Supreme Naruto

Chapter 354


Think beautiful…

When the explosion subsided, Naruto looked down and found that Deidara gave him the finished product mixed with similar explosives and was thrown out by him.

In other words, the explosion was the clay that Deidara gave him…

What a painful understanding…

“Successful?” Deidara, who was exploding from the blast, ran back.

Deidara’s perception of the explosion was not strong, and Chakra protected himself at the moment of the explosion.

So although it looks a little embarrassed, it is far away, but in fact it has not suffered much.

The little squirrel pulled down with a big ear and said helplessly: “No… the explosion should be the finished product you gave me…”

Deidara is relaxed in the heart.

It took him half a year to learn the ban.

If the failure experienced during the period is not his attachment to art, I am afraid I will give up long ago.

If there is someone now, I will learn it in one day… He will be arrogant and arrogant.

Deidara puts his hand into the bag with clay, “Hey…”

The palm of his hand devours the clay, and when Deidara opens his hand, a Q version of the flying squirrel appears in Deidara’s hand.

It was made entirely from the small squirrel controlled by Naruto.

“Give, don’t give up, the beauty of art lies in the moment of completion. For this moment, it is worthwhile to prepare for a long time.”

Naruto took the clay squirrel handed by Deidara.

The little flying squirrel was very cute, lively, and even moved, and the relatives licked Naruto’s claws.

I looked over here and agreed for the first time: “You finally said a correct word.”

Deidara said proudly: “I am correct in what I said.”

How can someone say something right on World?

Unless it is God, after all, God said that there is light in the world…

For Deidara, Naruto is too lazy to tsukkomi.

The explosion exploded the barbecue and Deidara began to re-prepare the ingredients.

Naruto got to the side of him, one thing he was curious for a long time, that is, he transformed himself into a skeleton with only the core and the flesh, and digested System. Nothing, then… Does he need to eat?

A beast was baked and Deidara handed it to Naruto.

Naruto took the animal leg several times bigger than him and tried to swear: “Hey Senior is for you.”

I saw Naruto.

At this time, Deidara replied prematurely: “He doesn’t eat anything, it is a waste to him.”

Do you really not eat?

Naruto pretended not to understand, retorted: “As long as it is alive, you have to eat, plants have photosynthesis.”

His face was covered with a triangular face mask, covering most of his face, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

It looks full of mystery.

“I’ve eaten.”

Ate? This is perfunctory…

Since hunting, he has not been separated from the cockroach. He still knows if he eats nothing.

The face of the little squirrel tangled together.

Look at your face and lie to me.

I hesitated a bit, then explained: “When playing prey, Chakra on them was swallowed up by me, and for me it was eaten.”

Directly devour Chakra? Is this OK?

If you don’t eat Naruto, you take a bite on the huge barbecue.

Then the body of the little squirrel seemed to blow up the balloon and began to swell.

From the big blink of the fist to the size of the basketball, then take another bite.

Continue to expand, when a beast leg is finished, the flying squirrel has expanded to one meter high.

Deidara greeted: “Hey? You are getting bigger… Come over and help.”

Tea after dinner.

At night, Naruto opened a space in the ground to rest.

At the beginning, Deidara relied on the three-meter-high flying squirrel. After sleeping, the squirrel’s body continued to get smaller and it was changed to Naruto’s hair into Deidara’s hair.

The picture is unusually harmonious.

The next day, the two men went back on the road.

Naruto wandered around the tail of the clay squirrel in his hand and circled.

“Hey Senior, what else are there in our organization?”

Naruto pretended to ask questions casually.

But the first answer is Deidara.

“Those people don’t know, after all, our team is the strongest, um…”

The strongest? If you remember correctly, you should have been taught by Uchiha Itachi before you join…

Not to mention the top of the Six Path Pain with Rinnegan, and the Nagato behind the scenes, and…Obito.

I don’t know if it’s intentional, start to talk: “The official members have seen Pain and Konan, and Uchiha Itachi with Sharingan…”


The stick on Deidara’s hand was held in two sections.

This guy is angry.

Naruto feels interesting and wants to ask: “Uchiha Itachi ?Sharingan? What is that?”

I started to start science.

For cockroaches, Naruto knows more than the two people and even the Akatsuki Organization.

The information given by 蝎 is nothing special. It is about the following Skekean Genkai, which has the strongest Illusion Technique.

Deidara interrupted: “That guy will make Hollow fake, his Illusion Technique can’t help me, um…”

Deudara, who ignored proud and pampered, Naruto shifted the topic: “Who else?”

The three men marched in the barren wild forest. He and Deidara added each other from time to time. When talking about Kakuzu, Naruto casually asked: “The guy will change the five kinds of Chakra nature? Very powerful…”

Deidara dismissed it: “There is something strong, the guy is a miser, he doesn’t know art at all, um…”

Unexpectedly, Deidara’s opinion was unified again: “The lascivious guy does not understand art.”

The clay squirrel in the hands of Naruto was pulled around the tail, “Lust?”

Soon from the words of the two, Naruto knew that when there was no Quest, Kakuzu often went to the red light district of the West End…

What about the red light district in the West?

After a big lap, Naruto finally got the news he wanted to know.

Spiritual Body Press on the Spirit link of the connected puffer fish, Naruto’s Spiritual Body returns to the pufferfish’s within the body.

Naruto then went to the red light district of the Western District to apply for a reception.

Perhaps because of the daytime, the store that Deidara said that Kakuzu often visits is still deserted.

“The little brother is coming for the first time?”

A woman with a slightly rich body greeted her, and Naruto felt a scent of scent.

Naruto’s nose is very spiritual, not aroma, but herbal medicine.

Just smell it, you can be sure that this is the added perfume.

Most people may not want to leave when they enter the door.

“I am here to apply.”

Naruto’s words made the smile of the opposite woman’s smile.

Then I saw that the smile on the face disappeared instantly and was replaced by a face of indifference and carelessness.

I even yawned without a suspicion, only said two words, “Take it off.”

Naruto, “What are you taking?”

The woman turned over Byakugan (roll eyes), “Don’t you come to apply for it? Then you have to work hard. Do you think anyone can do this job?”

Naruto was almost killed by this sentence, explaining: “I am not applying for that, I am coming to fight security.”

The woman turned over again for Byakugan (roll eyes): “That’s got rid of it. When the security guards have something, it’s the security guard. If you have nothing, you have to give it to me!”

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