Supreme Naruto

Chapter 469

“Senior, how long will we have to go?”

“Senior, this road we seem to have already passed?”

“Senior, you wait for me!”

“Senior… I can’t walk…”

When he first started, Naruto enjoyed the masked A Fei, a senior, and soon he was noisy.

Looking back like a zombie, the both hands pulled a stiff Afei.

Is it so exaggerated?

Just go for a few hours?

If you remember correctly, this mask comrade, half of the body was transformed by the original cell.

The first generation of cells!

Are you tired of walking through these steps?

Some of the drama is too much!

It’s a bit of a frustration to wear it?

Naruto is just about to anger, but after thinking about it, he is not in a hurry, why not…

“Cough, since Afei has already become so tired, let’s take a break.”

Hidan’s footsteps stopped, frowning and looking at the exaggerated Hidan, who was almost exhausted by the soul. “Hey! Do you want to waste like this! Physique can’t do more exercise! You are in the dormitory this winter. Are you playing with eggs?”


A Feifei Street is on the ground, poorly said: “I am sorry, junior Stamina is really not supported, and the future will definitely exercise hard.”

Hidan sighed: “Hey… How did Boss arrange for you to come in with a drag bottle… There is a tow bottle that is enough… What do you think of me? Babysitter?”

what? Is there a drag bottle that is enough?

Is that talking about him?

Naruto squinted and slammed into Hidan: “You said that I am a drag bottle? Do you want to stop playing one more time?”

Hidan turned to look at the shoulder.

At this time, the small squirrel of the size of the fist is standing on the shoulder of Hidan.

“If you don’t summon the Deidara guy, I will play with you again.”

Naruto disdains, “Cut, does your body not incorporate a little left left? Say Kuchiyose no Jutsu is a category of shinobi Strength?”

Hidan wants to say that it is a pity that you are a beast and not a shinobi.

But think about it or forget it.

This sentence is definitely a battle.

Turning to the lesson, A Feidao said: “You also take time to rest, and continue to hurry after ten minutes.”

A Fei of the street suddenly raised the head and exclaimed: “Hey? Just rest for ten minutes?”

Hidan takes it for granted: “There is a Little Town in front of 50 kilometers, and you have to rest a little longer after going to Little Town.”

As soon as I heard Little Town in front, Hidan finally sighed in relief, then rolled into the shadow of the tree and took the cold.

Naruto looks at the Afro corner of the mouth, which was rolled on the ground.

This guy… a little skinny.

In the shade, A Fei took out the water bladder, sat down and planned to drink water, and then stopped.

Start to talk: “Do you want to know what I look like?”

Hidan turned his head and said curiously: “Do you want to open the mask? It is said that since you joined Xiao, you really haven’t seen you take off the mask.”

A Fei’s hand pressed on the edge of the mask and lifted Ikkaku a little. “You want to know?”

Both tone and movement paused.

Then the first-class smoke drilled into the behind’s forest behind, and A Fei’s screams came from afar: “But it won’t show you.”


Still not the usual skin…

Hidan’s eyebrows picked it up.

It seems that the roots of hate should be itchy. “Cut, what do you think of you…”

A Fei ran back in the woods and ran back.

“Ah Hahaha, is it good-natured? Ah Hahahaha, just don’t show it to you.”

Hidan stood up with a black face. “From the speed you just disappeared, you don’t seem to be tired, then let’s go on.”

Speaking of getting up and turning around and going.

A Fei’s body was stiff and instantly slammed into the ground, mourning: “Senior! No! I really can’t stand it! Take a break!”

Hidan corner of the mouth pumped and speeded up.

“Senior! Or can I secretly let you take a look at my true face!”

“Senior! Don’t go!”


Naruto took a leap and jumped over Hidan’s shoulder.

In the principle of free rides and no sitting, Naruto never gives up every opportunity to be lazy.

“Hurry up to catch up!”

“Otherwise, I will not rest in Little Town for a while!”

Hidan’s screaming is also good.

Behind the A Fei flew up and chased.

“Senior! Never!”

“That will kill people!”

“It will really kill people!”


To this extent, it is also a talent.

Or… The essence of Obito is a purebred tortoise.

Well, sure, no doubt.

But…do you want to sneak out the mask of the guy wearing b?

Naruto turned and looked at A Fei.

The orange circle only reveals a mask of the right eye.

Right eye, right half body.

This half body is the half that is shackled under the stone.

It should have been filled by the first generation cells now.

Because this person will suffer misfortune from his mother of this world.

Thinking of this world’s mother, Naruto thought of Orochimaru again.

I don’t know if the guy took the ashes of the four generations of Hokage couples.

Still will be born again.

If it is reborn, how should we face it?

“Serrie Senior… Why do I feel a bit murderous from your body?”

“You shouldn’t be killing me?”

A Fei suddenly stood in the same place, exaggerated boss hands holding the body shaking.

Naruto, Kaidō: “Ah… I want to kill you, then take off your mask.”

“Because I am also very curious about what it looks like under your mask.”

Hidan exaggerated the trembling body, and he was proudly said: “Senior wants to know what I look like?”

“Then you don’t have to kill me, I will show it to you.”

Said A Fei raised his hand to expose the mask.

Ok? Obito, is that guy really going to take off the mask?

Naruto stunned and focused on the face of Obito.

At the same time Hidan also curiously stopped and turned to look.

Then A Fei’s mask was taken under the watchful eye of one person and one mouse, and leaked out… another mask…

Naruto felt that she had suffered a lightning strike, and Ray’s outer focus was tender.

A hand raised a wind blade to the mask.

A Fei’s action was so fast that he bowed his head and hid.

Cried, “Ah! Senior, you don’t really want to kill me? I am wrong! Go around me!”

Naruto really wants to summon the body, and then kills this slut directly.

It is too embarrassing.

The squeaky teeth are itchy.

“I don’t think he is tired at all. Let’s stop and go straight through Little Town to the country of the earth.”

Hidan agreed: “Ah… I don’t think this guy is tired at all.”

“Never stop, go directly to the country of the earth.”

The super-afraid A Fei who heard this sentence was stiff and once again cried: “No! Senior, I am really wrong!”

“It’s really dead to go so far across the border!”

Naruto pretended not to hear, and he didn’t have to walk anyway.

Hidan pretends not to hear, there is Kakuzu’s enhanced body, so his physical fitness is not a problem at all.

In addition, if there is tired, there are five Hearts in the body to supply Chakra.



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