Supreme Naruto

Chapter 316

The pentagonal turns into a hexagon!

Naruto’s thoughts fell on the giant egg and saw a standard six-pointed star.

On the sharp corners of the six-pointed star, four are wrapped around the gold wire.

Two of the four gold wires are the most dazzling. They should be the Yang Attribute obtained from the nine tails, and the magnetic enthalpy obtained from the end.

Nine-tail start to talk said: “You can try to merge the two-tailed guy, who is good at special Katon (Fire Release) and see if there is a gold wire.”

Just Katon (Fire Release)? With the urinary nature of this gold wire, in addition to the nine-tailed Yang Attribute, other Attributes are only Kekkei Genkai.

Kekkei Genkai is the result of the fusion of two Chakra Attributes, but what does that mean?

After all… What is Chakra?

Naruto flipped through the history of this World, although there was no record of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki devouring the fruit of the tree, but it was recorded that during the Sengoku period, there was no such thing as Chakra under the samurai-based World Strength system.

That is to say, Chakra appeared only after Kaguya Ōtsutsuki swallowed the fruit of the god tree.

The sacred tree is a tree that plunders this World vitality from the Ōtsutsuki family of aliens.

From this perspective, Chakra is the external manifestation of the life of this planet, and is the strength of the planet.

Or… the Rule of World?

Kekkei Genkai, Bloodline eliminated, Bloodline snare.

It is the essence of Strength from the dispersion to the collection.

It can also be said that… is the way from mortals to God.

The Chakra on the nine Tail Beast is the closest to God from the separation of God.

So… if he can combine the strengths of the nine Tail Beast…

“Ontology, you are saying something…”

Naruto came back to hear the prayers of the avatar.

“Well… then you will stay first, perform well…”

The whales were enchanted, and then there was an endless praise.

At this time, Naruto’s mind was all in the fusion of other Tail Beast Attributes. He didn’t bother to listen. He said casually: “You are smaller, shrinking…”

Naruto suddenly thought of the idea of ​​raising a husky in the past.

However, I feel that Shiba Inu is more suitable.

“Become a Shiba Inu.”

The shape of the whale is reduced from a round, chubby whale into a… fat-toned, big-faced Shiba.

A yellow body, a white face and belly, round eyes, a look of good bullying.

Naruto raised his hand and touched the head of the Little Shiba Inu.

Some disappointed retracted hands and turned away from Wu Dojo.

When the door of Takeo Dojo opened, Naruto found that Hinata was waiting outside.

“Young… is there anything wrong with that?”

Hinata shook the shook head. “No, I just have some concerns.”

Naruto thought of talking about her own avatar in the public chat area.

Then…Hinata is here…not worried that he is not crazy?

Naruto has some regrets, I don’t know if I don’t believe it…

“Oh… that’s fine for me, um… this dog…” Isn’t this a avatar?

If it is said that the avatar is a dog, it always feels weird…

“It’s what I kept to practice the rock ……… It’s like this.”

“That, I went to the next president and studied the next Quest.” Say Naruto turned and walked to the president’s room.

Naruto’s heart was a little uneasy. Didn’t Hinata use Byakugan (roll eyes) to look at the scene inside the house?

If you read it… thought he was chatting with himself…

That’s the case… I’m afraid I didn’t really think of him as a fool…

Want to explain? But the darker it is, the worse it is.

Naruto daringly went to the house where the president was.

The Shiba Inu knows what Naruto is worried about, and the ontology does not have a Spirit link with him.

The first thought after seeing Hinata is that this is my wife.

This is the influence of Naruto originally on World’s memory, and then changed to this is the favorite girl of the ontology.

In this case, as an excellent pet, it must show that it is full of dedication!

How can I please the hostess as a Shiba Inu?

The memory of Naruto originally tells him a way to shake his tail!

The good thing to wag your tail is… fast swing! High frequency to express your closeness to the hostess.

So Shiba’s tail turned like a fan “sōu sōu”.

Who saw the tail of the Shiba Inu that turned like a fan?

Hinata didn’t see it, the funny looks at the earth dog said: “You are the one who doesn’t want to disappear?”

Shiba Inu sees Hinata and knows himself, thinking that the body has told Hinata about it, the well-behaved “Wang!” and then shook his tail more hard.

Hinata squatted and stroked the head of Shiba Inu, praised: “You are so cute.”

Shiba Inu is very excited! The hostess praised it!

Then it has to work harder!

Somehow, it took out the helicopter’s propeller in its own head.

One tail becomes three, fixed into a propeller, and rotated!


Shiba Inu is lifted!

At this time Naruto had turned the corridor and walked into the president’s room.

“President, next Quest, let’s go to the country of Ray.”

The president was free to spit the smoke circle. “How come you suddenly want to go to the country of Lei? Is there any good Quest there?”

Naruto nodded in a row: “There is a Quest that looks like a vein, and it will be easy to do.”

Mine Quest!

The president came to the mood, and they had been too comfortable this week.

Playing cards, drinking tea, and chatting in the belly of the whale.

Nothing to do, because they are all taken by Naruto.

“Good! Go to the country of mine! Let’s start tomorrow!”

Very simple answer.

Naruto also sighed in relief, went to the country of Lei, and left the sphere of influence of Konoha.

Don’t worry about meeting Konoha’s shinobi anytime.

This is one of them, and there are two Jinchūriki in the second country of Lei.

Two tails, and eight tails, he wants to try to integrate.

Out of the president’s room, Naruto heard the Hinata giggling in the hallway.

What is so interesting?

You know that Hinata normally rarely laughs.

Naruto went back and turned…

Nest grass! A Shiba Inu is flying!

Wait, this Shiba Inu… it won’t be his one!

It may only be his one. This World does not say whether there is a Shiba Inu, even if there is, it is impossible to fly the tail!

Even a dog can’t do it!

Naruto Spirit links to the Shiba Inu, “What are you doing!”

Kaidō, who is charming to Shiba Inu: “I am a pet, I am happy to tease the hostess…”

Good reason for formidable, Naruto forgot what to say for a while…

Moreover, Hinata is really happy to laugh.

Naruto walked over with a scalp. “That Hinata… this dog…”

Naruto wants to pretend to be self-control in order to tease Hinata, but to speak to the truth, he said: “This dog is the one I said I don’t want to disappear.”

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