Supreme Naruto

Chapter 488

“Right, I will also change the nature of the Attribute Chakra.”

Naruto suddenly added one sentence.

This allowed Hidan original to turn a little more of the stuck head.

Four foundation Chakra nature changes, four Kekkei Genkai, and Light Style?

Is this something that people can master?

Even though Hidan was used to various abnormalities in the Akatsuki Organization, it was still shocked.

“I think… Boss is very strong and stronger than me. If I was fighting with the humble, I am probably lying down now.”

Naruto pulled out the scabbard inserted in the ground, and the slow spell on the scabbard in this battle can be said to have built a wonderful work.

“Insufficient? I want to hear about the deficiencies in me.”

Hidan hesitated in his tone. “Insufficient… I haven’t found it yet.”

Didn’t get valuable advice from Hidan, Naruto thought for himself.

Several Chakra properties are changing.

His application to the changes in the nature of the wind Attribute Chakra is mainly focused on the wind blade.

The wind blade can be used as an Attack or it can ignite the speed.

Katon (Fire Release) is relatively simple. In addition to cooking and cooking, there is only temperature control.

Katon (Fire Release) heats up, Hyōton (Ice Release) cools down, and it cools and quenches, which is also the means by which Naruto screams.

Earth Style… In addition to his illness in the soil, he also realized some usage of gravity.

As for the other Kekkei Genkai, he developed a limited amount.

It can be said that it will be used, but there are almost no big moves.

“Boss ?Boss ?”

Hidan saw Naruto sitting alone on the stone bench that Chakra condensed, and couldn’t help but scream twice.

Naruto came back to see the past.

At this time, Hidan stood in front of Naruto, and his hands crossed and looked a little nervous and a little embarrassed.

“what happened?”

Hidan quietly pointed to the Metal coffin with Obito, “Boss…you promised me…”

What did you promise? Four of the four coffins have the heart of Kekkei Genkai?

Naruto didn’t forget this, and didn’t plan to lie.

He is waiting for Kotoamatsukami Sharingan’s CD to slow down, and then give Obito so suddenly, so that it can be done once and for all.

“Reassure, since you promised, the four hearts will be given to you.”

Hidan nodded again and again, and at this moment, the ring on Hidan’s hand suddenly came to the meeting of the Akatsuki Organization.

Hidan didn’t connect directly, but looked at Naruto. “Can’t pick up?”

Naruto went straight to Obito’s Metal coffin and smashed the ring from Obito’s hand.

“Reject first.”

Hidan did not hesitate to follow the instructions of Naruto, hand seal, and refused the meeting notice.

Rejecting a meeting at the Akatsuki Organization is not uncommon, and it is generally rejected when it is not convenient to connect.

Then find a stable environment and then contact the organization, when the meeting is not over, go directly, and then ask the person in charge to ask again.

However, Hidan just refused the notice of the meeting and the notice of the meeting was sent again.

This situation is an important meeting and will be notified so frequently.

“What to do? Continue to refuse?”

Naruto summons the flying squirrel, the Spiritual Body enters the body of the squirrel, and the squirrel takes the ring of the Akatsuki Organization.

“Hide down first, then turn it on again.”

Naruto injects the soil Attribute Chakra into the underground cavity with Hidan and Metal coffin.

“There is less to say about A Fei in a while.”

“And, if you ask to humble, you say that you are hurrying and fleeing, we are hunting.”

Hidan nodded again and again, Naruto brought the ring, and the hand seal connected to the collective meeting of the Akatsuki Organization.

The scene is still the scene, everyone is standing on the fingertips of the outer road.

As soon as Naruto and Hidan appeared, their voices were screaming and dissatisfied: “You are coming, wait for a long time.”

Naruto’s mouth speed is as fast as it seems to be in a hurry. “What’s the matter? We are still chasing the humble.”

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko asked: “Isn’t you still going to solve the problem?”

Naruto’s simple Kaidō: “That guy is a bit troublesome, but it’s fast.”

Yahiko nodded: “I just felt that your ring has changed?”

Naruto is still very fast. Kaidō: “Hidan was seriously injured in the battle with Beibei. A Fei thought that Hidan was dead and he hid Hidan’s ring.”

“Then Hidan didn’t have a ring and gave it back to me.”

“Later, I saw A Fei’s face and reluctantly gave me my ring to play.”

Yahiko’s slight nodded, he asked: “Since the strength of the squatting is so strong, do you not let Deidara support it?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Summoned, we and Deidara teamed up to solve the humble hands.”

Yahiko turned to look at Hidan.

Hidan shifted the topic: “My tactics with Kakuzu failed, and Kakuzu was wiped out by the thunder of the opposite side.”

The people who came out of the Akatsuki Organization came over.

“Eliminating consciousness? Is it that Kakuzu is dead?”

The question is absolutely.

Hidan Kaidō: “Ah… almost, maybe it’s possible that we are really integrated.”

Tsunade looks at Hidan’s left arm.

The Akatsuki Organization’s body is composed of rainbow-like streamers, so Tsunade sees only the images and can’t see Hidan originally.

Tsunade start to talk asked: “Can you still use Kakuzu’s Ninjutsu now?”

Hidan Kaidō: “Yes, I will be the one he will.”

Tsunade stopped talking and turned over a Byakugan (roll eyes) without any disguise.

A teammate left, and the meeting was a lot more silent.

Yahiko no longer asks, and goes straight to the theme: “The main purpose of this meeting is to inform you that all members of the underground exchanges that have been contacted have been killed, and there is no contact with the suspension of Quest.”

Yahiko only distributed a command, not even explaining why.

Then several other people reported the progress of Quest and the meeting was dissolved.

Deidara’s influence did not rush to leave Naruto 吆shouted: “Is there any trouble? Do you want me to help?”

Naruto Cool Kaidō: “Everything is under control.”

Then Naruto disappeared.

The country of the rain, the building of the country.

In some of the dark halls, there are only Nagato and Konan.

Nagato sat in a chair with a few black tubes in the back.

Konan is standing next to Nagato.

Nagato didn’t look at Konan, under the dark red hair, a circle of Rinnegan looked out of the hall.

It was raining outside the temple, there was no lightning and thunder, and some were just raining.

The two listened silently to the sound of rain outside the temple.

Konan first started to talk: “The Air Group lost to Konoha in the second World War.”

Konan’s voice is as cold as ever.

Nagato didn’t look back, eyes continued to look at the outside, “I want to come back and think about Konoha.”

Konan looks at Nagato: “I heard that the teacher is now at Konoha oversee.”

Nagato’s face expressionless: “I really miss the teacher.”

On the other side of the same time, Naruto opened the transmission array and planned to bring Obito to the country of snow.

“Hidan, you are waiting for me for a while with my little squirrel. I will go back when I go.”

The body is still very uncomfortable, just write a chapter, and tomorrow, Xiaozhao tries to write two chapters.

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