Supreme Naruto

Chapter 460

“How to do?”

Naruto let go of Hinata and decided to try if he had a curse mode.

Hinata shyly stood up, and the temperature of Naruto’s body was still a bit unstable.

“It’s just injecting Chakra into the curse.”

Injecting a spell? But there is no curse on Naruto…

The sense barrier is turned on and Naruto sweeps through the whole body.

In fact, this is completely unnecessary. Naruto’s familiarity with himself and his abnormal memory are not in memory.


Hinata looks to Naruto’s left hand, which has a rounded mantra.

That is the curse of the control line, which is the line of the seal.

Hinata bitterly groaned and said: “Then I don’t know…”

Naruto thought about it and proposed: “Let my Spiritual Body enter your body, and then you enter the spelling mode so that I can feel more intuitive.”

Hinata didn’t hesitate, nodded and said: “Okay!”

Naruto’s Spiritual Body is off-the-shelf, and the nine-tailed take over the control of Naruto body. “How much time do you need? Do you want me to stroll down?”

Naruto’s simple Kaidō: “Be honest.”

Nine-tailed Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) turned over, then watched the little Hinata, and the nine tails suddenly sighed: “The most cute height difference.”

The reasoning Hinata is not short now, especially under the last nine-tailed beasts, the body has fully developed.

The height of 1.6 m is eight, the place is quite good, the place of the awkward.

But to blame, Naruto’s height is blamed.

It has been more than two meters in height, and when it came back in space, it was two meters and five meters. Now it is shrinking under the influence of gravity, but it is also two meters. (The height change changes due to the gravity of the environment.)

“Okay, go into the spelling mode.”

Naruto’s soul appears in Spirita’s Spirit World, and such a deep Spirit link allows Naruto to feel all the outside information that Hinata can feel.

For example… a bit heavy on the chest…

Cough, can’t focus on this, color is empty… color is empty… sin has been sin…


Hinata bit her lip and some blushes back.

The two of them opened their hearts to each other, and they were very open-minded. Some of Naruto’s thoughts were also felt in Hinata.

Although not really, she seems to feel that Naruto seems to care about her chest.

Because of the tension, Hinata failed to call Chakra for the first time.

Intermittent, like the Chinese mobile with very poor signal.

But the second time was finally successful.

When Chakra infused the curse on his neck, the spell of the shape of Flame spread and spread throughout the body of Hinata.

Naruto’s serious look at the change of the curse, the expression gradually became serious.

This… this is the symbol!

Seemingly disordered, but every spell pattern is full of precision!

And unlike the savvy composition of Sasuke, the curse on Hinata is orderly.

The logic level is very clear.

this is! man-made!

Naruto’s thoughts swept through every cursive pattern on Hinata.

A complex and sophisticated array appears in Naruto’s memory.

“Congratulations, I just didn’t expect you to find out so early.”

Sakura Valley Summer, wrong, is the image of the valley appeared in front of Naruto.

The short hair of the blue water, the girl in the left corner is very powerful.

Naruto’s face showed a pleasant look.

But it was quickly replaced: “How come you are in the body of Hinata!”

Gu hides his mouth and smiles a little: “Would you worry about your little girlfriend? I really don’t understand why you looked at this girl from the beginning, although the Talent of this girl is also good, the bloodline is also favored by this World, but also It’s just the Talent of Middle Level, even me… well, it’s not going to hit you, maybe this is what Missy’s love doesn’t need any reason.”

Seeing Naruto’s expression is still serious, Gu re-interpreted: “An Anan, I am not in the body of this girl, just because I have not gone far, can pass the thoughts over, I feel you enter this girl The body suddenly wants to see you.”

Naruto glimpsed, only to notice that the girl in front of her is not a complete soul, but a Spiritual Force.

It’s like sending information through the Spirit network.

“Are you gone? Where are you going? Why are you leaving?”

Valley Kaidō: “Because I was discovered by this World, I am not the creature of this World. I was discovered to be attacked by the whole World. You know it? You have also left this planet to go to other life planets.”

This Naruto still knows.

Just… How do you know about the opposite side?

Naruto, the highest meeting in the Snowy Mountains, only said it to people with four-star cards.

It’s hard to be… the apparent side of the opposite side of the formidable to the people in the village of Konoha Ninja, can you perceive the Arctic?

Naruto shocked the look at the person in front of him.

Valley looks at Naruto said with a smile : “I can guess from your expression, you are thinking about how I know it, right?”

“I even think that I can feel everything you do directly in Konoha?”

“No, because it is not the life of this planet, I have to be careful with what I do. The Strength used must not exceed the average of this World. Otherwise, it will easily attract the attention of this World.”

“The reason I know is because of Hinata.”

“I left a mark on her body. I am in her range as her upper level 1. I can receive all the information she has received.”

“So, I know very well that this girl likes you very much.”


Opposite side When the front of the game was transferred, Naruto’s brain suddenly got stuck.

Then there are some unnatural shifts to the topic: “If you are not bound by this World, can your thoughts be passed from Konoha to the country of snow or even the North Pole?”

Gu smiled at the look at Naruto, close to a few points, almost to Naruto’s face: “What do you think?”

Naruto looks serious: “There should be no problem, then assist with special tools… to support you from the outside world to this World.”

The smile on the face of the valley is more intense, but Naruto can’t feel the emotional change from the Spiritual Force on the opposite side.

This is not a deliberate smirk, Naruto knows that there is no emotion on the opposite side.

“Without tools, my mind… If you expand without restraint, you should be able to cover thousands of planets.”


Naruto dumbfounded.

Thousands of planets? How far is that?

The girl continued: “Don’t be too shocked, I am the weakest, because I am the weakest, so Strength is easy to control me to show the scope of the investigation, like the elder sister, she is more formidable, not to mention Missy and you. The manager of the store.”


“Do you have any other questions? We have arrived at the singularity of this universe shuttle. After leaving this universe, we can’t see you again in a short time.”

Naruto came back, “Why are you helping me?”

The girl looks at Naruto, looking at the Focus, seriously: “Because… you are special.”

In the vast universe of the universe, the manager looked at the valley that opened the eyes: “Do you tell him what the Smelly Brat saved from the Milky Way?”

It is impossible to spread sound in the universe because there is no medium like air.

However, the store manager is starting to talk, not Spiritual Force, it is a real vocal vibration.

The magic is that the sound actually spread out.

Through the air, in a space where several people are located, the Rule is distorted. For example, there is a piece of land under their feet. For example, there are flowers and plants growing on the land. For example, there are no stars around, and sunlight is scattered on each one. Human body.

The place where a few people are located seems to be a field.

The girl shook the shook head, Kaidō: “No, now tell him that there is no decent benefit, wait until the next time you meet.”

The store manager raised his eyebrows: “The next time… I don’t know how long it will be next time, but since the little guy’s body is in the same kind of Monster, it won’t be so easy to die.”

Gu Xindao said: “Yes, I don’t know if he will take his little girlfriend at that time.”

The store manager shrugged. “If I don’t bring it, I will give him the flower tone.”

The flower sound, holding a sword in the hand, is very ecstatic: “Do you tell him about live steel is a kind of divine material?”

Huayin’s questioning valley should be more serious in answering it, and solemnly said: “Tell it.”

The store manager started to talk: “Why are we going?”

Flower sound nodded.

Then the Space around a few people was distorted, and some of the big stars around them were affected by the disintegration of the material into pure energy.

The energy gathered, the light wave glittered for a moment, and then it returned to the darkness again.

The big stars that were broken down into energy were rebuilt under the influence of the inexplicable Rule.

At this moment, the whole universe shook a bit.

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