Supreme Naruto

Chapter 355

Take off?

Take off an egg!

Naruto turned and left.

There is a saying that is good, the husband has something to do.

Selling this kind of thing… What if you get sick?

Naruto was slightly hesitant, and it seems that he is not using his body now…

Then turn around?

But when they left, they turned and lost their faces.

After Naruto left, the woman turned over a Byakugan (roll eyes) taunted: “I don’t want to take it away, dreaming?”

At this time a girl came out of the room and asked: “Yao sister, how did the guests go?”

The woman who is called Yao Jie has a thorn in the words: “Which guest, I came to apply for a job, and said that I should apply for a bodyguard, and I would not take it away.”

The girl is strange: “Do not need to take off the bodyguards?”

Yao sister cunning smiled. “Hey, I just want to see that brat is stupid and wants to tease him. If you can take a look, is that good?”

The girl covered her mouth and smiled. “But this does not require any bodyguards… If the sewer is blocked, will he pass the sewer?”

Yao sister Byakugan (roll eyes): “I know.”

The girl pointed to the door: “He should not go far, you ask.”

The identity of the girl is obviously higher than that of this Yao sister. Although she was talking and laughing together before, but the girl said the instructions, Yao Jie immediately executed, and the store door opened…

Isn’t Naruto not going far?

I didn’t go at all… I was standing at the door and tangling Quest how to continue.

Yao sister 吆shouted: “Hey, will it pass through the sewer?”

Naruto stunned, thinking for a breakthrough of the sky: “Which sewer?”

Yao Jie did not respond for a moment, turned Byakugan (roll eyes) and said: “You are stupid, in addition to the toilet sewer, which sewer is often blocked?”

“Don’t be stupid, come in and say, if you live, if you can do it, you will be hired.”

Naruto was then taken to the toilet.

For shinobi… through the sewer…

Naruto took a deep breath : “Give it to me…”

Chakra water Attribute nature change…shinobi pass the sewer…it’s really simple.

Ever since, Naruto has been honored to work.

“The nature of your work is quite unique here, so it is hourly work, day knot, one day five hundred two, why not?”

Do you know who you are applying for?

Naruto’s heart is quite complicated at this time…

He is the big disc of Tsunade, one of Konoha Sannin.

It is also a grandson of Jiraiya.

Father is the fourth generation of Hokage.

The son of prophecy in Legend.

The innocent king of the country of snow.

It is even more likely that the future will become a man of God.

A big man who is so powerful, you are actually applying for a sewer?

I forced my elder sister…

“Hey! Don’t do it! Hey! Don’t leave, some people are rushing to do it.”

Can you say no? In order to have the opportunity to approach Kakuzu… done!

“I am doing it!”

So Naruto began his career as a brother in the red light district.

During the day, the store was deserted.

Naruto just happened to be free, and the mice were controlled by the Spirit link.

There is a sneak peek at Deidara and a few words.

Most of the time, they are loaded with learning clay bombs.

In the afternoon, at five o’clock, the girls started to work, and Yan Yan was not busy at the store for a while.

Some people took the initiative to talk to Naruto, and there were many seduce, and Naruto refused to pay the money.

“Blowfish! Come over! Second floor!”

With a scream, Naruto resisted the urge to kill, and smiled “Hey!” went upstairs.

Yao sister pointed at the toilet. “Is going to deal with it. Yingying’s hoe is doing the guest in the toilet, and then I don’t want to rush the fat C into the toilet.”


This is only a fool who can do it…

The toilet door closed and Naruto went down with a waterspout and won!

When it came out, Naruto was dumbfounded…

Yao Jie is telling a guest about a toilet breakdown.

This is nothing… but the guest is an acquaintance… the hippocampus…


The hippocampus snorted.

Naruto immediately turned and closed the toilet with apathy Kaidō: “You have mistaken people.”

But this method can’t be fooled after all…

The outside Yao sister and the hippocampus talked one by one.

It’s all about puffer fish.

What virgins and all of them are shaking out.

Yao Jie is saying that Naruto is not willing to take off his pants.

The soundproofing of the toilet in the store was not good, and Naruto heard it clearly inside.

In the end, in order not to shake more people, Naruto daring out.

Anyway, the face that I use now is not his own, and the shame is not his.

However, the accident is that the guy in the hippocampus even admired him, and even more shocked for the meaning of heaven.

“I said brother, your brat’s brain is finally open, and it is a big bang.”

“But your brat is not enough. When you were a child, you were thinking about pulling me to give you a pot. Now there is a good thing and you don’t call me.”

Naruto began to think that it was ridicule.

But I didn’t expect… The next day… the hippocampus was also on duty…

Like a profession, go through the toilet together…

However… Yao Jie said that there is no need for so many people. If you want to collect two people, it is also a salary.

The hippocampus brat is also enough to fight, it is hard not to pay, it is said to give Naruto…

It’s really a nonsense thing every year… especially after coming to the country of rain…

But to Naruto’s disappointment, Kakuzu never came.

Deidara’s Quest is doing a good job, and the earth spiders have been found.

It’s not too far to find the whereabouts of the six tails.

Nothing happened in the daytime store, Naruto is preparing to find a place to fight.

At this time, Naruto jumped under the screen from the squirrel Spirit.

The little squirrel… is eating people!

It was a group of Kiribakure’s Anbu Ninja who was solved by Deidara and 蝎 as they bumped into the middle.

This process is also known to Naruto.

But I didn’t expect the little squirrel to rush to eat directly…

Blood sprayed red hair, and the scarlet blood eyes shine.

Beside him, he and Deidara’s calm look at this scene seems to have long been eccentric.


The little squirrel went down, shinobi’s flesh and blood, and the vitality contained in it was absorbed by the squirrel. The body began to expand rapidly, and it was four meters high in the blink of an eye.

Once again, one person was directly swallowed up.

Body rises again.

Five meters, six meters, eight meters…

Block now… Anyway late.

Moreover, the sudden suspension may also cause Deidara’s suspicion…

Eat it and eat it.

Naruto comforted himself.

Then the last two Anbu Ninjas were quickly solved by the squirrel.

The shape of the flying squirrel mammoth to ten meters.

But this time it was a quick recovery.

When the food in the belly is digested, the Chakra of the flying squirrel begins to converge and tends to stabilize.

It took only half an hour to shrink from ten meters to five meters.

After another half an hour, I re-shrinked to a big point of the fist.

Deidara, unscrew the water bag: “Come, come over and wash.”

“It’s delicious? If you have a good meal, you will kill a few more next time.”

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