Supreme Naruto

Chapter 154

Tsunade disappeared the third day.

Jiraiya collected the information and saw that Naruto was wearing a heavy-duty corset and a big hammer to exercise the body. For Naruto’s hard work, Jiraiya was in the eye.

It can almost be said that the Shanglian who walked on the road did not forget the cultivation of the madman.

I can’t help but start to talk and ask, “Naruto, are you rushing to get stronger? What are you doing?”

Naruto screamed and made the last hammer.

At the same time, the Chakra net that was shrouded on the ground was removed, and the ground protected by the Chakra net was lost. Under this hammer, a five-meter-diameter hole was directly pulled out.

Naruto took a deep breath.

Retracting the hammer, leaning the hammer on the tree next to it, Kaidō: “I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it yet.”

Jiraiya said unbelief and asked: “How can there be such a big motivation without a goal?”

Naruto took it for granted: “Because it’s too late to think about getting stronger when you need Strength. You don’t even know the simple truth? You are still one of Sannin.”

Naruto’s sentence makes a good statement. Jiraiya is so embarrassed that he can’t refute it.

Naruto then began the practice of merging the Shukaku sorcerer and the Body Technique.

It is the Body Technique move (ing) that is performed while the Shukaku secret is turned on.

A whip leg was pulled out and Naruto’s leg was slit.

Jiraiya looks at Naruto and can’t help but stop the road: “Naruto I teach you the regular Fūton (Wind Release) Ninjutsu.”

Naruto stopped and reminded: “Don’t worship the teacher.”

This sentence is really old-fashioned, and the angry Jiraiya wants to lick the table.

But who makes him jealous…

Ending the anger and nodding his head: “Well… I don’t have to be a teacher, it’s better for me and you to lose to you than speed.”

Naruto is sitting well.

Jiraiya began to explain the theory of the regular security version of Fūton (Wind Release).

After listening to the principle, Naruto interrupted: “Does this transient need a stable Chakra transmission?”

Jiraiya nodded: “Nature, all Ninjutsu needs to have stable control over Chakra, otherwise it will not be able to perform.”


Naruto smashed back with two words, for example: “My multiple shadows don’t need it.”

Jiraiya turned to Byakugan (roll eyes) and said: “That was the ban on the development of the second generation of Hokage, because it is even more dangerous because there is no limit.”

Is it dangerous to have multiple shadows?

Naruto doesn’t feel that it feels very easy to use.

Then asked: “There is no Fūton (Wind Release) blinking that does not require stable control?”

Jiraiya shook head.

Naruto’s determined Kaidō: “Then I don’t learn.”

Why, because it can’t be used together with the eight-door armor.

It is okay to open the first door of the eight-door armor, and the second door Chakra is in a state of riot, let alone Naruto intends to open the third door.

Naruto’s attitude is very determined, and Jiraiya said it is very painful.

Jiraiya teaches: “Then you can’t use your original blink. The blinking effect is a short-term acceleration, a blow to the enemy, or a crucial moment to escape. Your instant surgery is used. The whole body is bleeding, and blood stasis exposes your position in the first time.”

“This way, whether it is to pursue a single blow, or to escape, the effect is greatly reduced.”

Naruto nodded, who has always been obsessed with the child, always thinks that he is reasonable, but agrees: “What you said is very reasonable. The blood-breaking is indeed a big problem for this Ninjutsu.”

Jiraiya thought that Naruto had figured it out, and he said: “Yes, let me learn the version of the sneak peek with me. Your one is completely evil. Maybe one day, a control is not good, you cut your throat. You Just hung up, or cut to the bottom.” Jiraiya saw Naruto’s armpit, eccentric said with a smile: “Then you become a monk.”

However, Naruto shook the head: “I mean, although I know that this technique is flawed, I still have to stick with it because I will find a way to make up for this flaw.”

Jiraiya heard that Naruto hasn’t changed his mind yet, his face is dark, taunted: “Do you think Ninjutsu is so improved? Every Ninjutsu is a long process from formation to perfection, ranging from a year to a dozen years. Some even have the pains of generations.”

Naruto shook the shook head again: “It’s not that troublesome. I already have an idea for the improvement. The guy who called Yakushi Kabuto before me will have a medical Ninjutsu called Yin Yu, who can heal himself instantly. The injury, if I learned it, the blood in the blood is completely trivial.”

Jiraiya glanced, “Do you understand the Ninjutsu?”

Naruto shook head.

Jiraiya brow raised, “So he will teach you?”

Naruto shook head again.

Jiraiya turned over Byakugan (roll eyes) and said: “You improve your fart!”

After the ninth sequel, another person learned to use the adjective as a fart.

Naruto was mocked by Jiraiya, but did not show a sense of shame, but calmly said: “These are not problems. When I worship Tsunade as a teacher, Tsunade adults will teach me.”

