Supreme Naruto

Chapter 171

The night in Konoha is quieter.

In this shinobi hometown, everyone seems to be contaminated with some shinobi’s self-discipline.

When the time is up, you will choose to sleep.

However, some people are still busy.

In a villa near the Hokage building, the lights in the Level 2 bedroom are lit.

This is the new home of Tsunade. No way, the house of the past has long been ruined in Konoha’s several restless turbulences.

Fortunately, this Tsunade is also more free and easy, the old does not go new.

Adding to the past things will always bring back some bad memories in the past, but it will make people feel a lot easier.

Tsunade sat on the bed and watched a large Scroll. If Naruto was here, he would recognize the Scroll and he once saw it.

Because this is the roll of the Scroll.

The place where Scroll expands is a complicated array of characters. It is not a matter of understanding the array. It will feel dizzy when you look at it.

There is a comment on the array, which is also an introduction, and above it is the name of the technique: “Edo Tensei.”

Tsunade looked very serious, brows slightly wrinkle, and even some nervous.

Suddenly, Tsunade’s ear moved, like a frightened cat, pressed on the Scroll, Scroll rolled up, and all the eyes were retracted, then the “bang!” disappeared into the bed.

Two seconds later, a silhouette appeared on the window. The man knocked on the window and shouted: “Open a window!”

Tsunade took a deep breath and calmed down the tension.

Then went to the window to open the window, then kicked out and shot the person on the window.

Then close the window and walk out of the main entrance two minutes later.

Skating at the waist and yelling at the people on the ground: “You will not go to the main entrance?”

Jiraiya trembled and the body had become a prawns.

Mouth on the mouth: “Eggs… Eggs… Eggs… Eggs…”

Five minutes later, the two came to a pub, just Jiraiya’s walking posture… strange.

Sandwiched with cockroaches…

There were not many people in the pub, and the two found a clean place to sit down, asked for two bottles of sake and ordered some appetizers.

A few glasses of wine underwater belly, wine on the face, two stuns, Jiraiya start to talk said: “I don’t think you are getting more and more beautiful.”

Tsunade is full of drinks, Kaidō: “You are still the same… but… I am not interested in you.”

Jiraiya turned Byakugan (roll eyes) and said, “Hey, look at each other.”

Then I was filled with drinks and dried up a few more cups.

Jiraiya looks at the wine in the wine glass, whispered: “You found out what I checked, and the three left-out pocket stores did have some connection with the family, and even one can open it.”

Tsunade did a cup, Kaidō: “What about the identity of that person?”

Jiraiya slightly shook head: “I didn’t find it.”

Tsunade continues to ask: “What about the two girls?”

Jiraiya shook the shook head again: “I didn’t find it.”

After finishing the meal, and then start to talk again: “They came from the outside, I decided to leave Konoha tomorrow to check out, and check the organization’s intelligence.”

Tsunade asked the hand of the cup to ask for a slight meal: “How long?”

Jiraiya is not sure: “It will take a few months to say less, but if you haven’t found anything in three months, I will be back.”

Tsunade nodded: “That’s good, you can catch up with the opening.”

When it comes to opening, Jiraiya turns Byakugan (roll eyes) and says, “You are still coming, you can open a casino in Konoha. You can do this kind of thing.”

Tsunade doesn’t matter: “What are you afraid of? When Grandfather is there, there are several casinos in Konoha.”

Tsunade’s Grandfather, naturally the first generation of Hokage, talked about the Jiraiya curl one’s lip, which is a fat sheep bigger than Tsunade in the Legend. The people who opened the casino took the initiative to drive the casino to Konoha.

The two had a few drinks and didn’t know how many cups they had. Jiraiya was drunk and said: “After I left, Naruto gave it to you.”

Tsunade drunk Kaidō: “That is my discipline.”

Perhaps it is too much wine, Jiraiya’s Byakugan (roll eyes), turned like a sloth.

At this same time, at the manager’s house, Naruto is smashing some small pieces around the night.

A long wooden long leg, a Dual Cultivation long slender arm, and a single foot and an arm.

These are all just the body, Naruto is loading parts inside, and it is also the organization that transmits Chakra to drive the body.

The door knocked and the summer came in with dessert and hot milk.

Naruto carefully installed a part with a pair of tweezers and installed it inside. Obviously it is now a critical moment, whispering start to talk: “Is it summer? Go to sleep, don’t worry about me.”

In the summer, gently put the dessert and hot milk on the table, and whisper Kaidō: “The owner should sleep earlier.”

Naruto finally put the little part in the buckle, sighed in relief and said with a smile : “Well, it will be assembled soon.”

Then I saw him looking forward to seeing him in the face.

Naruto said curiously: “What’s wrong? Is there anything?”

Xia bite his lip, licking his eyes and looking at Naruto’s head. “I don’t know how rude it is, but… I really want to touch the owner’s head…”

Naruto’s face was black, indifferently said: “That’s impossible, you still have to go out and rest early.”

Xia bite his lip and tangled: “Just take it down… I can’t sleep in summer…”

Naruto feels that my liver hurts…

Although knowing that this nominal owner does not have much authority, but … which request is the touch?

It is necessary to refuse, the hot milk floating aroma into the nose, Naruto looked over, the heat under the light rose slowly, it looks very comfortable.

Naruto Hollow looks at the look at the summer, “Can’t you change the request? For example… give you some such gadgets?”

Naruto raised a wooden arm in his hand.

Xia Duan pouted his head in a pitiful manner.

Naruto sighed and closed his eyes to the eyes: “Just make it, and don’t tell you the elder sister.”

Xia eyes bright, flying and hugged Naruto’s head and smashed.

Naruto growls: “Ah!”

Xia Kaidō: “The summer’s hand didn’t leave, it’s a bit.”

Then there is crazy friction.

I don’t know why Naruto’s heart sounded a MMP soundtrack: friction friction, on a smooth head, rubbing…

The accompaniment of GodTM, go to the accompaniment of TM!

I don’t know how much friction, after Xia Zhi was full, Naruto felt the warmth of his head.

Looks like it… quite comfortable…

No, this idea is too dangerous… It seems that we have to hurry up to make the hair grow.

Naruto began to carefully install the mechanical parts, but I remembered the roll in my head.

And the panda family living under the big banyan tree in the death forest.

I really want to be a raccoon…

Furry and fat is more fun.

There is also a bear damn it big belly… lying on it, no matter how good the bed is.

When Naruto fell into a whimsy, a piece of pink mushroom on the window sill moved and then embraced with a small pot underneath.

Moved to the back of the curtain, and then seemed to stretch out and motionless, as if falling asleep…

The mushroom made a sound, and Naruto looked up and saw that the mushroom didn’t pay any attention. He continued to put up the parts, the mushrooms were sleepy, and he should finish soon, then sleep.

The first chapter was sent, and the second chapter was written. Xiaozhao had recently got a disease, and he didn’t want to sleep at night. The result was that he couldn’t get up in the morning (ha…)

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