Supreme Naruto

Chapter 192

The next morning, at Tsunade’s home, Tsunade had breakfast as usual.

It can be seen that after a night, she has concealed the anger of the lover and the younger brother’s ashes.

But although the presentation is very good, the atmosphere is still a bit… dull.

Naruto pretended not to know anything about last night and reported his achievements to Tsunade.

Chakra with Yang Attribute blew a big bubble.

Tsunade looks at Naruto’s mouth blowing bubbles, the whole person is petrified, and the rice has forgotten chewing in the mouth.

After a long while, Tsunade bluntly swallowed the rice in his mouth and did not dare to ask with confidence: “How did you do it?”

So, Naruto told me about a bear child yesterday.

Telling the truth, Tsunade didn’t understand, there was a connection between balloons, bubble gum and such quick cultivation.

“Tsunade elder sister, what about the next cultivation? How does this film work in the strange power?”

Tsunade’s stiff head began to pull the bowl of rice, and numb: “You will let me teach you before I finish.”

Early in the morning, I heard such shocking news that Tsunade felt like living in a dream.

After the meal, Tsunade still feels a little unreal today.

I even looked at the calendar and confirmed that I didn’t feel sleepy after three months.

Tsunade took Naruto and walked to the window. “You make up a Attribute Chakra bubble again by hand.”

A bubble appeared in Naruto’s hand.

Tsunade stared at the bubble in Naruto’s hand and said: “Now add Chakra to the Chakra bubble surface film.”

Naruto injects Chakra into the film of the surface, and the color of the Chakra bubble in the hand becomes deeper, and the ball is tightened.

Tsunade looks at the smaller Chakra ball, the look on the face is a bit bleak.

Really successful…

Tsunade feels that her chest is so stuffy…

The shrinking of the Chakra ball indicates that Naruto’s cation Chakra membrane is indeed elastic, so that the ball will shrink after thickening Chakra.

How long did it take to learn this morphological change? Tsunade said that he did not want to recall.

People want to die more than people…

Naruto continues to inject Yang Attribute Chakra into the film of Chakra Bubble.

The bubble shrinks from watermelon to fist, and finally shrinks into glass beads.

The color has also become scarlet-red.

Tsunade pointed out the window: “You throw this ball in the sky and see how powerful it is.”

Naruto threw the Chakra ball out of it.

At this moment, Naruto thought of the spiral pill, can the spiral pill be thrown out in this way?

When you go back, you must try it!

The glass ball-sized bubble was thrown into the air for a dozen meters.

The Chakra ball that was lost by Naruto Chakra suddenly expanded, “bang!”

The surrounding windows huā lā lā were shattered.

Naruto looks at the nodded of Tsunade, Tsunade numb, “Congratulations, learn the power of Level 1 overlay.”

Is this even learning?

“Oh…Tsunade elder sister, but… how can this morphological change be applied to the blame?”

Then Tsunade took Naruto to the cliff on the west bank.

Step-by-step demonstration of the full version of Level 1 overlay.

Naruto has only now realized that the so-called Level 1 overlay is a Chakra film that condenses out the level 1 out-diffusion in the body. The strength of this film depends on the strength of the activated cell of the Attribute Chakra, which is ten times that he practiced before. The explosion, and then in the outer layer of the film, condenses the level 1 inwardly deflated film, the stress generated by the interaction between the two acts on the cation Chakra of the middle interlayer, which is the strange force.

The outbreak is to open a mouth where the outer membrane launches Attack.

Then the compressed Yang Attribute Chakra will be ejected.

Strength will blow out like a bullet.

After hearing it, Naruto failed several times and finally succeeded for the fifth time.

A fist slammed on the ground, the ground was sunken and cracked, and the scene was spectacular, as Tsunade showed him, and a five-meter deep pit was instantly collapsed.

Tsunade stood in the indifference at the side… At once I felt like I was ridiculed by Talent.

But I am also very proud, at least my own Disciple, she taught it, um… if not, now kicked directly to death.

Tsunade licked Naruto’s head. “Well, since you’ve learned the power of Level 1 overlay, the Level 2 overlay is just a matter of time.”

“Level 2 overlay is just another level of 1 film outside the Level 1 to increase the pressure and increase the explosive power.”

“And tell you the good news, the number of layers of the superimposed film depends on the strength that the level 1 can expand to the outer layer of the film, and the film that bears the Ability, you can make a ten-fold burst of ordinary Chakra. At the time, you already have a base that superimposes Level 5.”

“In other words, you already have the strongest Attack that broke out under normal conditions. If you want to improve, you have to learn the Yin seal, and then use the negative Attribute Chakra stored in the Yin seal as the source of Strength, and enter the mode of Baihao. You can quickly rise from the overlay Level 5 to the top ten layers.”

