Supreme Naruto

Chapter 243

Yakushi Kabuto slowly opened his eyes.

Originally, people like wooden piles are gradually becoming more and more vivid.


Since Yakushi Kabuto died too fast, Yakushi Kabuto’s consciousness was still at the moment before death.

“Welcome to return to this World.”

Naruto smiles at the Yakushi Kabuto, Yakushi Kabuto is preparing to start to talk, but then he discovers the difference in body.

Yakushi Kabuto lowered his head and raised his hand to look at his hand.

Open… clenched…

This feeling is a bit different.

Then I saw the Scroll that I haven’t collapsed yet, the Scroll…

The familiar feelings are emerging in my heart. He remembers seeing it at Orochimaru. This spell is… Edo Tensei!

Then myself…

Naruto frowned and raised his hand and waved in front of Yakushi Kabuto. “Hey! Go back! Can you hear me! A little bit of good.”

“There will be no delay… or is the signal bad?”

“Are you still failing?”

Yakushi Kabuto looked up at Naruto, start to talk and asked, “I am dead?”

Naruto exhales one breath saying, the hanging heart was put down, he thought it failed.

“Yeah, you are dead, I am killing, I am sorry.”

Yakushi Kabuto: “…”

Apologize for this kind of thing… This experience is really MMP…

So… now killing this person?

When the thought was just angry, the body suddenly became uncontrollable.

Yakushi Kabuto looks at Naruto, the opposite side is ridiculing the look at him.

Yakushi Kabuto sighed and put down the unrealistic thoughts and asked, “Why did you psychic out of me? What news do you want from me?”

Naruto took out a spell in front of Yakushi Kabuto.

“Before talking, let’s talk about this first. This is a spell that suppresses the personality of Edo Tensei. If you put it in your head, you will become a weapon that only knows the battle, but that is not what I want, I What you need is your mind so you need your cooperation.”

Yakushi Kabuto looks at the spell, which he has seen in Orochimaru. Originally, it feels very convenient. Now it has changed the identity perspective… The mood is a bit complicated.

Yakushi Kabuto looks at Naruto: “How do you cooperate with you? Why do you want to cooperate with you? You killed me and let me cooperate with you. Don’t you think this thing is a bit nonsense?”

Naruto chuckled said: “At the very least, I can make you see that this world is not, and… you can’t give birth to your own child… It doesn’t look like it is different.”

Naruto looked unconsciously between the legs of the pocket. “I am very curious, can I use Edo Tensei after that stuff?”

Yakushi Kabuto was asked to stay a bit, looking along Naruto’s gaze and saw his legs between…

Suddenly, Yakushi Kabuto’s heart raised a chill in the heart… Naruto, this guy won’t be…

In the horror, Yakushi Kabuto embraced the body and flinched out to go far.

The monk at the side smiled: “Hey… you have to talk gay…”

Naruto corner of the mouth also smoked, and some regretted the word gay in the body of the monk…

Turn over Byakugan (roll eyes): “What are your expressions? I am just curious, my sexual orientation is normal.”

Then I waved my hand: “Forget it, this question will be discussed later, or talk about business.”

Naruto is the color: “Yakushi Kabuto, people are not necessarily dead when they die. I recently studied the gift that Orochimaru gave me. Do you know Orochimaru’s man-made plan? That clone.”

Yakushi Kabuto leaned on the shelf and saw Naruto not catch up with a lot of peace of mind, and then began to consider Naruto’s problem, nodded Kaidō: “Know.”

Naruto grinned and leaked the white teeth, laughing at the extra sunshine. “I have been studying the experiment recently. Now I have successfully raised a human ear on the back of a mouse. But there are still some shortcomings in that experiment. Man, are you willing to cooperate with me?”

Yakushi Kabuto didn’t want to be straightforward: “I don’t want to!”

Naruto is still smiling, “Don’t rush to reply, can you think of the benefits of this thing? You are dead now, but if you clone a body, then turn your soul back, Then are you not really resurrected?”

Yakushi Kabuto looks at Naruto, if it really can be like Naruto… then…

Yakushi Kabuto is serious and asks: “What basis do you have to complete this technique? I am talking about resurrecting my soul.”

Naruto picked up the Edo Tensei’s Scroll on the ground and shook the head: “Edo Tensei’s principle is just to follow Jinchūriki, summoning the soul of the dead, and then sealing the soul to the new body is the root of the technique.”

“Now I have called your soul out, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to seal to the new body, um… like Jinchūriki.”

Hearing this sentence, Yakushi Kabuto unconsciously shook his fist.

Naruto continued to convince: “And, aren’t you studying at Orochimaru’s side? The research around me is the same. I promise that the treatment on my side will not be worse than that, except for the time of study. You can also have your own time, really, I never crush my employees.”

Sincere face.

Added: “If you don’t feel relieved, we can sign the contract…”

GodTM’s signing contract! Who is this contract for? Go to the TM contract!

Yakushi Kabuto turned over… black eyes… (Edo Tensei’s white of the eye is black)

“Agree not? If this doesn’t agree… then I can only send you back. I believe that there is no reincarnation in this World, but I can give you a reincarnation.”

Seriously looking at Naruto, Naruto is still very sunny, but I don’t know why he saw the shadow of Orochimaru from the guy in front of him.

Maybe… more terrifying than Orochimaru, maybe…

Yakushi Kabuto was silent for a long time and finally nodded: “There is nothing to do anyway, let’s do it first…”

“Right, I feel that my stomach is so hungry, can I give something to eat?”

agreed? that’s nice.

But what about eating…

Naruto shook the head: “Sorry, Edo Tensei and Jinchūriki are still different. Now you have a feeling of being hungry, but… it is useless to eat, the function of the body will not be replenished, it will only continue to be consumed until …the exhaustion is dead.”

Yakushi Kabuto frowned. “That means that… I will die soon?”

Naruto chuckled said: “Yes, in order not to let the body decay quickly, the body of Edo Tensei is usually resting in the body, and the body is the coffin for preservation…”

Yakushi Kabuto pulled her face down: “So, what did you say before that made me free?”

Naruto said with a smile : “Well, how can I be so dark?”

Speaking of throwing a Scroll to Yakushi Kabuto, “Take this technique.”

Yakushi Kabuto unfolds the Scroll, with the name “Physicalization.”

Naruto explained: “When you have learned this technique, your body can always lie in the corpse, and you can use it to release the wind.”

Yakushi Kabuto has a numb face.

Is this TM free time?


At the end of the month, the monthly ticket is cast to Xiaozhao, and then the next month’s monthly ticket is reserved~ There is also a recommended ticket, and the reward is full. (In addition, if anyone is banned, if you can’t speak, you can add me to find me~ Funny ……)

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