Supreme Naruto

Chapter 468

In the eastern border of the country of the earth, the rock is steep and ridiculous.

Looking down from the sky, you can see a jagged rocky beach.

Very vast, no green, no water, no life.

The cold wind is poured into the broken rock of the dog’s teeth, and from time to time it will make a strange noise.

In this kind of place, even snake and rat ants will not settle here, but today they broke into two people one after the other.

In front is a shinobi with a golden thorn head and an orange costume.

Behind is a shinobi with a half face and only one eye.

These two are…

The person in front suddenly accelerated and fled into a stone valley.

It was a relatively low-lying, two-sided rock like a pitcher plant that was relatively staggered.

Because it is said that the valley is not too much.

And from the traces of the ground sandstone, it can be seen that there seems to be a river or a small stream in the past.

Entering the stone valley, the sunlight is injected from the staggered stone pillars at the top of the head, leaving a path of dark shadow at the bottom of the valley.

Shigu quietly, let people be uncertain whether the person who fled in front is here.

“Kakashi, long time no see ?”

“I didn’t expect to see this again.”

“And… you still look like a person… Is this a white one?”

The low voice echoed in the valley, and it was far and near, making people unable to understand the position of the speaker.

Kakashi, who has a silver-gray hair, a blindfolded man presses his hand on the weapon, beware of all around: “Who are you! Why pretend to be Naruto!”

The secret person snorted: “Since I know that I am pretending, why are you chasing me?”

As I said, I came out of the shadow of Shizhu.

At about 1.5 m, wearing a white long-sleeved trench coat.

The windbreaker is large, the sleeves are long, and the man’s hand is only half of the sleeve.

At the same time, the body is top to bottom, and there are three black straps on the neck, chest, and waist.

The strap is slightly smothered, let the dress look… still fit?

Or barely wear it.

The petite figure inside the big windbreaker was wrapped around the bandage.

I can’t see the face, I can only see the hair of the light purple, and the eyebrows of the delicate and pretty.

Is this a girl?

No, from the rough voice of this person, the opposite side seems to be male.

Kakashi stares at the person in front of him, and there is no existence in his memory.

“who are you!”

Kakashi’s hand holding the big white teeth tightened.

Opposite side Although the body is petite, there is always a sense of crisis in my heart.

The man is also at the sights at Kakashi, said with a smile: “Maybe you can’t remember my name, my name is humble, and when you were young, we met.”


Kakashi’s hard memory.

There seems to be such a person in the dark, but if that person is still alive… it should never be so small.

The opposite person starts to talk: “Ah… it’s me.”

“Originally planned… It will take another two years to meet you.”

“After all, it is still a few years away from the Golden Ring eclipse.”

“But… since you left Konoha alone, it’s a good choice to catch you first.”

With this at the same time.

In the country of rain, Naruto, the flying squirrel, said: “I absolutely do not agree to take this Quest!”

Hidan ran to Naruto’s side, the speed was very sensitive, and it seems that Tsunade’s poison has been reduced a lot.

Exclaimed: “Why? This is shinobi with Kekkei Genkai!”

“Do you know how much I need this person’s Heart?”

“By defeating him to get his Heart, I can become more formidable!”

Become more forformable? That has a hair relationship with me!

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) Turn over and continue with Kaidō: “I refuse to accept this Quest.”

Hidan insisted: “This Quest must be mine. If you disagree, then I will do it alone!”

Said to look at Konan.

Konan refused: “SS-level Quest, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, must accept Quest in small groups.”

Hidan tangled: “Do you have to be in the form of a group? I am very strong now… Right! Or will I let Kakuzu separate, so that I can count with Kakuzu?”

Konan shook head said: “Sorry, you two can only count one person now.”

The rejected Didan was unable to look back at the squirrel Naruto.

His face turned blue and red, and it seemed to be angry, but he finally endured it.

Asked: “Why are you refusing? This Quest has the most rewards. Look at the many zeros behind you.”

Naruto’s dead fish eyes to Hidan: “On the Quest table, only one by one double S-level Quest! You want to die, I don’t want to accompany you!”

Hidan approached Naruto and whispered quietly: “That… please pretend that you agree first. If you are afraid of death, then you will hide it. I can rest assured that I can do it alone.”

It is said that this is the display of Hidan’s attachment to Kekkei Genkai.

Then do you want to agree?

It seems that it is a good proposal to hide.

But Naruto always feels that if he really picks it up, he will be able to get rid of the trouble.

This is an inexplicable intuition.

“Please, can’t you give me the rewards that Quest has received?”

“The roast whole lamb of the cafeteria is not bad?”

“With these money, you can eat enough.”

Thought that this bounty will impress him?

Then you too look down on me Naruto.

The assets of the country in the snow are no more than the national treasury of the rain country.

But then again… the money Naruto can’t be used now.

Because the explanation of the money is not clear, it will cause unnecessary attention.

In other words, if you want to eat whole lambs… you have to use the money for “clean”, you can’t use Naruto.

Hey… the roast leg of the canteen…

I thought about Naruto’s saliva and couldn’t help but flow out.

Quietly Kaidō: “You said, you go to the front, I am watching the fun on the side?”

Naruto has some heartbeat.

Hidan nodded again and again.

Naruto nodded. “That’s alright.”

Hidan immediately said to Konan: “It also agrees! Now I have this Quest!”

Konan’s face is dark.

Ruan said: “When you are a blind man! You two 嘀嘀gū gū who can’t hear!”

The people around all laughed.

This is simply a stupid cry of the live version.

Deidara even licked his stomach.

Good manners are countless.

However, in the past, I laughed at the little white teeth, and I was very happy.

When the laughter stopped, Yahiko started to talk: “Let A Fei join your team.”

“In the crisis, Deidara will pass the spirit again. It will not be too difficult for four people to complete this Quest together.”

Konan looked at Yahiko a little, “Why did you agree to accept this Quest?”

Yahiko nodded.

A Fei blame wearing an orange vortex mask called: “Ah? SS-level Quest? Me?”

“That… everyone Senior, that… as an internship newbie just joined in… Is my Quest a bit too difficult?”

However, everyone in the room did not seem to care about him.

The masked A Fei can only scratch one’s head.

He said: “That… then… since the Seniors think I can finish, then I can finish it… Ha… Ha… Ha…”

so awkward……

Super 尴尬 wood?

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