Supreme Naruto

Chapter 152

The fight here is in full swing, and Tsunade slips over there…

I don’t know if Naruto knows what it will be.

But here Naruto is playing again…

Yakushi Kabuto… ran away…

Naruto stood in the ruins that he tossed out and was not weaker than the tortoise and the serpent tossing. Silly: “Yes… Yakushi Kabuto, guy…”

Nine-tailed tsukkomi said: “Run early…”

Naruto heard the sound of the nine tails and jokfully said: “Nine Lama teacher, you finally spoke, are you afraid of being cut off by the Jiraiya to find the Spirit link?”

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “There is no cut, just changed to one-way. See you crazy and can’t help but spit a slot.”

In fact, the current nine tails have been very good for Naruto.

Very kind and like a real teacher.

But Naruto still didn’t dare to gamble, if it really got the scene after the key was turned on.

Will it be the strength of the nine-tailed Strength, and the two will work together to die, or is it the first sight?

And, even if the nine tails in the body are on his side, is there another nine tail?

The one who was sealed in Shinigami’s belly, who didn’t know who Naruto was.

At that time, Naruto didn’t think that he could use a cake for a coolie…

Because this matter was very nonsense, Naruto decided to take the initiative in his own hands.

First, the raft can be self-protected in front of the nine tails.

Then he will love the nine tails like the big brother, and he will never bully his own tail with his own strength.

Naruto guarantees with his own personality…

Um… This guarantee is not guaranteed if Sasuke listens, because he believes Naruto is guaranteed by Hinata compared to Naruto’s personality.

Naruto’s personality… Sasuke smiled and didn’t talk.

“Nine Lama teacher, what do you think of my thoughts, spiral pills with Body Technique, is there a kind of incomprehensible spirit?”

Nine-tailed surprises did not continue tsukkomi, but a serious proposal: “Shukaku’s secret technique is more compatible with Body Technique.”

The truth?

Naruto Hollow glanced at Jiraiya, and Jiraiya turned his back to him, and he couldn’t see him at the angle.

Shukaku secret! Storm injury!

Then facing the only standing wall, right whip!

A wind blade crossed Naruto’s arm, Naruto’s arm blood spilled over the blood, and the whip leg turned a lot of blood under the force of the centrifugal force…

But this shot is indeed strong.

The wall is two meters high, half a meter thick and eight meters long.

Naruto swept down the wind and swept through the place, and the contact was swept away, leaving a half-meter thick hole.

Unlike the spiral pill, the wind blade has a stronger penetrating power.

Sweeping your legs across the wall is as simple as cutting a tofu with a knife.

Jiuwei commented: “This trick and the wind blade that you condense on the blade are a reason. When can you concentrate the wind blade, when can the power of this trick be used to the extreme, and then you can continue to compress There is a lot of potential for mining.”

Great mining potential?

Naruto blinked, looking at the pants that had been torn by the wind blade, and the bloody legs in the hole, tsukkomi. “You are sure that this is not a suicide? How do I feel when I concentrate the wind blade, I am right.” Is the leg cut by the wind?”

Nine tails seriously said: “If you change to someone else, I think the result is mostly as you said, but you are different, and your control over Chakra has already surpassed ordinary people.”

Being praised is always a pleasure, especially the nine-tailed antique-level figure.

Naruto is happy to incorporate the project of Shukaku and Body Technique into the future train(ing) project.

“Right, Teacher Lama, can you feel where the people who fought before me are? I think he should be hiding in the ground.”

For Yakushi Kabuto, Naruto did not give up.

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “Is it not on the top of the snake?”

Naruto looked at the snakehead, but didn’t see it. It was a perspective problem. After all, Naruto’s eyes became sharp, but they didn’t see through.

Converging with Orochimaru… this is hard to do…

Although Orochimaru was sealed in the belly of Shinigami by the three generations of Hokage because of the soul of the both hands, it is no longer possible to use Ninjutsu, but Naruto does not think that he will be an opponent of Orochimaru.

