Supreme Naruto

Chapter 170

Naruto’s sudden change of face made the inside people somewhat unprepared. At first glance, it was still a little guy, and the fierceness in his eyes was slightly convergent.

But the tone is the same indifference: “Who are you?”

If it is Jiraiya’s stupidity, it will definitely scream “This question is good,” and then come to a long list of names that make everyone stunned.

Naruto said that she would not be so stupid, simply said: “My name is Uzumaki Naruto. The prosthetic is what I invented, but there is a misunderstanding to declare in advance that installing prosthetics is not for letting you go out and fight, it is just for your life.” ”

The woman stared at Naruto eyes seriously. Seeing it for a while, seeing the look is not like fake, nodded: “Oh, this way, it’s not good to go out and fight for the scum.”

“But I am not interested in the prosthetic you have studied. Go.”

Naruto nodded, turned and left.

At this moment, if you can tsukkomi, Gu Teng must despise Naruto.

The wind is coming, the gray is walking away… There is no one in the fart.

But just as I was about to step out of the iron gate of the garden, the girl hiding in the flowers suddenly started to talk: “Wait! I am very interested in your prosthetic.”

The woman in a wheelchair snorted: “Little Muni!”

Then I jumped one more from the tree. “I am also very interested.”

The woman in the wheelchair complained: “How can Da Ni Ni also join in the fun…”

Say sadly: “You guys don’t want me?”

Then he burst into tears.

This time it was Naruto’s turn to turn around and generally turned around.

Three girls.

Jumping out of the flowers is shorter than Naruto, wearing a goose-yellow dress, it looks like a little loli, she has only one arm and one leg.

The proportion of the body that jumped from the tree was similar to that of the wind. The legs were very slender and more than one meter or more, but there were no two arms.

The three men’s hair color is the same as the three sisters.

But in addition to sitting in a wheelchair, the other two are short hair.

A person with a long cultivation leg walks over the wheelchair, ignoring the crying of the person in the wheelchair. Say coldy: “Put up your cheap tears. This is the 30 eight times today. I have to listen to the ears.” It’s a bitch.”

Cried 30 eight times?

Naruto is amazed at the people in the wheelchair. The woman is really made of water.

However, Naruto is more concerned about the fact that he just cried 30 eight times on this day.

It’s a shame…

I really want to get into the seams…

On the other side, Little Loli jumped over on one leg and was a little cute, but no matter who looked at it, she couldn’t laugh.

I only feel distressed.

With only one hand and one foot, her life must be very difficult.

The long legs first came to Naruto, start to talk: “What you said is true, accepting your prosthetic limb, will not let us fight?”

Naruto promised: “No, I can guarantee that if you don’t want to fight, no one will force you.”

Xiao Loli slammed hard and pulled the ancient vine’s prosthetic to look up, full of envy: “It’s convenient, if I can install it, I can climb the tree like Datuni!”

Then eyes stared at the ancient rattan: “big brother, can your hand be given to me?”

Seeing Gu Teng will agree, Naruto promptly starts to talk: “His hand is too ugly, I will give you a hand that suits you and floats beautifully according to your hand.”

Little loli eyes lit up: “Really?”

Naruto promised: “Really.”

At this time, the person in the wheelchair did not do it. “What is the use of the hands and feet? How comfortable to sit comfortably.”

However, her words were gorgeous and ignored by everyone present.

Naruto began measuring the hands and feet of the little girl.

Very simple, just use ice to copy a copy of the original hand and foot of the little girl.

Xiao Shantou shyly said: “Do you take off your pants?”

Naruto is very blushing and says: “No need to use it.”

Then the little girl screamed “oh”.

After measuring the little steamed bun, a frozen hand and frozen legs appeared in Naruto’s hands.

The little girl wanted to touch it, but she was avoided by Naruto. “It’s very cool, I will play it when you make the finished product.”

The little girl once again screamed “oh”.

Then it was the big long legs and the big ones.

Hey… what if you don’t have a hand…

Naruto asked: “Do you have any special requirements for your opponent?”

“If I don’t have one, I will make a good fit according to your body ratio.”

Datuni used the chin to click on the person in the wheelchair. “My hand is the same as her, so you can do it according to her.”

When I heard the big monk, the person in the wheelchair immediately put a both hands behind the behind and said with anger: “I won’t let you see my hand.”

“You will not want me after you have hands and feet! I know!”

Just now he recognized this woman… so shameful…

Naruto Indifferent Kaidō: “I am sorry I saw it.”

Speaking of a both hands, the arms are in the air, growing from the palm to the shoulder.

The girl in the wheelchair looked at the eyes and looked at the hand that had condensed in the air, and then compared it with her own. It was unreasonable to take the trouble: “You are a little abnormal! Do not learn the good color wolf! Who let you see my hand !”

Naruto’s eyelids jumped.

Then, the other two people said, “The arm will be done tomorrow, and I will come again.”

The person in the wheelchair did not do it again, shouting: “My! There is me!”

Then I saw a pair of slender ice sculptures in the sky.

It was done according to the legs of Datuni. In fact, the proportion of the body of the big mani and the wheelchair is really the same, even the face is very similar.

The person in the wheelchair saw another pair of legs. I was not happy to continue to shouted: “You are abnormal! Your eyes are with perspective! You have shamelessly peeked at the beautiful legs of Datuni!”

The blue ribs on Naruto forehead jumped. This woman is the most noisy and unreasonable one he has ever seen.

After leaving the garden, the ancient vines are full of worship: “You actually convinced them, are you turning away before you want to squat?”

Naruto curl one’s lip : “You think too much, I really want to leave.”

Gu Teng is not channeling: “If you really want to leave, then how come back later?”

Naruto looked at Gu Teng with the look at Idiot: “Because other people need it!”

Gu Teng thinks carefully.

Naruto has one less person who can sigh in his heart. This ancient vine is obviously a rib. What kind of work can a person with a rib can give him?

Throwing the casino to maintain order is afraid of hitting the guests.

Throw in the pastry shop in the summer… the style is wrong…

Um… still throw the manager, Naruto suddenly thinks that a person with a rib can be responsible for collecting money.

And just the ninja store has no bargaining, perfect!

Naruto is back.

Tsunade looked at the legs and arms that were floating around Naruto, and he said: “It’s all Beauty, right?”

Naruto nodded, and some less certain words: “Okay…”

Why are you not sure? Because Naruto feels that the person in a wheelchair is annoying.

To say that she is Beauty insults Beauty as a sacred and solemn vocabulary.

If you arrange a job… let her stay in the sanatorium.

Why is Naruto so resentful to this person?

Naruto felt that his wise life was ruined in the hands of this girl.

I actually feel that this day I cried 30 eight times the woman is dangerous…

I actually cried in front of a woman who cried 30 eight times a day.


Catch up! (I really is the most handsome in the universe! No one!) The author is crazy and mad…

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