Supreme Naruto

Chapter 377

Ghost country, a country full of mystery.

Rumors of this country’s witches… can precognition people’s death.

And never failed.

“Gambling doesn’t lose adults, do you say that World really has someone who can predict death?”

Wobbled in a very bumpy carriage.

A girl with a short hair, big eyes and a little round holds a pig and asks the person sitting opposite her.

The person who is called gambling and does not lose the adult is a woman who is lazy and leans against a long-haired man.

If Naruto is here, it will be recognized directly. The people in this car are the five generations of Hokage who are escaping a tiger watching his prey, Tsunade, and her little assistant, and her lover. Broken.

Oh, yes, and the poor pig, the dolphin, who was bullied by Big Fat every time.

On the official road leading to the country of ghosts, the steam of steam slowly rises from the cracks in the sand, twisting the human vision.

Today’s weather is surprisingly hot, but according to the solar terms… it should not be far from winter.

The driver of the car is wearing a huge bucket, and there is a listless face under the fight.

He looked at the distorted scenery around him, and he couldn’t help but feel upset.

Can’t help tsukkomi the name of this guest.

Gambling does not lose adults? It’s a strange name.

I just don’t know if I really don’t lose, or because I have to lose every gamble, I have an opposite name.

Inside the train, the discussion continues.

Tsunade yawned and there was a drowsy water in his eyes.

“Prophecy of death? What a terrible thing, um… well, if you can predict the size.”

“I will let the witch catch home, then…hey.”

Prophecy size? If you don’t know this, ordinary people can’t understand it.

The person of the color generation may think of a certain cover, but the people in the carriage including the pig are very clear.

The meaning of feeling is… dice.

This kind of life value is simply helpless.

With this at the same time, the country of the rain, the small class of the class started.

The student is a small cup-sized mouse, and the cockroach is a flying squirrel.

The squirrel eyes are big, the little face is round, and there is a pair of big ears different from the ordinary flying squirrels.

One word is “Meng.”

Sunlight penetrates the window, refracting part of the glare, and the remaining light is sprinkled on the fluffy hair of the flying squirrel.

But don’t look at the hair seems to be fluffy, but in fact it is not very long, it is short hair.

Deidara knows this best, because he has confirmed it in the shower, this is a solid mouse.

The little squirrel sits on the table, and the short tail seems to be pressed under the buttocks, and from time to time there will be a symbolic struggle.

Today, it is a rare day in the rain country that there is no rain, so the little squirrel, or Naruto, is very happy.

As a result, there is more time to leave consciousness in the country of the rain.

Hey: “What do you not understand about the selection of the base?”

Sitting in the shadow of the window, leaning against the wall, he did not wear the Akatsuki Organization’s blood cloud trench coat, but a white high-neck cashmere shirt.

It doesn’t look like a shinobi that kills people, it’s more like a big brother next door.

Naruto Kaidō, “You are very good at speaking, and you can understand everything.”

At this time, Deidara, who was in the irritability, couldn’t help but tsukkomi said: “You can pretend, you still understand, understand that you use a seal, don’t say anything, I am curious about your four. How to hand seal the finger.”

Then Deidara looks at the toe of the flying squirrel, oddly with a smile: “There are five toes, you can’t use your foot seal? Um…”

Naruto looked at Deidara with compassion.

Really ignorant mortal, who told you that the hand seal must be the human hand?

Besides, the foot seal is not without, for example… a good color Sage (Sennin).

Naruto is too lazy to start to talk, hesitantly said: “The hand seal aspect… is really a problem.”

“The beast, this is a limitation in Ninjutsu.”

“As far as I know, I am proficient in using Ninjutsu. There are only a few races, such as the demon king of the three generations of Hokage in the village of Konoha Ninja in the country of fire, and the shackles of Mount Myōboku.”

Devil King?

Naruto is really impressed.

The Quest of the last underground exchange was not to find the demon king, nor did he know whether the client had conquered the proud and pampered old monkey.

As for what… He has seen a few.

Jiraiya used to travel, and … as long as he was summoned, tsukkomi Jiraiya, and a social atmosphere.

“But… you and Deidara’s bet is to learn to seal, which doesn’t affect anything.”

蝎 I don’t know much about seals.

The curse is a substitute for the handprint, which Naruto has already confirmed.

But now he is a student.

The little squirrel pretends to understand and look bigger.

Deidara couldn’t help but tsukkomi said: “Can’t learn something to learn what it does? It’s a waste of time wasting my life. It’s a time to learn clay bombs. I have learned it now…”

Naruto ignored the worried Deidara and continued to learn from her.

Although he has limited knowledge of seals, his knowledge is not known to Naruto.

For example, in terms of energy conversion, this is still blank in Konoha’s seal field.

Naruto has a hunch that after the completion of the course, Chakra Manufacturing System from Snow Country will have an upgrade opportunity.

One is fusion, one is separation, what is the combination of the two?

One thing is for sure, the pure vitality extracted from the cells cannot be passed on the Spirit network.

So the Spirit network supplies Chakra.

And because the Spiritual Force contained in Chakra supplied by Daxueshan is synthetic, although it has no will, it also affects the conversion rate of Chakra’s nature.

Simply put, there is a certain rejection reaction.

But if you learn the separation technique of Chakra Spiritual Force and vitality.

Naruto can use the Spirit network as a transport, pass Chakra to the client, and the client decomposes Chakra, so that the pure vitality is passed to the body of the operator, and the surgeon rejects his own Spiritual Force. The reaction will be resolved and the conversion efficiency of Chakra’s property changes will be greatly enhanced.

Another point is that pure vitality… can cure the body, replace the diet, and even delay aging.

Of course, these are still theoretical.

After Naruto learned about the core Function of the cockroach, he thought a lot.

“蝎Senior, let’s continue to learn. I think I understand it well today and I can learn more.”

I asked a few questions at random and Naruto answered it easily.

The embarrassing little class continued.

Deidara on the side is even more annoyed.

Although I don’t want to admit it, Deidara has already felt it in the vagueness. This little flying squirrel may be able to learn seals.

What should I do then? Was a person screaming by a mouse Tenten?


Deidara couldn’t help but complain why other people’s beasts are so embarrassing…

And what does his bearer do?

Explosion! Get the full order! Seeking rewards!

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