Supreme Naruto

Chapter 461

“Go, look forward to seeing you next time.”

“Right, I don’t call the valley, it’s the valley, and the elder sister is also the stacked cherry.”

The Valley’s Spiritual Force projection is close to Naruto, picking up his feet, pro…

Mua’s bite.

The projection of the valley was lifted and turned into a starburst disappeared.

Naruto stayed in place.

Was kissed again…

I seem to have a formidable Physique.

Was the pro Physique not a small positive? He is such a man…

However, compared to being kissed by the pro, Naruto’s bigger shock is the news from the valley.

Naruto’s gaze once again fell on the curse of Hinata.

According to the valley, this is the initial form of this spell, and the change will change as the demand changes.

“Naruto, do you need to use Flame?”

The voice of Hinata came.

Naruto came to think of a very serious matter. Just now, Gu Gu kissed him, and Hinata was there!

How to do?

“Hinata…that…the valley she…her…”

How can this be explained?

Said that the valley is not intentional? What does this thing care about? Not deliberately how to kiss?

That said he was not intentional? A bit silly and wood? Still apologizing, he reacted slowly and did not escape? Next time?

Hinata is strange: “Who is the valley? Valley elder sister?”

Naruto stayed, Hinata didn’t know the valley called the valley? That… just now it was said by Gu Gu.

Didn’t Hinata feel the existence of the valley just now?

If that’s the case, then you will be relieved!

“Hinata, I just saw the valley in your within the body. She said her name is a stack of valleys.”

Hinata’s thoughts appeared in front of Naruto and she was surprised: “Where? Valley elder sister in my within the body?”

Then Naruto said about the departure of the valley, of course, the thing that was kissed is definitely not to say.

After listening to Naruto’s narrative, Hinata’s face showed a sad, somewhat sad feeling. “Naruto Jun… Can we still see the valley sisters?”

Hinata really doesn’t know…

Naruto is finally sighed in relief.

Saying… This is not a scam…

How many hearted Hollow, and a little… little excitement? Little pleasure?

Uh… I won’t also imply scum Attribute?

Naruto was in a mess, and his mouth comforted: “I will meet again. Although they left the universe, it also pointed us in the direction. Let us know that the extremes of Strength are far higher than we think.” More.”

Hinata didn’t understand the words behind Naruto, but he still understood the previous sentence.

“Well! Naruto Jun said that he can still meet when he meets, Hinata believes Naruto!”

Look at Hinata, who suddenly became happy again, Naruto didn’t know what to say.

It’s really a mystery.

It is said that his current thoughts can only cover the entire country of the snow country, even Konoha is not enough, the opposite side can cover thousands of stars … let alone more abnormal.

The mood is complicated… There is a kind of frog sitting in the well and jumping out of the bottom of the well.

There is also a sense of shame that does not wear clothes to stand in the sea of ​​people.


“Hinata, you control the Flame, I will observe the change of your curse.”

“Valley says that the curse on you can change with your needs.”

Hinata quickly promised: “Okay.”

Hinata has a Fireball in the right hand.

The curse of Hinata’s right hand in Naruto’s eyes changed.

The process of this change was also recorded in memory by Naruto.

“Hinata, you control the Fireball with your left hand.”

Hinata has a Fireball in his left hand.

The curse of the left hand changes.

“Well, Hinata, try it with your feet.”

Hinata stayed a bit, but still raised his legs in accordance with Naruto’s needs.

For the first time, Naruto knew that Hinata could be a word.

Naruto is a little excited, how many actions can I unlock?

Keke! Cough and cough!

Color is empty! Color is empty!

Naruto felt that his thoughts had to be broken down again, and he quickly turned his attention.

On the right foot raised by Hinata, a Fireball suddenly appeared.

Hinata was surprised: “Hey? Really successful, I was the first to control the Fireball with my feet.”

Naruto records the process of cursing changes again.

Naruto believes that it is not just the feet, Hinata should be able to be any part of the body, to be precise… can be turned into a fireman.


Wait, it should be nothing surprising to be wrapped in Flame.

Just like his Fūton (Wind Release), the storm that he learned from Shukaku.

It is possible to wrap the whole body with the wind Attribute Chakra and then speed up with an explosive wind blade.

Then Hinata…

“Hinata… Have you tried to integrate Flame into the body?”

The meaning of the transmission of the soul is very accurate.

Because it is not a literal conversation, but a concrete meaning.

“How do I try? Eat the Fireball into the stomach?”

Uh… although I understand it, but… there are also deviations.

Naruto quickly stopped: “No, no, you first touch Flame with your hand, accept Flame, and see if your body will change.”

I don’t know if it is the confidence of shinobi, or the trust of Naruto. Hinata does not hesitate to control the whereabouts of the Fireball.

Flame’s contact with Hinata’s hand, the burnt zī zī sound and the aroma of the barbecue did not appear.

Hinata’s hand was made part of Flame.

The body is burning, not being burned by the damage!

This…Naruto can’t do it!

Hinata is also very surprised: “Naruto Jun, look at my hand! So beautiful!”

Naruto saw that Hinata’s vision was Naruto’s vision.

Adding feedback from the body and Naruto’s super brain, Naruto feels more than Hinata himself.

In Naruto’s view, the mantra of Hinata’s hand changed again.

More complicated, that is, Naruto’s memory.

It is impossible for another person to record it.

“Control Flame, try to transform the entire arm into a part of Flame.”

Hinata did as directed by Naruto.

The curse is abrupt, and the Flame spreads.

“Continue, spread to the body.”


Hinata burned up, and the whole person turned into a fireman. What awkward… clothes… was ordered.

Standing in front of the nine tails pushed back by the fire wave, looked up and glanced: “Oh, good body.”


Naruto noticed the moment of the incident and wanted to kill the nine tails.

Hinata also reacted and scared the body with his hands.

At this time, Flame felt the mind of Hinata and formed a dress made up of Flame.

The style is exactly the same as that of Hinata.

It should be in accordance with Hinata’s subconscious mind.

This… great…

However, this does not make the whole body become a wonderful Flame.

Because both HyHton (Ice Release) and hibiscus can make clothes.

But Naruto can’t turn his body into ice and wood.

That’s right… The original Hokage seems to work.

Naruto thought of transplanting the arm of the first generation cell, Danzo.

“Look what!” Naruto yelled at the nine-tailed voice.

Also present is Yakushi Kabuto, Yakushi Kabuto, who has turned around and is in the corner.

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “I am also a woman, look at what is there? It is cheaper for you.”

This sentence makes sense… Naruto didn’t know how to refute it.

I had to transfer the topic: “Hinata, outside the Big Snow Mountain Institute, try the change in speed strength.”

Naruto has a hunch, no, Naruto believes that the spell on Hinata is definitely more than that simple.

It seems… the store manager left him a huge fortune.

When he completely parses this curse, it will be…

Say, can this be done?

There is a big fat, there are whirlpools, and there are him, three Zhuge Liang, may be able to become.

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