Supreme Naruto

Chapter 151

An ancient city made up of blue and black bricks.

The fangs are sorghum, and if the wings are soaring, they are called flying owls.

There are bells under the flying dragonfly, called wind chimes, also called stunned bird bells. Their role is to scare birds.

In order to prevent the swallows from falling in the eaves,

However, with the evolution of the culture of the years, it also has its own meaning, such as good luck…

It is a human habit to impose a special meaning on the original things. There is nothing wrong with this. After all, life always thinks about the good side, and the cruel reality is not to crush people.

But then it was nonsense, and the wind chimes were dragged together with Feng Shui…

Oh, I don’t know if Demons and Gods would feel that the ringtone was too annoying and angered the house…

Of course, these are not important.

The oil paper hanging on the long line of the wind chime is called a short book. The effect is to bear the wind. When the wind blows, the bell rings.

This is the origin of the name of the short book street.

“叮铃铃…” The wind blew on the wind-colored oily paper, the paper swayed and swayed, and the bells were pleasing, in twos and threes, seven or eight eight, or far or near, high or low, as if In line with this special rhythm, this ancient city has added a sense of empty and distant.

It adds a few ancient charms.

But soon this ancient rhyme was replaced by a popping sound.

Maybe it was a ringing bell, and I was shocked by the gods.

So the gods summoned a tens of meters high scorpion, and a few hundred meters long big python, fighting here, by the way the house … smashed…

“Naruto! Didn’t promise me that I don’t need this trick!”

Jiraiya shouted with a scorpion, imposing manner fierce, and even called Chakra, although Naruto didn’t understand that the lion’s lion’s work was a scorpion, but if it was, it should be like this.


The Shukaku secret that Naruto showed scared was not a stagnation.

Yakushi Kabuto seized the opportunity, Chakra began to violently Tremor, Chakra scalpel cut to the tendons of Naruto’s arm.

But Naruto is also medical shinobi. I don’t know his intentions. Fingers slashed at the fingertips and greeted him.

However, the wind blade did not hurt the enemy and scored a bloody mouth on Naruto’s finger.

Naruto has a pain, although Naruto is not afraid of pain, or since she has been voluntarily split, she has already experienced the M-level endurance, but after all, she has ten fingers.

Therefore, this trick seems to be a slick one, but it was collected again.

Body sideways from the right side to avoid the sword of Yakushi Kabuto.

Under the view of the opening of the first door of the eight-door armor, Yakushi Kabuto’s movements, though he is old enough, are fierce and fierce, but they are still not fast.

At the same time Shukaku secret recovery, eight-door armor, second door, the second door of the closed door.

Naruto’s vision has once again strengthened, and his strength is coming out.

Turned to the right foot and landed on the ground, his left leg picked up, and Strength concentrated on the heel of his left leg. After a stroke, he kicked and kicked behind Yakushi Kabuto.


The next moment, Yakushi Kabuto took off under Naruto’s absolute height of 720 kilograms.

Naruto did not pursue.

Instead, I stood in the same place and relished the foot just now.

In fact, Naruto did not practice Body Technique. The foot of the game was completely based on the visual enhancement of the first door of the eight-door armor, and the subconscious counterattack.

Because it just happened to escape, and because the angle is just right.

But after kicking out, Naruto suddenly got a strong satisfaction, his first feeling, and the closeness of the man, so hearty.

One word, “cool!”

Two words, “It’s so cool!”

Three words, “cool explosion!”

The role of force is mutual. In fact, it also hurts itself. Ordinary people will try to avoid it.

But maybe Naruto is really shaking the soul of M suddenly Awakening, he suddenly felt cautious and melee is true love.

More than 720 kilograms of Strength, 1400 pounds, ordinary people are afraid not directly drawn into two, Yakushi Kabuto climbed out of the wall hole and actually just spit a blood.

Then… the wound on the body then healed…

The medical shinobi Talent is definitely stronger than Naruto.

