Supreme Naruto

Chapter 497

“dāng dāng dāng !” The door buckled.

Hinata stands outside the door and starts to talk. “Naruto, eat.”

There is no response in the house.

Did Naruto fall asleep?

In fact, Hinata can directly notify Naruto with System’s chat function, but… Naruto is hard to come back, Hinata wants to spend more with Naruto… or let Naruto stay with her.

“Naruto Jun?”

Hinata snorted and there was no movement in the room.

Hinata stood at the door, wondering if she should continue to knock on the door, or leave.

Even if you are tired of sleeping… you should finish your meal and sleep.

Hinata was pondering and suddenly thought of a bad possibility.

Will it be… Naruto is gone again?

Hinata’s heart is hanging up.

Click on the map of the Snowy Mountain Institute to view the location information of the members with four-star permissions.

Sure enough, Naruto’s location is not in the Snowy Mountain Institute, nor in the Snow Country.

Personnel location search, recorded Naruto in the country of the earth.

Has Naruto gone yet?

Hinata suddenly lost.

Originally Hinata thought that learning to control the curse, he was forformable, and when he could help Naruto, he could be with Naruto.

But knowing everything is the same as in the past.

Hinata leaned against Naruto’s door and bitterly biting her lips.

Click on Chat System and want to talk to Naruto.

But hesitated.

Maybe Naruto is busy right now.

If you are busy… she has nothing to suddenly find Naruto…

Who said nothing, eating is also a major event.

Hinata whispered a little whispered: “I just… ask him if he can’t come back to eat…”

With great courage, Hinata finally opened the picture of Naruto.

The call link was successfully established.

“Naruto Jun, are you coming back for dinner?”

Another Naruto Kaidō: “You should eat it first, I have something to do, leave me some leftovers.”

“Is there anything else?”

Hinata listened to her nervousness.

Naruto really has something, then am I disturbing Naruto?

Hinata has some self-blame, and quickly Kaidō: “It’s okay.”

Hey… the call is over…

For a time, Hinata seemed to have exhausted all her strength.

The whole person squatted against the door.

The dull look at Naruto’s avatar on the control panel, I don’t know what I think in my head.

No, she knows what she is thinking, she wants to be with Naruto.

Whether she is eating or fighting, she wants to be with Naruto.

But I don’t know what I want to do. I want to be with Naruto. She doesn’t know what to do to get this result.

Hinata grinned and said, “I don’t know what Naruto is doing right now…”

Hinata has crossed the shoulders of black hair, a small bat sticking out of the small head.


The little bat arched the cheek of Hinata with his head, and Hinata held the little guy in the palm of his hand. “I’m so useless…”

The little bat swiftly shook his head: “Hey! Hey!”

What is Naruto doing? He is taking the sword from Hidan.

Try the new flying sword!

“Hey! Don’t run!”

Naruto shouted a bit.

Hidan in front is running faster.

The two ran wildly, one after the other, crossed the junction of the country of the earth and the country of fire.

Step into a piece of Gobi Desert.

“I said what you are running!”

Naruto’s fastest speed is the Fūton (Wind Release) storm in four-speed mode.

But that one can only be used once and for all, and it is not suitable for this kind of chase.

So Naruto opened the three doors of the eight-door armor that had not been used for a long time, and gave birth to the door!

One match with the blink.

“Hey! If you run again I’ll beat you, ah!”

Naruto stunned and Hidan ran more happily.

Naruto is so angry, he just wants to try the newly researched flying sword.

Run like this…

Huh? He ran his cockroach? Does not affect the test sword.

The slow barrier is the speed class.

“This is what you are looking for!”

Naruto waved and the blue-sleeve sword appeared in Naruto’s hands.

傀儡 line control green sleeve sword!

The green sleeve sword turned the sword blade under the control of Naruto and shot it out to Hidan!

Five hundred meters, 100 meters! 50 meters!

Flying sword is close to Hidan, slow barrier launch!

Hidan’s speed changed from a lively rabbit to a slow snail.

Naruto easily catches up with Hidan and pats Hidan’s shoulder: “Run very fast.”

Hidan opened his mouth and the speed of speech was like a slow-moving repeater.

Naruto lifts the slow barrier.

Hidan finally said something fluent: “Boss! I… I really didn’t mean to run.”

Naruto corner of the mouth A pumping, not intentional?

Can you escape this stuff unintentionally?

Naruto wants to give Hidan a big mouth. Ask if you are not interested. Is it that I let you run?

However, this sentence did not say anything, but praised: “Well, you are doing very well, continue.”

Hidan said: “Boss… What continues?”

Naruto pointed to the front: “Continue to run.”

Hidan hesitated.

Naruto’s face was black and fierce: “You don’t run me and yell at you!”

Hidan ran away.

Naruto shouted: “Fast!”

Xun Hao instant surgery, I saw Hidan “sōu!” and went out!

Naruto controlled the flying sword and chased it up.

However, this time I tried two flying swords and did not catch up with Hidan.

Hidan’s speed is obviously faster than before.

Naruto untwisted the wire and used steel to control the direction and magnetize the magnet! Repulsive!

This time, the speed of the flying sword, smashed up!

Once again catch up with Hidan.

The slow barrier opens and Hidan’s body slows down again.

Naruto walked to the front and the slow barrier was lifted.

“Not fast enough! Come again!”

Talking to Hidan’s ass is a kick.

Hidan begged: “Boss, I am wrong, I am not running…”

Naruto’s fierce face: “I let you run!”

It’s another foot.

Hidan ran away.

Naruto tiger face, shouted: “Fast! Accelerate!”

Hidan’s speed was raised again.

Once, twice, three times.

Grab Hidan, let it go, and let it go.

I don’t know how many times to cycle.

“Boss, I am really wrong. What do you do when you say what to do?”

Naruto shines on Hidan’s ass: “I let you run!”

However, when Hidan began to pay attention to Feijian to avoid flying swords, Naruto wanted to catch it again.

If there are more than a few, to block Hidan…

Naruto made a few flying swords without a spell, and then used a fake to scare Hidan, and the three were missing. Hidan naturally came to the front.

Then catch it again.

But this trick didn’t take long, and Hidan began to test with tentacles.

Then break out from the position of the fake flying sword.

“Okay, come here today.”

Naruto stopped and the blue-sleeve sword came back.

The other fake flying swords returned to the Metal block and were taken over by Naruto.

Hidan is still running.

Naruto ignored it and went straight back to the Daxueshan Institute.

“Hinata, left me for the leftovers?”

Hinata wants to say that she is not leftovers, but the words become: “Leave.”

The food is served on the table, and Hinata looks at Naruto.

But… she wants to say that she hasn’t eaten either…

“Do you want to see Teacher Kakashi?”

Naruto suddenly asked.

Hinata replied subconsciously: “Think.”

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