Supreme Naruto

Chapter 489

Naruto’s original plan was to raise Shisui’s Sharingan on Danzo’s arm.

Borrowing the vitality of the original cell formidable allows Shisui’s Kotoamatsukami to recover in advance.

Then transplant Shisui’s Sharingan to him and control Obito with Kotoamatsukami.

The plan looked good, but Naruto soon encountered new problems.

After three days in a row, Shisui’s Sharingan showed no signs of recovery and kept his eyes closed.

In fact, this is nothing. After all, Kotoamatsukami’s Ability is said to be used again after ten years of use. The first generation cells can speed up this speed, but it also takes ten days and a half months, or even one month.

This is all about the past.

but! Kakashi and the other four Kekkei Genkai shinobi are in the Kamui Space of Obito!

I have to wait for ten days and a half, and the people in the coffin are likely to be cold!

This is not what Naruto wants to see.

How to do?

Threat Obito with Hidan?

Hidan got the Obito’s blood… It’s not difficult to threaten Obito, and the chips are enough.

But… so Obito has a war.

It would be difficult to use Kotoamatsukami on Obito.

Naruto thought, when Yakushi Kabuto came over the news.

“Boss, hungry has already recruited.”

“I will send you the full version of Ghost Buddy.”

Naruto is worried, how can I care about what the buds and buds are, then I am free of Kaidō: “Take it? It’s good, um… you do it well.”

Then Naruto continued to think about how to break the deadlock in front of him and let Obito honestly return the coffin.

Humble, um, don’t care about that guy.

Let’s solve the problem of Obito first, or what to do if Kakashi teacher is cold.

and many more! Humble!

Naruto suddenly thought of a trick!

Quickly contact Yakushi Kabuto on the Spirit network: “How about the guy who is hurrying? Is it good to talk? Would you like to cooperate?”

Yakushi Kabuto replied in the Spirit network: “It’s a good talk, after all, it’s all prisoners, and it’s not good to talk.”

“Right, Edo Tensei’s humble call has been unable to use the four Kekkei Genkais.”

“According to his own statement, the link with the four people was broken and it was necessary to re-sign the ceremony.”

Humble to lose Strength?

This is not important, the important thing is that he will cooperate with him!

one day later.

In the land of the land, in the barren hills, Obito woke up.

“You have found a foothold?”

Obito sat up from the Metal coffin and looked to the side of the humble.

Obito’s memory still stays in the moment before being stamped.

Then I looked at the surroundings and screamed: “Here is the foothold you said? Is it still in the barren hills?”

The humbly did not answer, the indifferent Kaidō: “Okay, give me my five coffins now.”

Obito turned to look at the humble, and Obito hesitated.

“That… of course I have to return it to you. After all, it was yours, ah, Hahahaha…”

BC stayed cold and said: “Don’t talk nonsense, do you want to be charged? Or… let the Metal explosion in your body?”

It is impossible to be charged, because the singer has lost four Kekkei Genkai.

But Metal, Naruto has a move.

Naruto’s Metal that controls Obito within the body begins to slowly stretch.

It feels like there is a knife stuck in the body, and then a mess.

Under the mask, Obito’s forehead hurts and begins to sweat.

Call the stop: “Stop! Stop! I will give you five coffins!”

Say that Obito started Kamui Sharingan.

A coffin, two coffins, three coffins…

Then stopped.

“There are two more?”

Obito Kaidō: “Give you three to prove my sincerity, then your sincerity?”

Humbled and raised his hand: “You said that you can join the Akatsuki Organization with the ring of Akatsuki Organization, right?”

Seeing that the singer has already put on the ring, Obito asked incredulously: “You chose to join the Akatsuki Organization?”

Hi, Kaidō: “Yes, so let me return the other two coffins now.”

Obito once again launched Kamui Sharingan.

Five coffins are odd.

Hurricane contacted Naruto with the Spirit link: “What’s next?”

Naruto’s voice came from the ear: “Verify that the five coffins are intact and that the people inside are still there.”

Humbled into one of the coffins, and World, which was preparing to open the coffin, suddenly changed.

The barren hills are still the barren hills, but the Obtic in the Metal coffin, and the fourth and fifth coffins have disappeared!

The humble stunned, “What about the man?”

Then humbled to think of a possibility, “Medium Illusion Technique!”

When is it!

Three coffins are still there, so when you summon the fourth coffin!

There was a sudden bang in the ear.

Humbled and raised the head, he saw a man like himself fighting!

Is it still in the Illusion Technique?

Humble and doubt.

At this time, the voice of Naruto came from the ear, “Is it out of the Illusion Technique?”

“You really didn’t use it, it was done by Illusion Technique.”

“I am fighting with you now.”

“You can look at the three coffins now.”

Humbled back and quickly checked the three coffins.

The seal on the three coffins is still there, and the people inside the coffin are still there.

Humble is about to answer, but other thoughts have risen in my heart.

Today he has lost control of four Kekkei Genkais.

Then he is now… the humble hands touched the coffin uncontrollably.

But there is a person’s hand on the shoulder. “Hey, the people inside are mine, don’t think about other ideas.”

Humbled back and saw another self…

Who is this person?

Is it Naruto?

“you are……”

Hidan screamed and screamed directly to the weaker snoring, and then dragged it to the side.

“I am not the head, but the head makes me look like you.”

“You don’t have to worry about the rest.”

“You are honest, let you do what you heard, didn’t you hear?”

On the other hand, Naruto squats with Obito.

Obito stared at Naruto and said, “Who are you!”

Naruto satisfies the train without any pressure: “Humble.”

Obito stared at Naruto and said, “You are not!”

Naruto is planning to control the Metal of the Obito within the body, but finds that the in the the body of Obito is gone!

Did you remove Metal when you used Hollow?

Naruto stared at Obito. “Don’t talk nonsense. I will let you go when I put out the other two coffins.”

Obito stared at Naruto, who turned into a humble: “What do I believe in you?”

Naruto shook his ring: “I have decided to join the Akatsuki Organization, and I will be a comrade in the future.”

Obito is still hesitating.

Naruto stared at Obito and said, “Have you tried to transfer it with Kamui? But didn’t you send it? I told you that this Space has been sealed by me, so you’d better give me the coffin!”

Obito hesitated for a moment, with a Level 1 ripple appearing in front of Space, and two coffins appearing in front of Naruto.


Obito stares at Naruto. “Can I go?”

Naruto pointed in one direction, “Go, don’t go back, go in this direction, and walk out of the space for a kilometer.”

Obito didn’t go back and went straight ahead.

In fact, I am also careful to be careful.

The Naruto Spirit link to the Hidan command: “Use the death division to rely on blood.”

Hidan’s death division started with blood.

Naruto came up with a big stick against Hidan’s head, “bang!”

Hidan didn’t do anything, and on the other side Obito was directly stunned.

Naruto threw the big stick aside and clap his hands: “Reminder!”

But when Naruto approached Obito, his face changed. “Who are you?”

False Opito is closed with eyes, and the muscles on his face are pumping.

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