Supreme Naruto

Chapter 191

On top of the tombstone, the name of Kato broke into the eyes of the owl.

At the moment of seeing the name, Naruto thought a lot about it.

Why does Tsunade promise Jiraiya back to the village?

Once again inspired Hokage’s dream?

In the development of the original World, Tsunade was almost convinced by Orochimaru that Naruto, the original World, dreamed of his own Hokage, and that the age looks like the younger brother who died of Tsunade, which evoked the resonance of Tsunade.

This time is different, because this time Jiraiya brought Tsunade back.

During this period, what happened to Naruto did not know.

But inferred from the current situation… At that time, Tsunade probably met Orochimaru, or Yakushi Kabuto.

Since Jiraiya can find the whereabouts of Tsunade by virtue of the underground exchange, there is no reason for Orochimaru to think of this.

Then Tsunade learned from Orochimaru or Yakushi Kabuto that Orochimaru had mastered the ban on the resurrection of the dead.

The reason why I didn’t trade with Orochimaru was that Tsunade couldn’t cure Orochimaru’s hand. After all, Orochimaru’s hand was not poisoned, nor was it cursed, but the soul of the arm was sealed in Shinigami’s belly.

Or interrupted by Jiraiya in the middle.

As for why Tsunade knows that the record is in the Forbidden Scroll, it may be known from Orochimaru’s mouth.

It is also possible to know exactly.

After all, Tsunade was the granddaughter of the original Hokage Senju Hashirama. The second generation of Hokage, which developed Edo Tensei, was the second Grandfather of Tsunade.

The possible clues are connected in tandem, which is why Tsunade returns to Konoha as Hokage.

Because as long as Hokage is inherited, Tsunade can get in touch with the scrolling Scroll.

You can learn Edo Tensei above, you can resurrect the dead lover Kato, and her younger brother… rope tree.

At the manager’s home, Naruto took a sip of hot hot milk, licked his mouth, and tasted the milk at the same time. Edo Tensei… looks like a good Ninjutsu. .

Should he also look for opportunities to learn?

Naruto consciousness enters the memory of the forbidden Scroll and looks at Edo Tensei.

The introduction can understand and introduce the principle of this technique.

Following the idea of ​​sealing Tail Beast into Jinchūriki body, the living body is hosted by the body of the deceased, and the soul of the deceased is summoned to summon the soul of the deceased.

But Naruto couldn’t understand it below. It was the summoning array of Edo Tensei, which looks like a ghost in Naruto.

Will there be detailed comments later?

Naruto flipped back, handprints… Naruto wasn’t looking for this, turning it over… oh… it’s over.

After all, the Scroll is not a reference book. It only records Ninjutsu, the array, the fingerprints, and the points of the operation.

“Hey, it seems that I want to understand the knowledge of this technique before I learn the language, that is, the seal…”

Fortunately, learning the Tsunade’s Yin seal also requires the knowledge of seals, and then take the opportunity to learn more.

The tomb of Kato was dug by Tsunade.

Then came the coffin, Konoha’s funeral Naruto saw, after the three generations of Hokage led the box lunch, know that this World is Cremate.

Then the ashes can also be used?

Naruto recalls the record on the Seal, which is the legacy of the deceased.

Some general…

In the Spirit Link visual sharing, Tsunade hit the coffin, and then the man was stunned at that…

Naruto wants to get close, but she is afraid of being discovered, but she still didn’t move.

After a while, Tsunade digs up to another grave, the tomb of the younger brother rope tree of Tsunade.

趁 This opportunity Naruto controls the owl to carefully fly a distance to the high tree, looking for a good angle to the coffin.

Coffin… is empty…

There is no casket inside.

Not long after, the coffin of the rope tree was opened.

It’s still empty inside…

Who took it? Orochimaru?

Tsunade’s emotions were out of control, but he finally held back.

Fill the coffin and scorpion back and leave.

Naruto is also planning to leave. At this time, the snake’s thermal vision found a crow not far from him.

Old acquaintance…

Naruto controlled the snake to creep over and accumulate power… and then bite it up.

In the middle of the throat, one shot to kill.

By the side of Danzo, the body of the mountain trembled and suddenly curled up on the floor.

Danzo frowned, asked: “Is it discovered?”

The mountain stroke twitched on the ground for a while. When standing up again, the booth eyes were bloodshot, and the Spirit state was also wilted, apparently subject to Spirit backlash.

Kaidō knees on one knee in the middle of the mountain: “I don’t know, the crow I controlled was suddenly killed by a snake.”


When it comes to the snake Danzo, it is not possible to associate Orochimaru, but… that guy should not come to Konoha now, “What is the result? What did you find?”

The mountain wind is strong against Spirit Kaidō: “Tsunade went to the cemetery and opened the coffin of Kato and the rope tree, but the coffin was empty.”

Danzo nodded, waved his hand: “I know, let’s go to rest and rest.”

The crow hangs, and the snake controlled by Naruto swallows. It doesn’t take long for a crow to swallow the snake’s belly. The snake’s belly bulges, and Naruto tries to walk without moving…

So the Spirit link was removed.

The owl was lifted together, but Naruto didn’t know that the forefoot he had just lifted, and the owl flew back to the manager’s house…

There was also the snake, who stopped the body on the ground for a while, and then smashed it to the place where the store manager’s house was.

The word walks… The word walks… The word walks… The belly is a little hard, but it is still very hard.

Not long after, the owl flew back and landed on the branch overlooking the snake.

The snake also felt the owl.

The two guys looked at each other for a long time, and finally the owl swooped down, grabbed the hook, grabbed the snake and then flew high.

The snake turned to look at the owl’s throat, and there was an impulse to rush to take a bite.

But maybe it was today that the last snake had shifted its sight and began to look down on the beautiful village below.

This is the second flight today, and it feels good.

Then the tail was generally shaken to the puppy.

At the store’s home, Naruto fell into meditation after cutting off the Spirit link.

The coffin of Kato and the rope tree is empty…

Tsunade wants to resurrect the two, and certainly can’t give up.

Then the next step is to find the whereabouts of the ashes, or to find Orochimaru.

So… what role does Danzo play in this matter?

In Naruto’s opinion, the crow 80% was made by the men of the mountain around Danzo.

Danzo…Orochimaru ……

When Orochimaru was in Konoha, most of the live experiments conducted by Danzo were under the dark support of Danzo.

Danzo therefore benefited from the transplantation of an arm of Sharingan, as well as the first generation of cells.

So… should these two guys still have contact now?

Naruto suddenly felt a little pain in his brain…

Is he now Danzo’s opponent?

If you don’t use Danzo’s right arm, Sharingan, you will be able to show Eyre Nadu… and Kotoamatsukami in the right eye…

I feel that I can’t do it… Naruto feels more painful…

It’s a bit too early for him to look at Danzo, but… I don’t think it’s a big event sooner or later.

Thanks to “fbadff”, “The Word of Dripping”, “The muddy 耿丽娜” three big 佬 打 ~ ~ The first one to send, continue the code word second ~

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