Supreme Naruto

Chapter 155

Konoha Ninja village, home to Danzo.

The morning sun did not warm the whole room, and it welcomed two guests.

It is also two old friends, former teammates, Utatane Koharu and Homura Mitokado.

The heat of the three cups of hot tea slowly rose, and the three pairs sat on either side of the square table.

The faces of the three men have been left behind by the years, but their waists are straight, like the pines around Konoha, the leaves are green and deep, but even if the snow falls, they can’t bend them.

Perhaps this is the imposing manner that the superiors should have, and it is also the state of mind.

“After Sarutobi left… we have one less of the old bones to talk to.” Utatane Koharu lowered his head and looked at the heat of the tea, whispered.

Danzo looked across and looked at the face of Utatane Koharu. Once upon a time, this face attracted the attention of countless people, but now if you talk about it, those juniors may not believe it.

Years… really ruthless, some terrifying…

With a grin, start to talk: “The sacrifice for the village is the glory of every Hokage, Sarutobi he did it…”

Homura Mitokado next to Utatane Koharu is very silent, his eyes are calm and deep, like an old well, not to the end.

Some are lonely, as if they are outside.

However, his hair is very hard, even if he has been a year old, still standing, it is an old stubborn…

And he doesn’t talk, he wants to come and he doesn’t talk.

Danzo’s eyes noticed Homura Mitokado and took a look.

Utatane Koharu raised the head, looking at Danzo, start to talk: “I know that you always want to sit in that position, but it is not suitable now.”

Danzo didn’t talk, he was an old friend, some words didn’t need to be covered, and some words didn’t need to be said.

The three of them have been together for too long and are too familiar.

Utatane Koharu continued: “Uchiha Sasuke was taken away by Orochimaru.”

Danzo’s eyes are still calm, indifferently said: “The people of that family have never been able to learn.”

Very ambiguous answer, as if nothing was said, it seems to say a lot.

Utatane Koharu nodded, agrees: “It’s good to leave, but before the Hokage position is inherited, the village’s law and order must be taken care of. I and Men Yan think that you can continue to take charge of Anbu.”

After talking about the business, the two got up and left, just like when they came, the steady pace, but the rush was in a hurry.

Also… Today’s Konoha does have a lot to do…

Danzo watched the two leave and looked at the three cups of hot tea on the table, as if talking to himself, muttering: “This will eventually be my Konoha…”

With this at the same time, outside the Little Town in the country of the fire, in the dense forest, the early morning “bang! bang! bang!” is ringing.

For the guy who is disturbing the dream, there are many people in Little Town who want to find it.

But they all went to the sleeves and then came back with their tails.

It was a scene that was too horrible. The huge hammer was on the ground, as if it was in the sky, with thunder.

But not everyone is afraid, for example… with a messy hair, a face that doesn’t wake up, and a resentful middle-aged Uncle.

“I said Naruto! It’s only half past four. Do you sleep and let others sleep?”

Naruto lifted a hammer and hammered it to the ground, and the sound was horrible. Then a “bang!” hammer exploded, and then the reaction force from the ground rose, Naruto twisted the hammer and twisted his waist. Hammer again.

At the same time By the force of the mouth shouted: “Why should you sleep during your lifetime.”

Then the big hammer slammed into the ground.

Jiraiya frowned, the five senses crowded together, telling the truth, he didn’t understand what Naruto said.

Then I saw the second hammer, at the same time, again shouted: “I will sleep after death!”

The hammer “boom” once again slammed into the ground.

Jiraiya understood this time, turned over Byakugan (roll eyes) and turned to Naruto to leave a head back, Kaidō: “Fat!”

But after two steps, I smashed my head and pondered it.

I feel that this fart is so good.

Then shook the shook head again: “There is a fart, it is a fallacies.”

Then there was an hour of thunder.

After breakfast, Naruto and Jiraiya left.

Jiraiya has been swearing because she didn’t sleep well.

Naruto licked his elbow and licked Jiraiya. “Hey, you said yesterday that you can find Tsunade today. Today is here, Tsunade people?”

