Supreme Naruto

Chapter 244

The pocket was successfully reincarnation, and Naruto remembered that he had swallowed the soul of his pocket.

Just as he killed the pocket, his hand touched the body of the pocket, and then the soul of the pocket was pulled into the nine-tailed Seal Space.

It seems that what he has swallowed is not the human soul, but only part of the Spiritual Force.

This has actually been confirmed in Jiuwei and Sasuke.

It is truly true now.

Naruto was very happy with this, so he had no burden on his last heart.

Naruto took the bag to the door of his room and pushed the door open. “Go in, the coffin inside is your home.”

Yakushi Kabuto glanced into the room, all the furnishings were perfectly analogous, and I was very satisfied with it. I was sitting on the bed and Naruto pulled him. “This bed is not yours, yours…” said Naruto The coffin at the bedside: “It is this coffin.”

Yakushi Kabuto frowned and pointed at the room. “Isn’t this room all mine?”

Naruto shook head, opened the coffin cover and made a gesture of asking: “Only this coffin is yours, and the other sites are mine.”

“Reassured, there are pillows in the coffin, and a soft bed underneath, it’s not uncomfortable.”

Is this Naruto’s room?

Yakushi Kabuto suddenly wanted to slip out.

However, when Naruto saw Yakushi Kabuto hesitant, he grabbed it and threw it directly into the coffin. He closed the door, “Good night…”

On the window sill, the strange pots behind the curtains stretched out an eye and glanced at the coffin. Then, after Naruto looked over, he slammed back.

Naruto warned repeated on the “potted plant”: “Don’t want to make some strange ideas, I caught it and stuffed you directly into the bottom of the pot.”

The sound insulation of the coffin is not very good. After Yakushi Kabuto heard it, Kaidō: “I don’t have any idea to make it… Why is it stuffed into the bottom of the pot?”

Naruto turned Byakugan (roll eyes) Kaidō : “I didn’t talk to you.”

Then Naruto left.

Yakushi Kabuto is still sipping: “Don’t talk to me? Is there anyone else in this room?”

Then “dāng dāng dāng !dāng dāng dāng !” knocked the coffin board.

However, the coffin board is locked and Yakushi Kabuto is destined to open.

“Let me go out first! My Scroll hasn’t seen it yet! It’s dark and lacquered… let me learn!”

The room was quiet, and the weird plants on the window sill stretched out an eye again, strangely looking at the coffin board that was not at all.

Plant: It’s so noisy…

Yakushi Kabuto patted again, but this time it triggered a switch, and then it turned on.

There are lights!

Then Yakushi Kabuto looked at the coffin again and saw a button.

There is a sleep on it, and there is a row of gears behind the sleep.


what is this? Turn off the lights?

Yakushi Kabuto raised his hand and pressed it up. The light turned off. Then, after a burst of vertigo, Yakushi Kabuto’s eyelids became more and more heavy and finally closed.

Yakushi Kabuto is asleep… Yakushi Kabuto sleeps very sweet…

The button for sleeping was developed by Naruto, so it would be much easier to adjust the time of sleep.

As soon as you press it, the curse on the coffin will ignite and let people enter a state similar to hibernation.

It was not long before Naruto came back.

“Right, I haven’t taught you how to use this coffin. I tell you, this coffin is high-tech, inside…”

Naruto is planning to open the coffin, but the gears that originally display “0” outside the coffin become “1.”

Means… the formation has been turned on, and one day is closed…

Naruto couldn’t help but exclaim: “Hey? Is this guy self-taught?”

Ok, Naruto decided to take back this high-tech remark.

Re-closed the door and left.

Downstairs, Muni took a wheelchair and controlled the wheelchair to wander around.

After walking down the stairs, Naruto quickly asked: “Naruto What did you say really?”

Naruto 眨巴下眼, so suddenly a question is somewhat inexplicable: “What?”

Muni explained: “It is what you just said that will make the dead really risen.”

This thing…

Naruto nodded, “There is a theoretical solution, but I can’t be completely sure if I haven’t practiced it. Let’s experiment with that guy first.”

Muni was notdded, and then asked: “Would you go to the lab today?”

Naruto saw a fiery glow in Muni’s eyes. Didn’t Dennie not exclude the laboratory?

It is a good thing.

But Naruto shook his head: “I won’t go today. I will go with the guy tomorrow. The guy stays with Orochimaru for a long time. You should also know some cloning techniques. His help will progress faster.”

After that, Naruto walked towards the summer that was ready for breakfast.

Naruto has another thing that is curious compared to clones.

It was the curse that appeared on the face before the summer.

“Summer, that… I have something to know, don’t know if I can…”

Xia returned, and the well-behaved Kaidō: “What does the owner want to ask? It is ok.”

Summer is still obedient as always.

However, Naruto feels that this issue still needs to be careful.

“That… If you can’t answer it if it’s not convenient, I just want to ask… I just saw a curse on you.”

“This kind of curse is very similar to what I saw under Orochimaru’s men. I want to know the curse on you. Is it a kind of curse that can gather the power of nature?”

Xia’s expression is as good as ever, even the eyelashes are not trembling. The well-behaved Kaidō: “The curse on my body is born, it is not related to the Orochimaru you said, at the same time is indeed what you said. The kind of curse that can gather the power of nature, or… Sage Mode?”


Then Xia Hezhong is a family!

Xia said with a smile: “What else do you want to know?”

Other questions? That is gone.

But… Naruto wants to see the summer spell.

Sasuke’s curse has been seen by him, but he has only seen it. There is not much that he really knows.

“That… can you let me use the link to link your curse?”

Xia Sisuo, Kaidō: “Master wants to see my Sage Mode?”

Naruto nodded: “I want to know why this curse can gather the power of nature. As far as I know, except for people who have a curse like you, you want to learn Senjutsu and only go to Three Great Holy Land to learn, so I want to Understand some of these principles.”

Then I quickly added: “Of course, you can refuse.”

Xia shook the shook head and said: “Summer will not refuse, if the owner wants to see it, it is ok.”

Naruto put a sigh of relief in his heart.

But there are some said curiously: “That… summer, in fact, you don’t have to listen to me anything? We don’t have any master-servant relationship… The master is also a nickname, and it doesn’t count.”

Xia Yan blinked with a smile: “What does the owner want to call you in summer?”

Naruto quickly said: “Just call my name.”

With the understanding of the true strength of Dao Xia, Naruto is actually a pressure on this master.

Xia Yuqiao’s nodded: “I will call you Naruto after that summer.”

Naruto relaxed.

Then easily said: “So, let me see your curse in the summer.”


Xia shook the shook head: “No, it is a secret.”

Naruto was so arrogant and muttered to himself: “Don’t you let me see it?”

Xia smiled at Kaidō: “Because Naruto is the master, Naruto is now Naruto.”


Naruto felt a big group of marmots in his heart screaming.

Your own authority is gone?

Xia suddenly said with a smile : “In fact, it is ok, the book said that this is a joke, right?”

Naruto has a strong face…

Various seeking!

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