Jiraiya screamed: “Don’t say if you can successfully worship Tsunade as a teacher. How do you know that Tsunade will be this Ninjutsu?”

Naruto should have said: “Because Tsunade is the strongest medical shinobi.”

This sentence makes a good statement, Jiraiya said that he can not refute.

And he knows that Tsunade does have that kind of Ninjutsu… It hurts…

By the way, the Ninjutsu seems to have side effects… What is it?

Jiraiya didn’t think about it, but he didn’t want to, and began to envy.

Hey… how can you not?

If you can, Naruto may be on the pole to ask him to be a teacher…

That kind of scene… just think about it, it’s wonderful…

The fact that asking for a teacher is too painful.

But…when it comes back, why didn’t he ask him to worship?

Jiraiya suddenly felt that her liver hurts.

I made a five-second decision: I will not ask him later, and I will not worship.

But then there are some unwillingness…

So entangled…

Jiraiya found that his kidneys started to hurt too…

In the end, it can only be taunted: “That will be said when you succeed in worshiping Tsunade as a teacher.”

Naruto is very confident Kaidō: Tsunade will accept me. ”

Speaking of getting up and going to practice the self-harming Ninjutsu.

Jiraiya was angry and couldn’t help but tsukkomi hit Naruto. “Receive you? How to collect? People have not found it? Or do we go home now? See if Tsunade can come back and take the initiative to accept you as a disciple?”

When I said that I took the initiative to accept you as a disciple, Jiraiya felt that she was somewhat wronged…

But back to Konoha is also impossible, because Jiraiya really does not want to be Hokage.

He feels that he is still young and can collect materials for a few years…

If he returns to the village today, his great ideals will no longer be realized.

His inspiration will be stifled by busy business, and even the novel can’t be written at that time…

Thinking of this Jiraiya couldn’t help but sigh: “Hey…Tsunade, where did this guy go?”

As Naruto inferred, it is no longer possible to ask the casino about the big fat sheep in Legend.

The guy seems to suddenly change his heart and not gamble.

This is in the past, Jiraiya will not believe it anyway, but it has come true today.

And the reason for changing my heart is actually hiding him…

Hey… I’ve got a good heart… Is Tsunade receiving the news and knowing that she is looking for her as Hokage?

Impossible… This is the secret of the village. In addition to the high-rise of the village, he also snarled in front of Naruto…

No! Must find Tsunade!

Jiraiya’s expression suddenly became serious and said to himself: “It’s not… I can only use that method…”

This sentence is not low, and Naruto, who is preparing to continue practicing his own storm, turns his head and said, “You still have a way? What are you waiting for?”

At this moment, a huge eagle suddenly came down from the sky.

The eagle’s neck is tied to Konoha’s guard… This is the symbol of the Konoha Ninja beast.

The eagle stopped in front of Jiraiya, and Jiraiya saw a letter bucket on the giant paw of the eagle.

Take it down is a small Scroll, Scroll unfolds…

As I read the information on the Scroll, Jiraiya’s face, Blood Qi, rushed up and his face turned red, as if with a anger.

There are things!

Naruto: “What’s wrong? What major event happened?”

Jiraiya took a deep breath, and finally the anger turned into a sigh. “Orochimaru took Sasuke out of the village…”

Naruto’s eyelids twitched, said: “Sasuke’s injury is not good, is it tied up now, will not be disabled for life?”

Jiraiya looks at Naruto and turns to Byakugan (roll eyes). “The focus now is on people who are gone, not disabled, but life is gone!”

Jiraiya feels that Naruto is not focusing on it.

But even after Jiraiya corrected it, Naruto felt that disability was the focus.

Because he thinks that Sasuke will not be easily occupied by Orochimaru.

In this same time, Orochimaru’s Base, Yakushi Kabuto gave Sasuke a check on the body and reported to Orochimaru: “Sasuke’s right hand comminuted fracture, plus improper treatment… I am afraid it will be abolished…”

Orochimaru can’t believe his ears. Is there a hand in his own container that is crippled?

What is the difference between changing the body and not changing?

Orochimaru resisted pain and anger, and his voice hoared: “Can you see what was hurt?”

Yakushi Kabuto glanced at the plaster in his hand, bitter with a smile: “I am afraid it is a spiral pill.”

Spiral pill? Was injured by Naruto?

Orochimaru looks at the hand of Yakushi Kabuto: “Are you not curing your own hand?”

Yakushi Kabuto is hesitating for a moment, Kaidō: “My hand can be saved because I am medical shinobi, plus the timely processing…”

Orochimaru interrupted directly: “If you are treating the wound on Sasuke, how many layers do you have?”

Yakushi Kabuto bit his teeth, this is hard to catch the ducks!

Yakushi Kabuto: “Level 1.”

A bit late, but 3000, (forgive me…)

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