Jiraiya made a long anger, and turned over Byakugan (roll eyes): “What anxious, isn’t it for you to look for?”

Then frowned and looked at Naruto, who was flush with himself. He couldn’t help but say, “Are you tired?”

Naruto’s body flicked up and down at this point, which is what Naruto wrapped himself with the wind Attribute Chakra and then blown the wind down.

It is a newly developed cultivation project by Naruto.

For better control of the wind Attribute Chakra.

Naruto Kaidō: “Tired, but you are tired of making money. Can you make money? Don’t make money to eat? Don’t make money and drink? Don’t make money and stink?”

As he spoke, a fly flew over, and he saw Naruto’s mouth, and a cold blew out, and the body of the fly was frozen and smashed to the ground.

The wings rest on the stone, and obviously the ice will not fly if it melts…

Poor flies… Who is it to provoke?

Jiraiya was chilled by the cold and took a few feet away from Naruto.

But Naruto floated to him again.

This summer is still cold, I am afraid that he will be alone under the sun…

I thought of Jiraiya’s helpless sigh.

“Naruto, your cultivation will pause for a while, and the place I am going to take you is coming soon. You need to pretend before.”

Naruto body landed and asked: “How to disguise?”

Jiraiya directed: “Can’t reveal your true look, real voice, real everything.”

Naruto speculated: “So it sounds like you want to take me to an illegal underground organization?”

Jiraiya has a serious expression. “It is indeed an underground organization. It is also the largest underground organization in the world. But they are not illegal. On the contrary, are they still legal? Not right… Let’s just say that they are illegal in the open, but in the dark, It is legal because they are underground organizations supported by the five major countries.”

Naruto stunned, and he was the first to hear it.

Do not understand: “What does this organization do?”

Jiraiya Kaidō: “Whatever you do, nature can be understood as mercenaries, intelligence gathering and stealing, businesspeople’s life, goods transactions, etc., as long as you have money, you can achieve your wish, but you can’t do it, you will assassinate the five major countries. Official.”

Naruto: “Is that different from shinobi village?”

Wait, it seems different…

Naruto suddenly wanted to understand some, but he could not assassinate the officials of the five major countries… Then this organization is to protect the officials, or the protection is not shinobi, but it has the power of identity, and the meaning of its existence… checks and balances the village!

At this time Jiraiya replied: “The village is placed on the bright side, and this organization is in the dark, which is equivalent to Anbu in Konoha.”

“But it’s different because this organization does not belong to a single country.”

“In fact, it is a little early for me to let you contact this organization now… You may not understand the existence of this organization now, so when you get to the place, no matter what you see, what you hear, what you see, you don’t talk. Just follow my behind.”

Do not understand? But already understand…

This organization is to maintain the Physique of this World.

Originally Naruto has been unable to figure out why there is shinobi in the world, shinobi also obey the order of the ordinary person, to complete their Quest, to receive commission life.

It seems that this is already a fixed Physique.

The competition on the surface of the five major countries is the competition of the village.

The force grasped the hand of the “shadow” in the head of the village.

The shinobi cultivated in the village, belonging to the private strength of each major country, can assassinate the key and earn the land.

The underground organization is the public strength of the dignitaries, can not be used to earn a share, but can guarantee their own safety.

In short, it is to maintain the class system of the nobility.

Prevent the artificial counter below.

One bright and one dark, one ring and one buckle, the force checks and balances.

Naruto found that this World… looks quite interesting… I don’t know which genius to think of this Physique.

“What is that organization called?”

Jiraiya replied: “Underground exchange.”

PS: This World Physique is not original work, it is Xiaozhao himself, in order to rationalize shinobi World, it is also rich story, expand World.

PS: I hope everyone can like it, at the same time. Since this chapter, there will be many original things that will not be one by one.

PS: However, there are differences. You can leave a message in the book review. It is a book review. It is not the chapter. This chapter says that the small Zhao of the day has the energy to look at it. It will not be turned over by Tenent for a long time (because it is very troublesome…)

The first is to be more ~ ​​start to write the second more… ask for a ticket, monthly ticket, reward, full order 喽~

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