Supreme Naruto

Chapter 181

Naruto is desperate.

The two left and right sides of the face are only two or three centimeters away from the eyes.

A little above, the eyes will collapse.

Or if you go to the lower part of your neck, you will be bled. It can be described as a thrilling degree.

At the same time There is also a wound on the thigh root, and a piece of meat from the middle is also three or four centimeters away.

The horizontal seven is eight, the front thigh is there, and the back butt is not lacking.

It can be said that one is life and one is life.

Is this cultivation? GodTM’s cultivation! Go to the cultivation of TM! LaoziTM is playing for life!

Naruto tried to control the wind blade, and Spiritual Force didn’t dare to squint from the beginning.

The speed is getting faster and faster, the wind blade is getting stronger and stronger, the explosion is getting more and more fierce, and the danger is getting bigger and bigger.

Can not accommodate a half-difference pool.

Spiritual Force has never been highly concentrated.

The whole person also entered a state of near ethereality, and all distractions were completely abandoned.

All of the Spiritual Force is focused on how to get rid of the difficulties ahead.

You don’t have to think about multiple shadows. Even if you don’t need a stable Chakra, you need time, and Naruto doesn’t have time at all.

The distance between the two is between eight and nine meters, which is a blink of an eye. As soon as he raises his hand, the hand seal is caught.

Plus, if the hand seal, it will be distracted, the result is that the wind blade that is barely controlled is likely to go out of control directly, become eunuchs are small, terrifying is a wind blade across the neck will head Cut it down.

So for the present, only how can it be faster! How to control the wind blade!

Only these two points are the best way to solve the current crisis.

At this moment, the various effects of Chakra’s stimulating body on the Tsunade handwriting come to mind.

If you can break the power of Chakra by eight times, nine times, or even ten times, then you may be able to escape Kakashi’s pursuit. Naruto began to adjust according to the state of his body according to the record on the Tsunade handbook.

Gradually, Naruto’s speed began to increase steadily, and the wind blade showed no signs of further loss of control.

In the midst of a crisis, the Spiritual Force is highly concentrated, and a clear comprehension comes to mind.

Consciousness then enters into a state of forgetting both things, and how the thought gradually changes from how quickly the records on the handwriting are used to oneself.

Speed ​​one liter and then rise, the wound on the body is maintained in a dozen seconds to add one.

Then 20 adds one in a few seconds and adds one in 30 seconds.

The wind from Naruto’s body is getting smaller and smaller, the speed is getting faster and faster, the pace is lighter, and the roof that is being trampled is getting less and less…

This scene falls in the eyes of Hinata, and the change of breath at the same time Chakra is also perceived by everyone.

For example… five people on the top of the store’s house.

Of course, the most shocking thing is Kakashi, which is closely following.

At this time, the odor of Kakashi had been washed clean by Lightning, and the suffocation in the heart dissipated most of it with the rapid pressing of Chakra.

The moments of catching up with Naruto several times are still vivid, every time Naruto can survive in a desperate situation, suddenly exploding from his hands, the first few times undoubtedly irritated him, but the faster his speed, The anger also turned into shock.

Shocking Naruto’s speed shocked Naruto’s progress.

This is not seen in a few days? Now Naruto has given him the illusion he first saw.

When did this guy learn Fūton (Wind Release)?

Uh… It seems that I started learning very early.

That is after the Quest in the country of Poland.

But at that time Naruto was just practicing how to condense the wind blade and then use his sword to make it out.

This doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Fūton (Wind Release)… Even if it’s related, like his Lightning Style and Thousand Birds, it shouldn’t be that big.

After all, people’s Talent should be limited. At the very least, it should be reasonable. Another point is that the Quest of the country of Poland is only a few months away from now…

Chakra is burning, Kakashi wants to catch up with the guy.

It is not so important to teach the lesson. The important thing is that he found that if he can’t catch this guy, he loses his face. Second, he has a hunch. If he can’t catch this brat this time, I’m afraid there will be no chance to catch it later. live.

This is a terrifying premonition to Naruto’s progressive speed.

Chakra flooded into Sharingan and Sharingan locked Naruto.

Need to open the Sharingan lock out the speed that broke out, is… Thousands of birds?

Kakashi started Sharingan, Lightning changed moments, Naruto was in the clear comprehension state of thought, so I felt very sensitive to the slight change of behind Chakra.

The warning signs are now in their minds, and the thoughts are running faster.

The knowledge points of the handwriting are at the same time, and if you want to describe it, the single-core system suddenly evolves into a dual core or even a multi-core. This is not possible for the ordinary person, but for the soul force it is forformable to Abnormal, the use of spiritual surgery can not let the soul squeeze out of the acupoints, for the reason that only because of the too fat Naruto eat by soul, this is also reasonable.

Dozens of knowledge points that have not yet been understood, the theory directly applied to the book is used on the body, and the problem is inevitable.

The wind blade on Naruto showed signs of getting out of control again, but speed also suddenly rose.

Naruto uses one heart and counts, and the idea starts to correct at high speed.

At the same time Other thoughts are also pushing other knowledge points theory into Naruto.

The result is that the wounds on Naruto are not only not much better, but are still growing.

More dangerous is… In this state, the pain warning message generated by the body is because the thought is merging the knowledge points with full power, so… all directly ignored.

Simply put, at this moment Naruto does not feel the pain on the body, and the negative information.

The result… Maybe the next moment Naruto will be cut off by the wind blade of the body, or a blade of throat.

Or it is possible to be shackled, and the wind blade is broken.

The thunder of Kakashi is violent, and the thunder is gathering on the hand. This is… thousand birds…

Or… is it more dangerous?

Lightning on Kakashi… is a little different than the shape of the thousand birds used by Sasuke.

More concise, more dangerous, more… faster!

Kakashi is crazy?

Perhaps Kakashi’s idea at this moment is almost inconsistent with Naruto.

When the light of Ray Chee lit up, the scent of scent appeared in the sky above Konoha.

Tsunade’s whole body was blown up, and the unpredictable hunch came to my mind, but… I couldn’t keep up. It was too far away to catch up.

It is possible to unlock the yin to enter the state of regenerative surgery, but it takes time to unlock the yin seal, and it takes time to enter the regenerative process, but now the most lacking is time!

The danger appears in the moment over Konoha.

The five people at the top of the store’s store were shocked.

Datuni leaned down and Chakra was about to burst out. Monk stood up from the wheelchair and had no wind and clothes.

For them, Naruto is a benefactor, so… can’t die.

However, the moment before Chakra broke out, Sakurani’s expressionless appeared on the side of the two hands Hollow pressed on the two, and then the two could not move.

“Naruto, will not die.” A calm sentence.

Sakura Valley summer is 瞪big eyes looking forward to the horizon, waiting for the tens of thousands of prisoners, the storm smashed the moment of the sky blooms.

Naruto in the Thunder Thunder.

The wounds are staggered in the body, and the body bleeds in the storm.

There are three hundred and sixty records on the Tsunade handwritten note. Thousands of notes are at this moment, all of which broke out on this body.

It is life or death, and the eunuch is the emperor.

Only between the next thoughts.

Pay tribute to the sun and moon!

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