Supreme Naruto

Chapter 498

For Kakashi, Naruto is very tangled.

He didn’t want to face Kakashi, but he didn’t think he was doing something wrong.

I have never done this wrong in Naruto’s dictionary.

He is only afraid that Kakashi is too stubborn.

Afraid of Kakashi hands-on.

“Hinata ah… that…”

Naruto had thought about finding a place to put Kakashi away.

Adding a drug or a time to remove the curse can make Kakashi not see him when he wakes up.

But Hinata wants to see Kakashi…

How to see?

Looking at it from afar?

Still have to face-to-face communication?

Naruto feels good at a glance.

However, look at Hinata is awkward, think about it.

“Well, okay, when I finish eating, let’s go see Teacher Kakashi.”

The speed of Naruto’s meal was brought up.

A few mouthfuls of a dish into the stomach.

Hinata looks at the food and stopped it…

Naruto noticed that Hinata was wrong this time.

“How… you, didn’t you eat?”

Naruto is a little embarrassed to look at Hinata.

The corner of the corner of the eye swept the table, and there was still a dish left in the pot. There was also a bowl of rice in the pot.

Hinata’s face was red, and she was nervous and didn’t tell the truth. “I ate… I think Kakashi teacher hasn’t eaten yet…”

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes).

“He, don’t bother, I will give him a few granules when he arrives.”

Say Naruto is going to pull the rest of the dishes.

But think about putting down the chopsticks.

“Forget it, keep it for him.”

“But he is also good enough to eat.”

“If you are hungry for a long time, your stomach will not be able to digest. In that case, you have to eat soldiers and pills.”

“Let’s go see our Kakashi teacher.”

The two came to the position where the five coffins were parked.

Hinata noticed that the curse on the coffin was lifted!

“Naruto Jun…the curse is gone…”

Hinata looks at Naruto, “The teacher won’t come out by himself?”

Naruto waved his hand. “No, I let the hunt out last night.”

Did Naruto open a curse yesterday night?

Naruto is a monarch… I also wanted to see Teacher Kakashi.

For a time, Hinata’s mind outlined Naruto and looked back at the look at Kakashi’s teacher.

Before going to the coffin, the Chakra line connects the coffin cover and the coffin cover opens.

Inside the coffin, Kakashi lay quietly.

Naruto made a snap, “Oh!”

“Get up, it’s dawn.”

The curse on Kakashi was lifted, and Kakashi slammed his eyes.

At this time Kakashi’s memory still stayed in the coffin before being held.

Kakashi didn’t pull out of the coffin, but looked at the doubts at Naruto.

At first glance he did not recognize Naruto.

The reason why he did not jump out of the coffin and launched an attack was because Kakashi knew the curse that hung on him.

He couldn’t ask for the curse, and he didn’t have the power to fight back.

Therefore, it gave up resistance.

But… Who is this person in front of me?

At first glance, I didn’t see the hunt, nor the humble, and let Kakashi have some doubts.

“Kakashi teacher.”

Hinata start to talk.

The sound of Hinata has not changed much in a year.

This made Kakashi recognize it.

Hinata went further to the coffin where Kakashi was lying.

From the perspective of Kakashi, I finally saw Hinata.

“Young… Tian?”

Hinata’s hair is getting longer and her height is getting higher, which makes Kakashi somewhat uncertain.

But the teacher Kakashi told him that his students were in front of him.

“Hinata, how are you so high?”

“Is I slept for too long?”

Whether it is the growth speed of Hinata or the growth speed of Naruto, it is a enchanting level compared to the person of same age.

Naruto’s main thing is to devour the nine-tailed Chakra, and Hinata would like to thank the teacher of the nine lama for the feast.

Waiting for Hinata to answer, Kakashi asked: “What about hungry?”

I don’t want to be humble in the distance and I promised myself: “I am here.”

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) slammed and sighed and said: “Be honest and do your life.”

Humbled back and nodded, then took a mop and continued to drag.

Kakashi sat up and saw the humble call of the mopping.

This picture makes Kakashi feel a bit ridiculous.

Why is the humble caller mopping the floor? What about his men?

Look back at Naruto.

Who is this guy? The boss who humbles?

But… this face… Why is there a sense of familiarity…

Naruto is not used to being seen by Kakashi.

Cleared the throat, “cough, the teacher Kakashi… I know you can’t recognize me so handsome, then I introduce myself, my name is Uzumaki Naruto.”

Uzumaki Naruto !

The moment the name rang, Kakashi finally knew where the familiarity came from!


Why is Naruto so high!

Minato teacher is not that big!

There is hair… Is it that the gene of 玖辛奈 has risen.

There are also eyes…

That red mullion… This eye made him think of nine tails.

The other eye…

Kakashi’s heart suddenly hurts.

Naruto’s other eye was wearing a blindfold.

What exactly happened? Is Naruto’s left eye smashed?


There are a thousand words in my heart, but at this moment Kakashi doesn’t know what to say.

and many more!

Is this really Naruto?

So why are you listening to Naruto?

What is the relationship between Naruto and BC?

For a time, Kakashi only felt that his brain was not enough, so he didn’t even know what to say.

“Can you explain it to me?”

Kakashi was shocked but not irrational. As the former Captain of Konoha Anbu Ninja, Kakashi’s heart has long been tempered, not to mention that he has also served as Konoha’s Hokage.

Naruto nodded, said with a smile: “Of course, I can simply say… I saved you from the humble, and then… I accepted the humble call.”

This sentence summarizes really short.

Kakashi’s corner of the eye swept to the humble.

Humbled in the diligent mopping…

This does not matter first.

Kakashi asked again: “Why leave Konoha.”

Naruto looks at Kakashi.

Kakashi used to leave, not betray.

It seems that Kakashi does not seem to regard him as a rebellion.


When I returned to Konoha last time, Naruto heard the name of him in other mouths.


“Why did Orochimaru leave me why I left?”

Naruto could have said something pretty, but it was streamlined.

This sentence is quite intriguing.

But it is also true.

Orochimaru is studying the taboos of immortality.

Although Naruto did not leave for the study of taboos, he is now studying the taboo technique.


Kakashi looks at Naruto, the look in the eyes is more complicated.

Naruto smiled and shook his head: “Those are not important, Hinata misses you, talk to Hinata.”

Kakashi turned to look at Hinata.

Frown: “Hinata, do you know what you are doing?”

The joy on Hinata’s face was long gone in the conversation between Naruto and Kakashi.

A year later, the teachers and students met again, and there was no imaginary tears.

“Hinata knows what he is doing.”

Kakashi asked: “So what does your father know is doing?”

Hinata bit her lip: “Father is an adult… I know I am leaving, I don’t know what I am doing.”

Kakashi’s heart is more complicated, but Hinata is different from Naruto.

Hyuga Hiashi has applied to cancel the Hinota’s shinobi file, and Hinata is not currently Konoha’s shinobi.

Therefore, there is no betrayal.

“Naruto, I am… I want to smoke you.”

Naruto is complicated, bitter with a smile: “Well, I have a life-saving grace for you…”

Kakashi is still staring at him.

The eyes are firm.

Naruto said: “You can’t beat me now.”

This is a very real vernacular, so it is more heart-wrenching.

Kakashi blushes: “This is not necessarily the case.”

Naruto pointed to the humble and said: “Nothing is not necessarily, you are caught by the humble, and I easily beat the humble.”

Kakashi’s face is darker.

The guard is pulled open…

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