound of water in the ear huā lā lā.

The body flutters.

Is this on the water?

Kakashi sat up and saw herself on a raft…

No one on the raft, the paddles paddling themselves…

It’s a day to see this picture in the big night.

Kakashi only feels that the scalp is numb, and the paddle that I slide is really different!

All around …… no one.

No one, the paddle is shaking…

Kakashi even if Strength is forformable, then killing people like scything flax, this big night is not straightforward.

At this time, suddenly heard a cry, “You wake up.”

No one is coming!


Kakashi scared the cold hair and jumped out of the coffin with his big white teeth.

Just like a cat who has been trampled on the tail, he goes out to the top.

No one has a voice!

This can scare Kakashi.

Then I saw Naruto’s head sticking out of the raft.

“You wake up and my Quest is done.”

Kakashi’s heart is still “嘭bang!”, “Naruto? You will still be raft!”

Kakashi wants to understand what is going on.

Naruto didn’t return to him, self-concerned Kaidō: “I am leaving, I look forward to seeing you next time, Teacher Kakashi.”


The raft disappeared and the coffin fell directly into the water.

Kakashi poured Chakra into the soles of his feet and stood on the water.

When I look up at all around…

Kakashi is blind.

All sides are water, water and sky!

Black hole…

“This…what is this!”

With this at the same time, Naruto, who had not slept, was also shocked.

At the moment when the avatar was released, the memory of the avatar was passed to Naruto.

Naruto couldn’t help but swear: “Rely! How to throw Kaka teacher into the sea!”

Naruto uses the raft to separate, and the lesson is: “What happened to you!”

The newly-divided avatar is arrogant: “Ontology… that is not what I did…”

Naruto opened his mouth and raised his hand on the shoulder: “Nothing, I didn’t want to criticize you, I just want to say… beautiful! You are so talented!”

A happy face.

“Ah Hahahaha, I liked the praise, it is the talent of the body, we can follow the talent.”

“I was tired at the time, and I happened to see a river that seemed to point to Konoha.”

Naruto smiled and said: “So you become a bamboo raft with Kakashi down the river?”

Split your head and say: “Hahahaha, this saves effort.”

Naruto’s face suddenly stopped: “Don’t you say that you are not?”

The body is a stiff.

If you let someone see Naruto and his own chat, Naruto will be a madman.

But Naruto’s avatar… is really weird.

It’s a matter of course: “That’s what it’s done, I’m also a avatar, and that’s what I did, um… but it’s not that I’m doing it.”

Naruto’s right eyelid was lifted and said to himself: “In memory…Kakashi is in the position…the river is not too far into the sea…Kakashi teacher should be fine?”

I whispered to myself: “Well… two days and two nights… I haven’t accelerated so much in the middle. It shouldn’t be too far…”

Naruto also noticed the numbers in memory.

Two days and two nights… Kakashi can come back.

Kakashi is so powerful that I can definitely come back, eh!

On the sea, Kakashi hates Naruto for the itchy roots, cursing: “Naruto! Little bastard, you are waiting for me! Best not to be caught by me! Otherwise…other…”

Kakashi thought of an embarrassing thing, he seems to beat Naruto.

“Oh… um!”

The sound of the whistle was transmitted from the distance to the ear. Kakashi quickly opened the guard. With the vision of Sharingan, Kakashi saw a freighter approaching him in the darkness of the distance!


Kakashi ran over the freighter.

However, the freighter was turning the bow.

Kakashi is in a hurry!


“Don’t run!”


Kakashi swears that he has even made the effort to breastfeed.

At the same time, my heart kept licking Naruto.

The Snowy Mountain Institute, the point is behind.

Naruto looks at the newly transplanted eyes on Danzo’s arm.

This eye… is replaced by Kakashi and is another eye of Obito.

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