Supreme Naruto

Chapter 215

The sword light flashed away, Orochimaru stopped the waist, Naruto forced.

Then “bang!”, the Orochimaru that broke into two sections disappeared.

Is it a avatar? Or is it a shadow?

Naruto did not stop, picked up Tsunade, speed broke out and evacuated at full speed.

At the same time I saw that Orochimaru, standing not far away, was smiling at him, and did not mean to shoot.

Orochimaru deliberately let him go?

Naruto and Orochimaru pass by 200 meters.

Yamato followed closely, but after seeing Orochimaru, the control stakes Attack Orochimaru.

This scene fell in the eyes of Naruto and almost didn’t laugh. This big sum is definitely a comic ratio sent by the monkey.

Stir the chopsticks and stir.

Three or four hundred meters in the blink of an eye, Naruto saw a sturdy Sasuke.

It’s too late to say hello, and speed is a slam.

However, at this time, behind suddenly came a suction, and the wind blew back, which was Danzo’s nightmare.

Naruto still remembers that he taught Hinata. If Danzo’s nightmare sucks, don’t be afraid, just mix the detonator in the sucked thing and then explode the guy’s head.


There is no detonator on his body now!

When I blocked Danzo, I cleared it all!

To finish…

and many more! Can also save it.

The pseudo-spirit link is instantly linked to Sasuke.

“Sasuke! Use Hao Fireball!”

Sasuke is not slow to respond, and the hand is fast.

Sasuke swears that this is definitely the most slick of the Fireball hand seal.

Katon (Fire Release)! Hao Fireball!

The five-meter-diameter Fireball was swept back by the wind, and the wind helped the fire power. The five-meter Fireball doubling over three times the diameter.

The stupid nightmare wanted to stop and stop, and the Fireball was sucked into the stomach, and the hot squeaking sounded, and then “bang!”

“Thank you, please come eat next time!”

Naruto injects Chakra into the back and wants to take off, but the Chakra armor on her body has been shredded by the wind blade when Naruto used the storm.

The wings lifted and fell off a large piece.

It is impossible to fly.

Naruto suddenly felt that his liver hurts.

Tsunade In his arms, Naruto couldn’t use a storm, and only with a strange force, Strength burst out.

At the same time The pseudo-Spirit link and Tsunade are connected together. “Sister! Let’s cheer up! If you want to hang up today.”

Tsunade heard Naruto’s voice, subconsciously opened his eyes, and saw Naruto, full of blood, so that he couldn’t faint.

Panic; “You… are you hurt?”

Naruto is in the Spirit link for Kaidō: “I will die if you don’t keep up.”

Tsunade’s body trembled, and the blood of Naruto oozes from the wound, making it even horrible.

Tsunade held up his hand and panicked: “I will treat you!”

But in fact, the closer Tsunade’s hand is to Naruto’s wound, the more it shakes. Not to mention the treatment, even the transfer of Chakra can’t be done.

At this time, Danzo chased again, speed is much faster than Naruto, the body is in front of Naruto, Naruto changes to the outbreak Chakra, Danzo is in front again.

There was a mocking smile on the old face, and the smile seemed to Naruto to be a disgusting chrysanthemum without wiping the yellow.

Danzo start to talk : “I didn’t expect you to be able to control the strength of the nine tails, very good, let go of Tsunade and follow me, I can let you live.”

To finish…

This time is really over.

Suddenly a coin suddenly fell between him and Danzo.

Naruto wants to tsukkomi, who is the coin, but the next moment, the coin suddenly expands, and when Naruto intends to evade, the familiar voice sounds, “Stand up!”

It is the voice of monks and nuns.

In the past, when Naruto was at the store manager’s home, Naruto was the one that hated it.

Because this sound once it sounds, it means trouble.

But today is as sweet as a scorpio.

Do you still have a rescuer?

Naruto didn’t move, the coin stretched into an iron ball in the blink of an eye and wrapped Naruto inside.