Yakushi Kabuto eyes congestion, gnashing one’s teeth said : “Naruto ……”

Naruto took a deep breath, staring at Yakushi Kabuto with gaze, and disappeared in the next moment.

Right straight punch!


Yakushi Kabuto can’t hide from the boss hands.

This time, Yakushi Kabuto was not drawn, and the prepared Yakushi Kabuto put Chakra on both arms and the whole body blocked the hit forcibly.

Then Naruto mad dog possessed the body, alternating left and right fists, and slammed.

Naruto found that Body Technique was cool, but she still seems a little weak now.

Then, after the left straight punched out, the right hand opened and the fist became a palm. The palm of the hand condensed Chakra, and a large sandbag appeared in the hand.

Spiral pill!


Yakushi Kabuto was once again bombed.

Still spinning and being bombarded.

Kneeling on the wall, it seems that the electric drill usually draws a deep hole.


“Body Technique plus spiral pill, this is the real open style of the spiral pill!”

Naruto was very excited and didn’t take care of Yakushi Kabuto’s life and death, playing a beautiful whip leg in place.

Then, Chakra condenses on the instep and compresses the rotation! A ball appeared on the instep, and a lashing leg kicked on the wall of the short black street, and the ten-meter wall was broken.

Progress forwards, cross kicks, Chakra condenses in the soles of the feet.

Rotate compression.

Another wall was blown open.

Then I sprinkled a few houses.

Jiraiya on the shackles in this situation is a glimpse.

At this same time, perhaps the momentum is too big, attracting two people to look at this side.

Two beautiful girls, one with beige hair, a double ponytail, a bold V-shaped open-breasted blouse, a black short-haired dress, and a pig with a necklace in his hand.

The two looked at each other and the girl with the pink piglet was wearing a sexy and glamorous girl next to her: “I met Jiraiya and Orochimaru-sama, and Tsunasade, are we going to pass?”

It is fascinating, mainly because there is a purple mark on the girl’s eyebrow.

If the purple mark is blocked, the face is still pure and lovely.

In the front, the beige hair is hanging on the cheeks, the face of the goose egg, the skin is white, the little nose, the brown hair like a water-cut, and the long eyelashes…

No… I have to change the lip gloss of purple to a girl powder to be cute.

In front of me… still more glamorous.

It’s not right… I have to change my V-shirt to my bra…

Um… that can be called a child’s face jv milk.

But this person is called Tsunade…

Tsunade, one of Sannin, and Tsunade, the same age as Orochimaru Jiraiya.

Her age is said, Naruto wants to call grandma?

However, when Naruto sees people, the shameless character of selling and selling is mostly called elder sister.

And there will be a channel, because it looks like XIXX years old, so it is called elder sister.

Tsunade thought for a long time and turned to mute: “Silent, I just won three first prizes.”

Silent nodded praise: “This is a great event for you.”

Um…Tsunade’s luck is silent. If you don’t run every time, you will definitely lose your pants.

Tsunade looks dignified: “I have a bad feeling.”

The silent pigs squeezed the eyes of the peas and smashed them.

Tsunade indulged for a moment and made a decision: “The two of them are about the same strength, there is no gap between life and death, so I think we still don’t want to go out.”

Silent blink of an eye: “Then we didn’t see it back to the hotel?”

Tsunade shook head said: “No! We have to leave this, the farther we leave, the better.”

Silent and dolphin look at each other: “Where?”

Tsunade said seriously: “Where is it going, um… the country of the land looks good… enough far enough.”

The two quietly left.

Walked into an alley and then changed his head.

Tsunade became an uncle, and mute became a mother, and the piglet dolphins in her hands were wrapped around her arms as if they were holding babies.


I would like to ask for a ticket, a monthly ticket, a reward, a full reservation~ Thank you for the reward of “90 after the bachelor”. After you finally changed your name, you don’t have to call you a bunch of numbers. (Funny) I wish you a big, goodbye. Five-finger girl, holding a flower girl (funny…), thanking “Happy 1”, “Calcium hydroxylate”, “Call me”, the rewards of the big guys~ Big guys, handsome!

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