Supreme Naruto

Chapter 317

Lei Zhiguo, a hot spring hotel under the name of the Emperor of the Clown.

The same arrangement, the same pattern, gave Naruto the illusion that it did not leave the country of fire.

“You are here, is there any interesting Quest on the Thunder Kingdom?”

Unlike Naruto’s anticipation, Zero is not only black but also white.

After Hinata saw the ceremony on the opposite side, the small eyes kept marking the long bones of the president.

That meaning is self-evident, the story you said! You said the little black child! Deceived paper! Big lie paper!

The president is pretending not to see, enthusiasm and greetings.

“There is indeed an interesting Quest, but before we talk about this Quest, we must first introduce our new member, the zero-seven children.”

“Don’t look at his long 1.7 m, this guy will be 13 years old in a few months.”

Naruto saluted again: “Zero seven saw el elder sister.”

Hearing Naruto’s voice, Naruto looked at the surprise and then pressed on Naruto’s chest with Hinata almost smashed his eyes.

Unbelievable: “Are you a boy?”

Naruto is sure: “I am a man.”

The president cleared his throat and coughed a voice: “That…the thing is like this. This little boy and the zero six are…the relationship of the unmarried couple, the small zero six first joined, then … I will accept him in a tolerant manner.”

Is that the case?

Naruto despised, fart!

In order to join in, he experienced a very harsh assessment after he was killed and killed.

If it wasn’t for his talent, he would have been beaten.

Zero-awaited and nodded, then looked at Naruto’s clothing that was significantly different from the others: “Then he didn’t wear a uniform.”

Mentioned that the face of the uniform Naruto could not help but black.

Zero four and zero five on one side snorted and screamed.

The president smiled and said: “This… because of my negligence, there was a little accident. You know that the original guild is a girl, so I will let the exchange people do the original… this…”

Zero four could not help, “pū!”, then laughed without any image.

I even laughed with zero and five.

The president was taken with joy and made full power squatting, and his face was red-eyed: “That… his uniform is also made into a female model…so…not quite fit.”

“pū!” After a moment of fun, the president finally couldn’t help but laugh.

There is still a kind of learning in the fourth grade, learning how Naruto put on the uniform of the day: “That… the president elder sister, am I wrong? Is the button behind? I can’t buckle it… …”

“pū!” The president sprayed.

Under the mask, Naruto’s face rose and the monkey’s buttocks were red.

When I got up that morning, he was still awake, and he would let him wear the team uniform.

What Naruto couldn’t bear most was… The nine-tailed bastard took him in the form of a memory and passed it to the shared chat area.

It can be imagined that they are laughing crazy.

“It’s funny…”

The body of everyone continues to squeak.

The most exaggerated is the zero five, it is about to fall on the ground.

Still Hinata. Well, Hinata didn’t hear laughter.

Naruto turned to look at Hinata, and Hinata was very cute and couldn’t help it. From the blushing neck, it was obvious that Hinata’s face was absolutely perfect.

Naruto sighed: “Laugh it, don’t break it.”

Hinata couldn’t help but laugh, shook head said: “I don’t laugh.”

But the zero and five smashed together and scratched the tickle of Hinata.

Then Hinata’s defense system also collapsed.

It’s been ten minutes since everyone’s temper.

But I didn’t want to laugh, I didn’t laugh enough, but I didn’t dare to laugh because the stomach hurts.

So try to control.

But Naruto’s little temper came up.

You are not laughing, not laughing, but Naruto starts telling jokes to everyone.

Forcibly will continue this battle for another half an hour.

“Zero seven, I vowed never to mention that you are wearing women’s clothing, really!”

“I am going to be killed by you, laughing me (za) hurts, I don’t mention Xiaoqi wearing women’s clothes, spare me.” This is zero.

“I swear, if I put on the younger brother in the women’s clothing, let me laugh and die!” This is the zero five that likes to do things.

“I also vowed…” But the vows haven’t finished yet, and I laughed at the moment. She laughed at Zero One. “Laughing (za) hurts, zero-elder sister, you laughed at me!”

Naruto cocked his face and learned how to scream, “Giggle, giggling, giggling! Laugh! Give me all the time to laugh!”

Then the girls changed a sincere version of the apology, Naruto did not continue to tease them.

This is followed by Naru’s Ability and the Quest that was accepted this time – find a Raytheon gemstone that is unique to the country of Ray.

After talking about Quest, Naruto is on zero: “Zero-elder sister, do you want to have a movable left arm.”

Within the perception barrier, Naruto can clearly see that the left arm of Zero One is a prosthetic with no life reaction and it will not move.

This is also the reason for the abandonment of Shinobi’s career, after all, most Ninjutsu need a hand seal.

Abandoning one hand almost equals the abolition of Ninjutsu.

The hot atmosphere suddenly calmed down with Naruto’s question.

Naruto glanced at the zero four, and then looked at Zero with fear.

Zero one glimpse, no show of disappointment, smiled and asked Naruto: “Can you move the prosthesis? I have never heard of it.”

Naruto wrote the story: “I was also an occasional chance to see it in Konoha. Someone invented a prosthetic move, zero-elder sister. If you need it, I will bring you one when I come next time.”

Xiaoyi smiled and smiled very brightly: “Okay, then it’s troublesome.”

See the sighed in relief.

She is afraid that Zero will be angry because she talks about her lost arm.

Then everyone ate a big meal, and then arranged the room according to the location of the country in the country of fire.

At night, Naruto and Jiuwei began to figure it out.

“Nine Lama teacher, this time different from the last time, the identity of the nine-tailed Jinchūriki can not be exposed, I can not expose Naruto’s identity. Under this premise, do you think we can successfully obtain the two- or eight-tailed soul power? ”

Sitting on the ground in the end of the ninth, the left hand is holding the chin, and the right index finger taps on the thigh. “It is not difficult to invade the Spirit World of the opposite side with your current soul. After all, you only need to invade the sword of Jinchūriki. World will do.”

“After the invasion, I was in contact with the two guys. This is… it shouldn’t be difficult… you just need to ridicule them a few words, let them take the initiative to Attack you, so that their Chakra is in contact with your soul, you are successful. “”

Naruto “Hmm” is nodding, but still feels unreliable. The two-tailed and eight-tailed Jinchūriki are both Jinchūriki recognized by Tail Beast.

You can use all the strengths of Tail Beast.

And he… the nine-tailed Strength can’t be used, so that the exposed identity HyHton (Ice Release) can’t be used.

Use Earth Style and opposite side hard steel?

Naruto thought for a while and sighed: “I feel… the plan to come to the country of Lei… a little impulsive…”

Nine-tailed thinking about his chin and agreeing: “It seems to be a little impulsive… Would you like to try the Illusion Technique? With your Spiritual Force, I think it is more reliable than using Earth Style.”

Naruto didn’t dare to set the channel: “What are you selling now? What about it? Jinchūriki! Not a primary school!”

Jiuwei Shantou: “Who are the primary school students?”

Naruto: “…”

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