Supreme Naruto

Chapter 301

The Quest discussion begins.

Naruto thought that for the three generations of Hokage, his villager in the village of Konoha Ninja would have a say.

However, when it was really open, Naruto discovered that he had no more outsiders to know about the three generations of Hokage.

From the president’s mouth, Naruto learned that the three generations of Hokage had a very good father called Sarutobi Sasuke.

And the three generations of Hokage are proficient in using five kinds of Chakra nature changes, just because of this father.

Also, the name of Uchiha Sasuke turned out to be Uchiha Fugaku because of the admiration of Sarutobi Sasuke.

The Uchiha family who can be proud and arrogant admire to this extent… It is conceivable how much this Sarutobi Sasuke is.

After all, Sasuke’s father, Uchiha Fugaku, was the patriarch of the family.

From the three generations of Hokage, talk to the three generations of Hokage.

From the three generations of Hokage, he talked about the old monkey.

The reason why he talked about the three generations of Hokage was because the Sarutobi family used to have a family. The president speculated that the old monkey was probably in the Sarutobi family.

Of course, there are three other possible places, where the monkeys are densely populated near the Sarutobi tribe.

“We will divide into two sets of actions tomorrow, first search for news, and then confirm the news and then collect and arrest.”

The president bounced off the ash, “Zero six with me, zero four leads to zero five and zero seven.”

Separate from Hinata? Naruto wants to protest, joining the mercenary is to play with Hinata, but think about it.

It is easy to be annoyed to join in everything.

And not the Spirit network can chat at any time, isn’t it?

The hand that flipped through the information suddenly stopped. “Please report that Konoha is also looking for this old monkey… We may encounter Shinobi of Konoha.”

The president dismissed it: “The Sarutobi family is not in the village of Konoha Ninja. They are looking for theirs to find us, plus Konoha is now turbulent, the fifth generation Hokage disappears, and the six generations of Hokage have not yet decided. They can’t provoke foreign enemies.”

Zero four nodded.

The president continued: “So don’t be afraid to meet, just pass by.”

Konoha is also looking for this old monkey?

Perceived the barrier extension, Naruto looked through the information recorded on the intelligence through the perception barrier.

There is very little information revealed in the information, only words.

But let Naruto’s scalp blow up, please report to the person who led Anbu to Quest… suspected copying shinobi Hatake Kakashi.

Not so smart?

Naruto passed the information to Hinata, and Hinata watched and worried: “If you meet Kakashi teacher…he won’t recognize us?”

Naruto Kaidō: “In terms of what it is, recognition is inevitable, so we should make some changes in camouflage.”

Hinata: “How to change?”

Naruto thought a little…

“How about I cut my hair into black?”

Hinata is not happy: “You said you didn’t cut…”

Naruto found the reason: “This is not for safety. If it is discovered, things will be very troublesome.”

Hinata is unhappy: “But when you have long hair, you are handsome with a sword.”

Long hair is very handsome with a sword?

Naruto shines. “What are you talking about?”

Hinata: “Uh-huh, very handsome.”

Naruto made a decision: “Then it won’t be cut, the light is dyed black.”

But Naruto forgot, now he doesn’t need a sword…

The two men 嘀嘀gū gū in the Spirit network, and the meeting is coming to an end.

The president told Naruto, “I am practicing with Zero and Four. I am very good at Earth Style Ninjutsu. Let me know about your Talent status in the fourth quarter. This will have a goal for the future direction of Strength.”

Some people pointed out that nature is excellent. Although there are small monks and nuns in the house, Dazzini and Yakushi Kabuto will have some Earth Styles.

But Little Minnie and Dazzini have a steel shovel and a magnetic shovel, so in their view, Earth Style is a low-level thing, disdain for research.

And Yakushi Kabuto… his understanding of Earth Style turned out to be easy to escape…

Therefore, Yakushi Kabuto’s Earth Style Ninjutsu has only one fish in the earth… the egg hurts.

Naruto got up and shouted to the zero-fourth: “Zero four elder sister, please come back later.”

Well, since I am only twelve years old, still in the big elder sister pile, Naruto has no shameful decision, and later rely on selling 乖 to fight for welfare benefits!

First come here, Naruto sighs, if he can grow a little shorter, then he might be able to spoil in the arms of the elder sister.

Cough… This thought is a bit biased… Naruto is driving in time.

Naruto’s elder sister called sweet, but the fourth was suddenly sitting in danger. Some accidental confusion, clearing the throat, “cough, that… you call me big brother like zero five.”

What? Big brother ?

Selling Meng failed…

Naruto and Q4 left, and the president said to Hinata: “People are gone, don’t stare at the back.”

Hinata’s face was instantly red, although there was a mask that could not be seen, but it burned to the root of the ear.

“I… I didn’t…”

Zero five came together, “呦呦” said: “Not yet, tell the elder sister, are you really elope with him?”

Hinata’s face is redder, and the brain is already blank in panic.

Fortunately, the two laughed for a while, the president took her to practice.

Do you absolutely want to find a mouse hole to bury yourself?

What elopes… I…we…it seems to be elopement…

Hinata’s inexplicable little sweetness is growing.

Hinata was brought to practice by the president. The five-fifth plan to watch the excitement. The president was ruthlessly poked by Hadō: “You should not be idle. The recent progress of the six-sixth is great. If you don’t upgrade again, after a few days, the most Weak or you.”

The eagerly gossip gossip Spirit blazing zero five little elder sister was instantly poured a basin of cold water.

Weak Kaidō: “Yes… I know.”

Inside the Dojo, which was opened up in the hot spring inn, it looks like indoors, because this is a closed house.

But the ground is not a wooden board, but a land.

This is called … half indoor?

Introduced on the 4th: “This is the place where I specialize in cultivation, and it is also the place where you will cultivate in the future.”

Into Wu Dojo, the fourth quarter to Naruto said: “You try to control the soil here, the soil here is not the same as the outside world, it is difficult to be…”

Naruto Chakra poured into the ground and raised his hand, and then a soil wave rolled like a beast out of the cage.

Look carefully to see that it is a dolphin composed of three meters long…

Breaking through the “waves”, swinging in the air with a graceful figure, and then into the “water”, if the Olympic diving judges here, will definitely give this little dolphin a perfect score.

Looking at the zero four…

After the little dolphins came back to the ground, Naruto looked up and asked, “Yes, what did the big brother just say?”

Zero four quietly swallowed, Kaidō: “You still call me elder sister.”

The man who wanted to play handsome suddenly thought of the president’s sentence. This guy’s Chakra had at least Kage level.

More than her… The called big brother will make her feel awkward…

“That… Zero seven, how about your Body Technique?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Well… it will be a little.”

Is it a little bit?

From the eight armor to the blame, Naruto’s Body Technique skills have been tumbling…

Together with Hinata, Shantou recently contributed several of the Hyuga family’s Body Techniques to the points store.

Eighty-six sixty-four palms… empty palms…

Although Naruto didn’t practice after reading it, but the boxing of the soft boxing is also a little bit of experience.

No. 4 nodded: “Well, then let’s practice Body Technique.”

Naruto is arrogant: “Ah?”

Ask for a ticket~ I haven’t got a ticket for a long time~Recommended ticket~Monthly ticket~enen…Reward also (嘿嘿~) Let us put the recommended ticket to 20~ (although it doesn’t work~ but it looks good~)

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