From the fog, Danzo cautiously guarded all around, and Muni’s figure appeared behind the iron ball. As soon as he lifted his foot, he shot the iron ball and sipped a scorpion. “Go!”

This is the spoken language that Tsunade said when he helped him overcome the fear of heights. He was learned when he was sent to dinner.

In the past, Muni came flying around Naruto and often deliberately said the last sentence.

The gas of Naruto has a loss of appetite for half a month, and today it is as sweet as a scorpio.


Muni’s foot kicked on the iron ball and the iron ball was launched.

Danzo, took a deep breath, spit out the gas bomb to shoot at the monk.

Muni’s body was first turned into a water mist, and the air bomb was hit.

Naruto flew for five seconds and was taken over.

The coinized Metal film shrinks and re-forms a coin.

At the same time Naruto saw the people who will be next to him.

It is Datuni.

Standing next to the little monk.

After the metal coin is restored, it floats on the side of the little monk.

Steel 遁? Special Kekkei Genkai?

Or is it magnetic? However, Metal’s extension should be steel shovel.

“How did you appear here?”

Xiao Nie Kaidō: “Because we have been following the behind of the Naruto big brother.”

“Naruto big brother waits and talks about it, waiting to solve this nasty guy.”

The coin in the hands of Xiaonioni was extended again and turned into a sharp long spear.

Datuni, lifted his foot and pressed it on the long spear, then the long spear swung up quickly, and “啾!” slammed into the fog.

What Naruto looked stunned, what did Dawani do for long spear?

Magnetic tape?

The fog was scattered, Danzo’s body was pierced, and the long speared thorn-filled rings were connected end to end.

Look at it hurts.

Muni stood in front of Danzo and pressed it on Danzo’s head, and then Danzo’s body burst red.

Turned around and made a victory gesture: “Complete Quest!”

From start to finish, completely occupy the home, perfect killing.

Who are these three people? Definitely not Shinobi of Konoha, if so, it is impossible to find the information soformable.

The thoughts in Naruto’s brain flashed away, at the same time.

Danzo can’t be solved as simple!

“Be careful!”

Naruto put down the Tsunade and the storm broke out.

But it was still late, Danzo’s hand suddenly pierced from the back of Muni.

咕尼睁大eyes, the incredible looks at the chest of the hand, muttered to himself: “Ah? I have killed him? He can’t be a avatar…”

Raised the head of Romania, looking at Naruto, 讪said with a smile : “Sorry…wrong…”

Muni is still laughing, Naruto looks at but wants to cry.

In the past, he had tried to destroy the monks and nuns more than once, because Muni was not conscious of being rescued. He had been ridiculed with no scruples, and his words were nothing more than a brain.

In the words of Naruto, it is arrogant Idiot.

But at this moment, when seeing Muni in front of himself, the hands of the sights at Danzo penetrated the body of Muni.

Naruto feels very uncomfortable and angry.

“Let’s let go!”

Naruto is crazy, and the angry emotions are as unstoppable as the erupting volcanoes.

“Nine tails! Chakra!”

The nine-tailed Chakra is full of body, a strange force, Chakra ten times burst.

“Hey!” Naruto stepped out of a big pit and the man disappeared.

Chakra gathers in the hands, spins, compresses, scarlet-red spiral pills, at the same time Level 1 Chakra film appears on the periphery of the spiral pill to wrap it.

“I let you! Let go!”

Naruto appeared on Danzo’s side, and a strange force broke out, and the spiral pill in his hand was shot.

Danzo’s body was covered with a pile of wood, and then the spiral pill was shot and hit.

Naruto took the soft and fell down to Muni, and Muni spit his blood, said with a smile: “I didn’t expect you to cry for me.”

The uncontrolled flow of tears then evaporates in the raging Chakra.

Naruto did not return, and Yang Attribute Chakra gathered on Muni’s chest to treat Muni.

Muni said with a smile : “Useless…Heart is gone…”

Naruto did not feel the heart.

Under the anger, he rushed over to Danzo.

Danzo, mortal!

Kill once and die, kill 10 times! A hundred times!

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