These words are really a happy event for Naruto.

Some people who are helpless are full of ambitions, and the light in their eyes is also bright and thief bright. “So to say… I am already strong now?”

Tsunade told himself over and over that this is his own disciplinary, lest he be excited to shoot the brat of this Talent burst.

Naruto’s brain was on his hand: “From tomorrow, I started to learn seals with me. I hope that you can progress so fast in Yin Seal, so you can learn how to learn Baihao’s skills as soon as possible. With the technique of Baihao, your hair roots can be cured.”


The desire for knowledge in Naruto’s eyes was ignited.

Guaranteed: “I will definitely work hard to learn the seal!”

Tsunade sat patted Naruto’s small head with satisfaction and felt that it was wise to seal Naruto’s hair, so that Brat didn’t work hard to learn the seal. After all, the seal was too boring, and Tsunade was worried about Naruto. The temper can’t sit still.

Tsunade: “Then I will go back to the Hokage Building to process the documents. You will continue to be familiar with it. Although you have the foundation and Ability of Level 5, it is not easy to do it.”

After Tsunade left, Naruto licked his lips and pulled the frame, intending to do the superposition of Level 2, yet… gorgeous defeat.

Naruto tried again without believing in evil, so once, twice, three times… I don’t know how many times…

There is only one reason for the failure, that is, once the Level 2 film appears, it will fuse with the Level 1 film.

At the end of the result, Level 1 is superimposed… funny…

The next day, Naruto threw the problem to Tsunade, and Tsunade threw it back.

Just saying that you need to comprehend yourself… again funny…

Ok, Naruto had to go into the learning seal state, as for the Level 2 film…

Naruto’s understanding is a quiet standby.

The location of the seal is because it does not need to go outdoors, so it is booked directly in the single room next to the Hokage office.

This way Tsunade can teach him while he is working on the file.

And the small studio that I studied, I don’t know if it was deliberately arranged by Tsunade… there is only one chair and one table…

There is also a book – “The Sealing Foundation”.

Tsunade patted Naruto’s head. “You look at the book yourself first, and then I will explain it to you.”

Then close the door.

There is also a creaking sound, it feels like a lock on the outside…

Naruto corner of the mouth took a pump and tried to open it…

“When…” didn’t open…

The sound of Tsunade sounded outside: “When did you finish watching me?”

Naruto turned Byakugan (roll eyes) and shifted his gaze to the book.

Then I scanned a five-centimeter-thick book in five minutes.

There are a total of five knowledge points for seals.

The first one is about the basic principles and choices of the matrix.

The so-called matrix is ​​the carrier that arranges the seal.

It can be Scroll, the ground, or even a living: people live with other animals.

The second one is about handprints and mantras.

The handprint and the mantra are derived from each other. You can use a spell to indicate a handprint, or you can use a spell to indicate two, or even more.

Therefore, the curse is divided into twelve, corresponding to twelve handprints one by one.

100 20 derived from each other in combination.

30 defines six proprietary symbols, all of which are custom spells.

The second part summarizes the handprint into a technique, the curse is the style, and the uniformity of the operation is the seal.

In other words, the seal is another form of expression by Ninjutsu, but it is relatively time-sensitive.

The third article deals with the encryption of the spell.

Custom spells can be used, there are spells, even text, role:

1. Encrypt the seal and disturb the line of sight so that outsiders cannot interpret the structure of the seal.

Second, mark the operation, use the text when marking, so that you can find it in time after taking the wrong Scroll.

The fourth chapter deals with the basic principles of curse restrictions.

It is considered to be high level encryption for the use of completed seals.

Low-level catalyst limitation: blood restriction, only the blood of the designated person can be used.

High level Catalyst limit: Chakra limit, only a specific person’s Chakra can be used.

High level Customized catalyst limit: A key that is similar to the open type can theoretically be anything, but the complexity is generally based on Scroll.

The fifth chapter deals with the contractual use of seals.

The form of the vows seal, in short, is the practice of psychic.

After reading a book, Naruto entered the memory and then looked at Edo Tensei’s image before it was a ghost figure. I found that I could understand the structure.

I just don’t understand the effect of the structure.

But… Naruto feels like reading a few more books.

Then I looked at the four-image seal that was last recorded by the Forbidden Scroll.

Compared to Edo Tensei, the four-image seal structure is clearer.

As Naruto was about to get up and tell Tsunade that he had finished reading, the sound outside attracted Naruto’s attention.

He heard the names of Orochimaru and Sasuke.

So he was not in a hurry to go out and listened to his ears.

The big chapter of the 3000 word! This chapter is really tired, and I have set a lot of things seriously. After all, the original work is as simple as the fart of the seal… Thanks to “fbadff”, “Eno_Yang” Reward ~ (small summon fist, crab crab ~)

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