Supreme Naruto

Chapter 302

The country of fire, a forest without a name.

Naruto and his little friends are resting in place.

“Hungry, don’t you be hungry? Do you want to come to a grain of pills?” Wu Si went to Naruto.

Naruto shook his head into a rattle. “The thing is finished, I think I can get to the meal.”

The four-fourth follow the trick: “A lot of tastes, fruity, barbecue, seafood.”

Naruto continued to shake his head. “Unless you can find the creamy Cracker, I won’t eat it.”

At a glance, Naruto glanced at it and sold it to zero five.

In the Spirit network, Naruto talks to Hinata: “How’s it? Are you discovering old monkeys over there?”

Hinata Kaidō: “The old monkey wood saw it, but saw a group of white-haired monkeys. The president is wondering if these monkeys can be cultivated into beasts.”

Naruto jokingly said: “How? The president wants to raise a group of monkeys as a psychic beast?”

Hinata: “No, the president wants to raise the monkey into a beast and sell the money.”

Naruto laughed and was about to ridicule a few words and suddenly got a chance.

Captive beasts sell money… It seems to be a way to make money.

However, people and animals have a long relationship with people and people, and when they are enough, they are willing to give up.

But if you don’t sell money… if you rent it… is it feasible?

Come to a beneficiary mercenary organization? Oh…

At this time, a stone was thrown at Naruto, and Naruto subconsciously caught it.

I saw that the fourth four is signaling him.

Naruto looked down at the four-fourth and saw a monkey.

Found the monkey’s place of residence?

Naruto got to the side of the fourth, at the same time, the perception barrier expanded, and within a kilometer, Naruto saw a big monkey.

But without Chakra, they are ordinary wild monkeys.

Naruto was in short supply, and the other two of the team were ready to begin their exploration journey.

Do you want to tell them?

Naruto thought about it or not, although it is not a secret to perceive the barrier, but it seems to be a lot of trouble to explain.

Continue to paddle…

So one afternoon passed.

This afternoon, Naruto learned that monkeys really have monkey kings.

Because when the monkeys noticed that they invaded the monkey’s territory and did not leave, they even launched a siege.

Of course, the end result is that the Monkey King was beaten up by Naruto.

“It’s still skinless!”

Naruto took a big neck slip.

Medical Ninjutsu, chaos!

The monkey in the middle of the move wants to resist, but wants to stand up but squats down, wants to pick up the stone Attack enemy but a fist to lie on his face.

After experiencing all sorts of strange events, the Monkey King finally smashed and began to choke for mercy.

And seven hundred and four and a monkey looks at himself beat himself stare big eyes, exclaimed: “?? What did you do for this monkey will do you Illusion Technique”

Naruto explained: “It’s not Illusion Technique. It’s a branch of medical Ninjutsu. I messed up its nerve system.”

Say Naruto pointed his finger at the monkey’s head and asked, “Is it still skinned?”

The wild monkeys in the mountains can understand the words, and the people who are squatting on the ground are crying.

Even more amazing is that after Naruto learned the monkey king, several small monkeys actually sent fruit.

Naruto began to think that the little monkey wanted to redeem the monkey king, but when Naruto put the monkey king, he found out that he was wrong, because the monkey actually followed him and followed him.

“That’s not to be sent, we are going to leave this forest.”

Naruto waved to the monkeys.

However, the monkey is still following.

Zero five quietly said: “I feel… the monkeys have treated you as a monkey king.”

Q4 added: “I think so too.”

Naruto turned a Byakugan (roll eyes). “Do you mean that I look like a monkey?”

In the end, Naruto used the Earth Style to keep all the monkeys in place before they left.

Some zero disappointment said: “Actually, I think it is good to take the monkeys.”

Naruto returns to Byakugan (roll eyes).

When everyone rushed to the second monkey’s place of residence, this time Naruto refused to take the shot and asked the four to go to the monkey: “Zero four elder sister, try it and see if you are monkey after defeating the monkey king. Listen to you.”

