Supreme Naruto

Chapter 214

The Jianguang is too fast, and almost no one has reacted.

When I saw it, Danzo body did not move, then the right hand fell to the ground, the upper body slipped down from the waist, and the whole person was slanted and slanted.

who is it!

Orochimaru’s eyes followed the red light.

Danzo’s upper body fell to the ground, the lower part of the blood was sprayed, the red one was bright, the time in the scorched air was filled with a dry, suffocating rust.

The whole process of this scene falls in the eyes of Tsunade, the blood is red on the ground, and the World of Tsunade is also red.

The fear of the blood moment swept all her mind, the body was out of control, the trembling kept, and even the words could not be said.

Naruto 0.1 stopped for a few hundred meters.

It took only 0.1 seconds from his sword, but the whole body was full of visible bones everywhere.

“Nine Lama teacher is fast! Continue to increase Chakra! Or I will hang up!”

Nine tails were also a little nervous. Under the Spirit link, he felt that Naruto’s neck had been cut by the wind blade, so Chakra was finished filling the Naruto body.

On the mouth of the foul-mouthed said: “This is your shit method? Open three doors into the blink of an eye? Why don’t you swallow thousands of detonators to blew?”

Naruto was covered in dark red nine-tailed Chakra, and three fox tails grew directly behind the buttocks.

At the same time, the wound on Naruto is also visible to the naked eye.

The nine-tailed Chakra has a healing effect, and with Naruto creating regenerative activated cells, the speed of this treatment is even faster.

It should not be weaker than the creation and regeneration of the state of Baihao.

The wound on the neck was heal, Naruto spit out a blood, and it felt like a lot of people relaxed.

After the wound was treated on Naruto, Danzo’s smashed body suddenly disappeared, and a perfect Danzo recovered.

Mouth whispered: “I almost didn’t catch up…”

Then he felt the nine-tailed Chakra.

As soon as the mind stunned, the body blinking disappeared and rushed toward the place where the nine-tailed Chakra was perceived.

At the moment Danzo moved, Jiuwei also felt the existence of Danzo.

Nine tails: “brat Since you didn’t kill, look at your Grandfather. How can I kill him!”

Speaking of taking over Naruto’s body, the nine-tailed Chakra broke out, the tail bent to the ground, and the next moment was straightened, and Naruto’s body quickly popped out.

Just escaped the wooden stakes that Danzo had pulled out of his hands.

Naruto sees that the control of the body is taken over by the nine tails, warned repeated: “Beware of his raft, and the Sharingan of the right eye!”

Nine tails evade Danzo’s raft Attack, while Kaidō: “Your intelligence is wrong, I don’t feel Sharingan’s Spirit fluctuations in his right eye.”

Didn’t feel it?

Naruto gave birth to a speculation and muttered to himself: “Don’t Danzo have to use the right eye to carry out the Eyreana because he has no time to remove the seal of his right arm?”

“Are you sure that there is no Sharingan Spirit fluctuation?”

Nine tails affirmed: “No.”

Naruto’s heart is happy, so look at it… Does the explosion still have a little effect?

At least the Kotoamatsukami of Danzo was scrapped.

Nine tails evade, and a dark sphere is gathered in the mouth. “Look, this is genuine!”

The black ball is ejected.

The explosion is not weaker than the explosion caused by the previous detonator.


But… no.

Naruto’s side was drilled with five wooden pillars, and the nine-tailed Naruto was locked.

Chakra broke out at the end of the nine, and the danger escaped.

Nine tails: “Chakra is not enough! I want to increase Chakra!”

Naruto hesitated: “Can I trust you with the nine lama teacher?”

The nine tails at the whole body wrapped in a bloody red Chakra Naruto, taunted: “Would you like me to be a teacher?”

Naruto looked serious. “I can feel that if I accept your Chakra further, I can’t keep my consciousness clear, and I can’t take the initiative to get back control of the body.”

The nine lamas grinned: “Then add ten more desserts.”

Can you trust the nine tails?

The nine-tailed Chakra is wrapped around the body. Naruto can feel some thoughts from the nine tails. There is no madness to destroy the earth. It is calmer and more like an undercurrent.

That killing intent, Naruto can feel that it is against Danzo.

Naruto said: “Don’t kill the road Tsunade.”

Naruto accepted the nine-tailed Chakra, and the fourth tail gradually appeared in Naruto’s behind. At the same time, Naruto, who had reached the nine-tailed pattern and covered the Level 1 fox-style bone, used Level 1 muscle again.

The figure also suddenly expanded.

But at this moment, Naruto suddenly pulled out an Anbu Ninja wearing a black trench coat and a mask.

Hand seal in the hand, the pile is wrapped around the body of the nine tails.

It’s silly and big!

Danzo seized the opportunity to spur the raft and entangled it.

Naruto’s stunned consciousness is instantly awake.

Ruan said: “Wolves! Which is the stupid!”

Yamato is actually not very clear about the situation. He has been hiding in the ground.

After feeling the nine-tailed Chakra, I came out, so I used the raft to block the nine tails.

The heart of Jiuwei is also very broken. I feel like I just got a B and I was sucked.

This anger in my heart.

However, under the shackles of the two men, Chakra did not listen to control and was suppressed back to the body.

Naruto growls: “Don’t struggle! Come on! Take all your Chakra and change me! Come on! If you get caught, it’s too late!”

“At this time, Chakra is only wrapped around his tail, and it is ruined around him.”

Jiuwei wants to struggle again, after all, it is too shameful, but also knows that there is no struggle, or he is recovering himself Chakra.

The nine-tail state of Naruto was instantly lifted, and the control of the body fell back into Naruto’s hands.

Fūton (Wind Release) The windstorm broke out instantly, and the wind blade swept through and rushed out from the entanglement of the raft.

Yamato chased, Naruto snarled while roaring: “You TM is stupid!”

The big and the shackled glimpse, and then pursued.

Naruto draws a blue-sleeve sword, and five times Chakra breaks out in a stormy state!

Speed ​​slammed, ignoring the injuries suffered by the body, and the swords of the blue sleeves were thrown out.

Yamato is obscured by hibiscus, and the sword blade of the blue-sleeve sword edge is cut directly. At the moment when the blue-sleeve sword is aligned with the Yamato, the characteristics of the three-fold elongation of the blue-sleeve sword are activated.

Yamato’s speed is far worse than the 鼬, not to mention Naruto’s current speed is faster than that.

The suddenly stretched blue-sleeve sword directly penetrates Yamato’s right arm.

Naruto is not polite, at this moment no matter who blocks him, he will kill him.

With a little hesitation, Danzo joined the battle and the dead man was him.

Let’s die!

The blue-sleeve sword is lifted up from the hole and the right shoulder. This sword is the head of the man.

At the beginning of the millennium, a wooden stake was pulled around the body of Yamato, and the sword was hollowed out.

Yamato is grateful: “Danzo adults.”

Naruto listened to the corner of the mouth twitching, “True TM is the monkey’s comedy!”

How to do? At the moment, Danzo is killing…

Then take Tsunade and go.

Multiple shadows! Five hundred Naruto fled to all directions.

Naruto runs to Tsunade.

But just as Tsunade was about to grab Tsunade, Orochimaru suddenly appeared in front of him, said with a smile: “You are very interesting.”

Naruto’s face is black.

Today…to finish…

The sword edge is turned and a sword is thrown out.

Can you marry Orochimaru with a sword? I feel no hope…

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