Supreme Naruto

Chapter 180

On Naruto’s death, the entire Konoha and even the entire endurance world, said that no one dares to say first.

But this time Naruto feels aggrieved, and what is the diarrhea sugar spray on his face is not in his plan?

He just wants to use a fart sugar, so even if Kakashi is super uncomfortable, super embarrassed will also be afraid of the lesson that has just been smashed by Tsunade and dare not provoke Naruto.

This is the plan of Naruto originally, also known as the fox and tiger plan.

However, unexpectedly did not expect that a durian-flavored fart sugar was eaten into the stomach by a dolphins and became a diarrhea sugar…

Which step did the plan go wrong?

Naruto, while escaping, looked back and finally remembered… When he was making diarrhea sugar… It seemed to pack one of the diaper sugar into a sugar coating of durian flavored fart sugar…

It was thrilling at the time… now… the thrill of the real TM!

Who is Kakashi?

Konoha copy shinobi Kakashi, the name spread out. Although there is no such name as Konoha Sannin, there is no big yellow flash, but it is definitely not to be underestimated.

Five-year-old shinobi school graduation, six-year-old promoted Chunin, would be the average person?

The human life in his hands adds up hand in hand, afraid that it is not possible to revolve around Konoha for two weeks!

But it was such a savage figure that even a sip of a diarrhea was eaten by a dolphin.

And the man who shouted at the porpoise… is still Naruto.

In a sense… what Naruto does is the most powerful.

Absolutely unprecedented, and still unprecedented.

“Kakashi pulls pants!”

Naruto’s voice can pass through two Konoha Streets.

Behind Thunder and the more fierce, Naruto ran down this road and it was really a spark with lightning.

But this is not what Naruto wants. Naruto thought he was shouting, Kakashi would care more about face, then stop and not chase.

This may be the case of Naruto’s calculations, where the normal person thinks at least 80%, but Kakashi not only does not stop but pursues more fierce.

This only shows that… Kakashi at this time is definitely not within the normal range.

This is dangerous and very dangerous!

If it is really caught up, I am afraid that it is not a thousand birds to get through!

How to do?

Would you like a more poisonous one?

Naruto snorted again with a scorpion: “Who is going to save me! Kakashi pulls his pants and wants to rub on me!”

If the first dice is tens of thousands of crit damage.

This scorpion is multiplied by ten times over ten thousand points.

Behind the Thunder’s rage, the speed rose rapidly.

However, what makes people stunned is that Naruto is actually in the midst of death and suddenly mentions it again.

On a very tall tree in the 44 examination room, Tsunade stood at the top of the tree and looked at the lightning flashing point.

The mute around has already taken off the clothes on the body, and then the place is gone, throwing away, washing and then wearing what does not exist.

Naruto can be said to be the first person born from mute.

Silently jumped on the high branch and didn’t get angry. “What’s the situation? Naruto was caught by Kakashi, is it fat?”

Tsunade frowned, Kaidō: “I don’t see it very clearly… but I can see it with lightning… Naruto should still be running away.”

Still running away? Kakashi’s Strength, mute, although I didn’t cut the body, I haven’t seen it before, but the Hokage office has seen a lot about Kakashi’s file.

After all, this is the homework that Tsunade must do.

So she still knows how powerful Kakashi is. As for impossible full power, it is impossible to spray a face with a dolphin. I want to come to Kakashi and I am absolutely in a rage.

Even if you don’t kill Naruto, it’s definitely a must.

This is the human nature, think about it, if you wake up and buckle on your own, you must copy the knife.

But in this case, Naruto can still escape…

Silence, although hating Naruto hate the roots of the teeth, the heart of the corpse has been, but also have to say a service word.

At the moment, I also stood by Tsunade and looked up to see Konoha and even the first ninja in the world.

But… her vision is worse than Tsunade…

If Tsunade sees electro-optical light, she only sees sparks…

At this time, I hope to bring a telescope… but the kind of thing that I like to peek Jiraiya will carry with me…

Mute was a little dejected, then I saw Hinata, and suddenly brightened.

When mute looked at Hinata, Tsunade also thought of a piece, and the two were looking at Hinata.

Hinata just climbed up from under the tree, and some of them looked at the panic…

Tsunade said with a smile : “Hinata, your Byakugan (roll eyes) is ok yet?”

Hinata nodded, because Naruto has said that her biggest advantage is a pair of Byakugan (roll eyes), so now she is practicing hard every day.

Tsunade mute and smile at each other.

Ever since, Hinata was invited by the two. “Come to Hinata. You stare at Naruto with Byakugan (roll eyes) and then broadcast the news to us.”

Hokage adult command Hinata, how dare not listen, say that she originally wanted to look up.

Then Byakugan (roll eyes) opens and looks at Naruto.

It was a wind, and it was still a very violent storm.

If you are close at hand, Hinata is absolutely not confident that it can capture the trace of the wind with eyes, unless Naruto is in the 20 line of 360.

There is also the light that catches up with the wind, which is the speed that she can’t match.

But now it is far away, but it can be seen clearly, just like the plane is very fast, but the people on the ground only think it is an ant moving.

The distance between Hinata and Naruto is not as exaggerated as that of the plane, but it is similar, so it is clear that Naruto’s figure is captured.

At the same time, I also saw Naruto’s face so that the body was bleeding.

Can’t help cry out in surprise.

Next to the mute Tsunade, I asked the situation, and then I learned that after the bloodshed, I muttered my hand and comforted me: “Don’t worry too much. That is the negative effect of Naruto’s blinking. Do you see Kakashi catching up with Naruto now? How far is it?”

Hinata resisted the worry in her heart, start to talk: “The distance is just five meters, then Naruto speed is raised again, pulling the distance to ten meters. Kakashi teacher then speeds up. The two are now maintaining eight to ten meters. between.”

Eight to ten meters, it seems very far, but in the speed of Naruto and Kakashi, it is just a blink of an eye.

This kind of racing, mute is also secret.

At the same time Some don’t dare to set the channel: “Kakashi won’t catch up with Naruto?”

Tsunade listened to Hinata’s broadcast, while looking at the thunder of the sky, pouting with a smile: “The seven-fold explosion of Naruto Chakra is likely to increase eight times today, or … more.”

At the same time, Konoha’s roof flashed the storm and thunder at the same time, and the five people stood on the roof of the manager’s villa.

Sakura Valley sisters, as well as three tenants of recent newcomer.

Datuni felt the outbreak of Chakra in Konoha and the lightning in the sky. Start to talk: “The guy is being chased, can we not reinforce?”

Xiaoyini was worried about pulling Muni’s hand. The guy from Muni turned the wheelchair to the roof. At this time, sitting in a wheelchair, Kaid said: “Wait, Chakra on the opposite side is not violent but not killed. That brat’s decision, so look at it first, and that brat’s speed is improving, which is also a rare practice for him.”

Cultivation? Naruto will surely drive him out of the manager’s house if he knows that someone is arguing with melon seeds.

He is desperate!

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