He still has self-knowledge about this.

Then the snake head retreat a few meters, Naruto saw the pocket, did not hear what he said, only see the boss hands hand seal followed by “bang!”, a pocket, Orochimaru, and two snakes disappeared in front of you.

“Walk! Jiraiya is so wasteful? I don’t even know when Orochimaru changed into a shadow?”

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “That’s not a shadow.”

Naruto couldn’t believe it. “How did the shadow avatar suddenly disappear?”

Nine tails: “Reverse Kuchiyose no Jutsu.”

Is there this operation? In other words, can Kuchiyose no Jutsu be psychic?

It seems that it is really possible. I hope that Naruto in the development of World will go to Mount Myōboku and it seems to be a psychic past.

I thought of Naruto’s eyes and said to myself: “So Kuchiyose no Jutsu can sign a contract with someone?”

“So if you sign a contract with Hinata…”

Big night…one person…a bed…

Add a psychic technique?

Naruto shook the shook head and braked in time. If he wants to continue, he will probably raise the flag, so the nine tails will feel the strangeness of him.

It will definitely be ridiculed at that time.

If you want to be serious, if you sign up with Sasuke and fight the enemy, Susuke will be summoned and Sasuke will be removed.

This style is still very normal.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu…is interesting…

After the disappearance of Orochimaru, Jiraiya lifted Kuchiyose no Jutsu and came to Naruto’s side. He looked at Naruto’s very cool and ruined pants and asked: “Have you used that Ninjutsu again?”

Naruto repeatedly shook head said: “No, it’s too hot, I put a few holes in my pants.”

The pants that said a wind blade across the left leg were also destroyed into beggar pants…

Jiraiya looked at Naruto with a contemptuous look.

People who have Hyōton (Ice Release) Kekkei Genkai will feel hot, and the letter will be a ghost.

Naruto wit the topic: “This was destroyed like this… Do we want to… run?”

The building here is a group of ancient buildings… now seventy-eight eight eight…

Naruto feels that he can’t afford it…

Jiraiya shook head said: “There is a cause for Orochimaru. If you want to accompany him, he will pay for it. What are we running?”

Naruto: “Hey…”

This sentence makes sense. Naruto feels that he is speechless.

However, my heart did not consciously think of the education of the primary school teacher.

Everything is a matter of two people, because a speech like a slap can’t be heard…

“Orochimaru even appeared in the short book street. It seems that the information you collected by Naruto is true, and Tsunade is indeed here.”

Naruto, the truth, is understandable, but still confused and asked: “What does the relationship have to do with the two?”

Jiraiya explained: “I just played against Orochimaru, his both hands were drooping, Ninjutsu was not used, and the skin of the hands hands was reddish brown with burning marks. I guess it should have been injured by three generations of Hokage adults.”

Referring to the three generations of Hokage, Jiraiya’s mood is somewhat low.

Naruto suddenly realized: “So Orochimaru is also looking for Tsunade to cure?”

Jiraiya nodded, and sighed again. “Go, go to the surrounding casinos, the pubs turn around, and Tsunade can’t do without these two places.”

In the foreign country of fire, two figures are sitting in the carriage, and the upside has already rushed to the country of the earth…

Tsunade disarmed her body, took off the thick clothes and pulled the clothes on her body and fanned the wind: “Call… I suddenly became more relaxed in the country of fire…”

Opposite the muzzle of the dildo in the arms, the peas-eyes at the Tsunade pull clothes, the wind and the wind brought a wave of turbulence…

The piglet’s mouth is flowing out…

I don’t know if it is too pure to think that having milk is a mother, or is it too evil…

The second is to send ~ continue to write three more (three more afternoon, Xiaozhao decided to take a nap ~) to recommend tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, all orders ~ (sell peanuts, melon seeds, drinks, mineral water 喽 ~)

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