The fifth is the one who has the opinions and the support.

Quickly agree: “Zero four elder sister, you can try it.”

Then the fourth and the monkey king smashed a meal, but this time there was no scene of monkey loyalty, a group of monkeys rushed over.

When the hand lifted his hand, Earth Style Ninjutsu opened the field of weightlessness, and the monkeys floated up and threw them out of their hands.

After landing, a group of monkeys fled with the monkey king.

Zero Four seems to be self-deprecating: “It seems… I am not the material of the Monkey King.”

But the meaning of the words is not difficult to hear, that is: Zero seven, the identity of the Monkey King will recognize it.

Naruto touched his chin and said something about it: “Maybe… because of gender discrimination, after all, the Monkey King is public.”

Zero four: “Oh, monkey.”

Naruto turned over Byakugan (roll eyes). “You said monkey looks at what I do…”

It was getting late, and the three men found a place to camp.

Naruto took out his bee’s black, yellow, black and yellow sleeping bag and hung it on the tree.

For Naruto’s sleeping bag, both women were amazed.

In particular, I saw a snack reserve in the sleeping bag, a joke book, and a desk lamp! There is a fan!

The five-fifth touched the bee in a circle of yellow, black, yellow and black ass. “This sleeping bag is so cute… like me.”

Naruto blinked.

The needle on the buttocks of the bee sleeping bag: “This sleeping bag is so full… like me.”

Naruto corner of the mouth took a pump and swept across the faces of the two.

“Do you want to use this?”

The two nodded again and again.

Naruto took a deep breath, and then spit out helplessly, “Okay…but there is only one sleeping bag, how do you divide it?”

The four-fourth understanding: “I can sleep for zero.”

Zero five did not refuse.

What else can Naruto say, “Well, this and the sleeping bag for you.”

Zero four praised: “Zero seven younger brother, you are so good.”

Zero five followed closely: “Well, the zero-younger brother is the best!”

Naruto’s heart rang “Drip! Good guy card!”

Naruto turned to Byakugan (roll eyes) and went to another one by one tree, and took out a bee ass sleeping bag and hung it on the tree.

This is an alternate sleeping bag, but because of the last experience with the Hinata camping, Naruto put the sleeping bag inside, jokes, eaten… everything is not bad.

The two women approached again, Naruto hugged the sleeping bag and said, “What are you doing?”

I am embarrassed to say: “That… two people sleep too much, do you have any extra?”

Naruto hugs: “I am one, who is robbing me and who is in a hurry!”

Zero five pity said: “I am such a cute girl, do you have the heart to see me huddled in a sleeping bag?”

Naruto shook head No channel: “Across the mask, you said cute, you are cute?”

However, the zero five directly took the mask off.

Naruto said firmly: “I am a family person, and I can’t make it easy!”

Then the four-fourth also took off the mask, the two loves the sights at Naruto.


The result was a comfortable bee butt sleeping bag for two people, Naruto lying on the side of the fire wrapped in a coarse cloth sleeping bag…

Self-deprecated: “Oh…man…”

However, although the sleeping bag was sacrificed, it also returned some benefits.

For example, the zero four promised that he would return to teach Naruto Earth Style Ninjutsu to change the gravity technique.

In the Spirit network, Hinata greeted Naruto: “The sleeping bag you prepared for me is very comfortable.”

Naruto Kaidō: “There are some small snacks in the side pocket, but remember to gargle before eating.”

Hinata continued to promise, and then asked: “Naruto Jun also sleeps in a sleeping bag?”

It is also a sleeping bag… unfortunately not his homemade…

Naruto: “Well…”

Hinata: “It’s great to sleep in the same sleeping bag as Naruto… Naruto, good night…”

Naruto: “…Good night.”

Naruto, who had just been hurt in the heart, was cured in this good night.

Thanks to the “the rest of the rest of the rest”, the rudder master of the big reward, today added more ~

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