Supreme Naruto

Chapter 378

Naruto is very busy these days and very busy.

Busy to build a satellite, busy learning the core seal of the cockroach, busy with the water.

So Naruto is afraid that he will split Spirit.

So, I have repeatedly considered the decision to resign the work of the red light district.

When he resigned, he always had some unwillingness to pay attention to his eyes, not the eyes, the nose, or the nose. He saved a few words.

“Oh, it’s good, how do you go and leave?”

“Would you like…night elder sister will arrange a night for you?”

A tempting sentence.

But Naruto considers himself to be a serious and serious person.

Well, although sometimes the mind is often derailed…

“No, thank Yao Jie for his care.”

Naruto is slightly polite.

For this particular work group, Naruto has little to exclude and discriminate.

Everyone has their own choices, both right and wrong are life, and life is sacred to oneself.

At the end of the ceremony, Naruto intends to turn around and leave.

However, the thief is guilty…

Waiting for a long time, Kakuzu… Going from the street corner TM to this side.

MMP, Kakuzu If you walk into the store now, Naruto vows to marry him!

If you don’t come late, it’s time to come when he resigns, sincerely! Deliberately! Bully people!

Naruto stared straight at Kakuzu.

Kakuzu did not squint and walked all the way.

Yao sister looked at Naruto’s gaze and the body suddenly trembled.

There was no enthusiasm from the past, nor did he call the regular customer, but he was nailed to the place as if he had been given a spell.

Kakuzu came over without a word, passed by Naruto, and then… entered the store.

Naruto: “…”

MMP, you must marry you before you die! I wish you no today!

Naruto has the most vicious curse in his heart.

Yao sister whispered: “How did this man come…”

Listening, Yao sister does not seem to want to see Kakuzu.

“I won’t send you anymore. I will tell you the next time I come, and my sister will arrange it for you.”

Said that Yao sister turned around and was going back to the house.

At this time, Naruto is gone?

The son of his prophetic prophecy, under the tens of thousands of people in the future, the gods who are not on the top of the 10,000 people, have been ruthless in this place for more than half a month.

Isn’t it just to lick this turtle?

If the person waiting for the rabbit is stupid.

Then the person who kept the rabbit but put the rabbit away is the stupid melon skin.

Naruto thinks that he is not a melon.

“Wait! Yao sister.”

Yao sister turned and said, “Well? Is there something else?”

What did you say at this time? This time, say fart!

Naruto feels super jealous.

Naruto, the credit card, also recorded the head of Kakuzu.

Didn’t you have this early in the day, or late in the day?

“That… that…”

Naruto Even if he is wise, he doesn’t know what to say at this time.

I am doing this again? Is it too ridiculous to say it?

Yao sister’s strange look at Naruto: “What do you say, you don’t have to be polite with your sister.”

Say…say…I’m talking fart…

Naruto’s heart is so sad.

Said that the clothes fell inside? Said to borrow the toilet to use? Say… Naruto’s head has become a mess.

The man who dared to launch the first artificial satellite in shinobi World could not think of a countermeasure.

Yao sister suddenly suddenly realized: “Oh… you brat…”

Yao sister glanced at Naruto with a wink, then walked in and raised his hand and licked Naruto’s face: “Let the elder sister at night arrange you.”

Ok? What is the evening?

Naruto’s Spiritual Force is not a display, and the current scene review locked the scene a minute ago.

At that time, Yao Jie said that she stayed at night to arrange him for one night.

Then he refused.

Then he didn’t know when to say something.

I was embarrassed to say that I was misunderstood by Yao’s sister and wanted to stay.

I want to understand the ins and outs of things.

Naruto sighed and stunned my elder sister.

He couldn’t think of how to go back, and Yao Jie would help him solve it casually.

I admire you.

With reason, Naruto and Yao sister returned to the store, but this time the identity is not through the sewer, but the customer.

Um… the customers who come here seem to be sewers in Naruto.

It seems that… looks like identity and hasn’t changed…

He is still the one he is… a different kind of fireworks.

Entering the house, Kakuzu stood in the Great Hall and turned the roster to find today’s goal.

It is worth mentioning that Kakuzu, who came to the red light district, did not wear the Akatsuki Organization’s blood cloud trench coat.

It’s a simple men’s kimono.

Loose, but with a face like Kakashi on his face.

There is no briefs on the head.

Instead of white tight clothes? Not the right one.

It looks like… it’s a weird, unpleasant one.

“This, this, and this…”

The angle was clicked three times on the roster. “Go and arrange.”

The receptionist is not like the old Mama, which is a place where the wind and moon is mixed. It is more like a soldier waiting to be reviewed on the battlefield.

Standing straight, the words are also a glance: “Yes, this is for you.”

Kakuzu was taken away.

Naruto clearly felt that when Kakuzu was taken away, the atmosphere that solidified in the whole room suddenly became loose.

“Who is this? You seem to be afraid of him?”

Naruto, but when the Akasuki Organization’s Kisame Hoshigaki and Uchiha Itachi were wearing uniforms, these gimmicks were not so scared.

Not only are not afraid, Yao Jie is still blocking the ghosts and not letting the ghosts go to the toilet.

That is to say… this fear is not because of the identity of the Akatsuki Organization, but other things.

Yao sister saw that the person disappeared before and after the eyes, exhales one breath saying, the huge chest swayed with this tone.

“This person… is a weirdo. Every time you do it, you have to ask for it in a dark room. There is no light.”

“The girl fainted in the house after he left, only to see the traces of similar ropes on his body. Nothing else was known. The girls refused to say.”

Can’t have light?

I am afraid that others will see the ugly appearance of his clothes.

Naruto, but remember that Kakuzu’s body is spliced ​​together, very awkward.

And the mouth is still a crack.

The trace of the rope bundle… should it be angle within the body black tentacle?

I thought that Naruto suddenly had a cold stomach.

Sure enough, the value is justice.

“Don’t ask so much, this guy feels bad to me, don’t bother.”

“You are free to find a room for no one to rest, wait for the elder sister to give you something to eat, and then… at night the elder sister will give you a big meal.”

Telling the truth Naruto suddenly feels that the current Yao sister is suddenly cute and not young.

When he was a wage earner, it was obviously two very different treatments.

At night… staying?

Naruto feels dry and dry.

The horn of justice in my heart blew.

Naruto said to herself, I stayed for Kakuzu.

Um… for Kakuzu.

But how do you get closer to the angle now?

Quietly follow up with the practice of spirituality?

Explosion even more! Let’s give it a full list~

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